Wednesday, November 2, 2011


According to Rush Limbaugh we are now embarking on Class Warfare because the president proposed that the people making a million a year pay 3% more in taxes. Now them there are fightin’ words! You millionaires better reinforce your property gates and the doors to the vaults as ”they” are acomin’ fer ya!

Leave it to Rush to put the spin on this so us poor people look like revolutionaries. I see images from the play Les Miserables playing out in the streets. What are “poor” people? Who are the “poor” people? We are, those of us making less than $1 million a year. Guess I am very poor!

Now the argument goes that many people don’t pay taxes. Yep, they don’t make enough to pay any. Just like Exxon-Mobil. They are sooo poor that even though their profits are in the several BILLIONS, they pay nothing – nada – no taxes – but they do get refunds and subsidies in the $4 BILLION range. Poor guys, they were hoping for more – they may have to go on food stamps. Who is paying that refund – we are – the bottom 99%.

Everyone pays taxes. Try to buy a Slurpee at 7-11 and not pay sales tax. The transient that lives on the street and goes into Starbucks for some hot coffee – he pays taxes. Check out how many taxes are in the price of a gallon gas. Not everyone pays income taxes, but everyone pays taxes. Get a meaningless job and a W2, you are tagged with FICA taxes – no matter how many “dependents” you claim, FICA is still paid.

No one wants to pay taxes, but asking the very wealthiest of the country to pay just a little more is not class warfare – it is just asking for them to pay their fair share to protect what they have. I guess it is not class warfare to ask the poorest of the country to pay to protect the wealthy – it is just aristocracy – like it was in the 19th Century England.

According to this Supreme Court, money is speech – so the more you have the louder you speak. That is why the top 1% is so much louder than the bottom 99%.

Did you hear the story of the franchise owner from Arkansas? He testified that he does $6 million a year in business. He has to feed his family and that costs $200,000 a year. He deducts that from his salary of $600,000 a year leaving only $5.4 million to pay 500 employees. What a great guy – he pays his employees a whopping $5.19 an hour. Is he is to be believed? His family gets to eat on a measly $4000 a week! With the other $400,000 he gets to enjoy his life. The sacrifices this guy has to make – makes you wanna cry!

He is a “job creator.” He creates poverty level employees. He is a “class warfare” creator. He is just lucky that the foot soldiers of this war do not carry guns – they carry signs, they carry time cards and they get to wear paper hats and smiles when they say, “Welcome to . . . !”

It is tiring to hear these billionaires crying that they have to pay taxes. I pay my fair share and I am confident that the top 1% pay proportionately less than I do. Ask Warren Buffett, he’ll tell you how he pays less taxes than his secretary. Mr. Buffett sees the inequity in the system. He wants to pay more. In fact, most people who are earning in the millions are willing to pay more, but the cadre of Congress people want to protect the wealthiest Americans to protect themselves. Ask Eric or John or Mitch – these legislators are protecting the” job creators” that haven’t created any jobs except those that attend to their lawns. (And many are illegals – just ask Romney and he is “running for office for Pete’s sake.”)

The bottom 99% is getting louder every day. We are hearing them across the country and yes, the world. The problem is that the public safety workers don’t realize that they are a large part of the 99%! Cops, fire, health workers and other public employees are going to lose their ability to collectively bargain – whose doing that to them – the 1% people.

Our society is being reflected in the political landscape – just two political parties and now just two classes – those that have and those of us that will have to give more to those that have. As stated by George W. Bush, the 1% is made up of “those that have and those that have more.”

That is my take – you decide.

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