Monday, October 25, 2010


Two hundred million dollars or more has been spent in California alone! That accounts for a lot of TV time. It begs the question, what do you fill the time with? Well, lies work. If you repeat a lie enough times it is perceived as truth. With that kind of budget any lie can become truth. There have been some doozies.

The more money you have the bigger the lies can be. Where is this money coming from? Personal wealth – that makes the idea that someone is running for the good of the people suspect. Why would anyone spend $140 million dollars for a job that is thankless – ask Arnold! Another candidate wants to spend time in Washington in a job that she is uniquely unqualified for – could not even stay as part of a presidential campaign –ask John McCain.

Some the ads are amazing. The images are so polarizing and so vivid, a person just visiting California for the first time would think Los Angeles is a shanty town. Come on! That does not pass the believability test, but show it enough times, I would be scavenging for more cardboard for my roof.

The bigger question is who is paying for these ads? We know the candidates are paying for some. But Citizens for a Better Yesterday or the Committee for New Blood, or the Council of Yellow Flowers are just some for the fictitious groups (I made them up because I couldn’t remember them all) – who are these people and where do they come from? Where is the enormous amount of money coming from? Aren’t we in a down economy – who has that kind of money? What company or what country?

A gubernatorial candidate has been likened to George Washington – she does have a resemblance – no doubt about it. She has also been likened to Pinocchio – she does have a resemblance, no doubt about it.

One senatorial candidate is made to look very old – her lines are showing. I guess if you don’t use Botox to dull the brain and get rid of wrinkles, you are not worthy. Did you see the eye brows on Jerry Brown? That photo could have been Andy Rooney! PhotoShop is great. Now you if could only add candor and veracity with PhotoShop.

My favorite is the side by side comments by Whitman and Schwarzenegger are classic. The same words, different mouth, different time, different day! One trick ponies with the same script. I do believe that Carly will create jobs so she can find a way to offshore them – that will be her export policy. As both the governor and the hopeful governor have said doing the same things over and over again leads to insanity (or something like that). Listening to these ads will also lead to insanity. That is where the DVR comes in – just fast forward!