Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I wrote a blog in February of 2011 regarding my optimism for the people of Egypt. Now I am not so sure. I have heard so much about the factions that want to rule Egypt and the bottom line is that the military still rules and it appears that will continue. Coptic Egyptians are facing even more problems.

While I was in Egypt I heard about the Muslim brotherhood that everyone here feared but the Egyptians I spoke with claimed they were a group of older men that were not relevant any longer. From what I can see and read they are being held back by the existing ruling forces.

The people I met in Egypt were somewhat moderate in their religious behavior. Many women told me that the wear the hijab to pray but in downtown they dress  like westerners. They want to look modern, eat at McDonalds, Pizza Hut or KFC. Those are the big three eateries, and they are everywhere. On any balmy evening you can see Egyptians out for a strole along the promenade that parallels the Nile. There are also some fabulous night clubs and restaurants along the promenade as well. These people will not put up with a religious government with fashion police and other restrictions that we see in other Islamic countries. Yet, nothing  really has happened since the revolution.

Tourism is their greatest source of income and tourism has really shrunk since the revolution and nothing appears to be happening to revive that business. Believe me, I spent two solid weeks there last time I visited and I only tried and see the stuff I missed on my first visit and I didn't see it all this time. Tourists were coming from all over the world. China, Eastern Europe, South America, North America and yes, Israel. The first time I visited Egypt was more than 23 years ago. When you check into a hotel you must present a passport. The couple in front of us presented and Israeli passport.

Tours have been cancelled, suspended or postponed from all countries. Now I read where the Egyptian government is suspending the natural gas agreement with Israel- their biggest customer. So, more revenues lost. I have no idea if they are importing arms, but if they are it appears that they are aiming for their foot. Where is the money coming from?

During the uprising a year ago there was no anti Israeli sentiment in the streets. So why now? Instead of taking responsibility for creating a better society the military government is diverting the attention of the people away from what is happening. Keep the power at any cost and the people are not doing much about it. That is why my optimism is waning for these good people.

HOWEVER, as I am writing this article I got this clip from my Egyptian friend's FaceBook page:

In surprise, breaking down all the statements pro that came out after the announcement of the decision to stop exporting gas to Israel, said Dr. Faiza Abul-Naga, Minister of International Cooperation, that the Egyptian company exporting gas to Tel Aviv, informed the Israeli side willing to negotiate and sign a new contract to export gas .

There remains a photo of a young woman being dragged through the streets on her page. We have to be vigilant and keep an eye on what is happening over there.

That is my take - you decide.