Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The killing of Osama Ben Laden, saving the auto industry – all accomplishments of this president. His rival says he wudda and cudda dun dat. Yeah, right!! How many of us would have the cool to make these decisions when everyone is saying don’t do it. Mr. Romney said, “Let Detroit Die.” Now he wants to take credit for his ideas when his idea was singular – let it die. He wudda dun dat.

Why you ask? Because he wanted his buddies to buy the auto companies while in bankruptcy for pennies on the dollar and then sell off the pieces one by one to make billions in profits.  A car’s parts are worth more than they are when they are part of the car. Mr. Romney knows that and he was applying the same principle. But his Pep Boys are the “vulture capitalists.” If he cudda dun dat, then we would have no auto industry and he would love that because there would be no unions (and I am not a union man), no jobs an everyone that was a worker in that industry would be beholding to the olergarchists for food, for health care, for shelter (next up) and for education. And it would not be cheap. Do you recall (if you don’t, Google it ) Tennessee Ernie Ford’s song, Sixteen Tons.  The lyrics point out that the workers owed their souls to the company store. All these displaced workers would be “loading coal.”

That is what Mr. Romney and his buddies on Wall Street wanted to accomplish. What about mortgage adjustments? Mr. Romney said let them go into foreclosure and then his buddies would buy the house for whatever the banks will take and they know all the guys at the banks. That assures them of getting a really good deal on these homes and then renting them back to the former owners. He never said what the rents would be but they definitely would reflect the market and rents would  surely escalate. Keep in mind, if the mortgage got adjusted (which he is against) then the owner’s cost would be stable for length of the mortgage. So, under his plan the renters would be paying the “company store.” He claimed that the people could stay in their homes. True, till Company got a buyer that would create a profitable transaction for the company store. Mr. Romney cudda dun it – but this president spent money so the banks could adjust mortgages. The fact that banks are slow to do so is because they are waiting to see if their guy gets in and then the company store takes over!

Afte r reading the accounts of the raid on Ben Laden’s compound, this president had to have batesem (Yiddish term) as large as bowling balls. Mr. Romney does not have the courage of his own convictions. Look how many time he changed positions. He once claimed that he was better for the Gay Community than Ted Kennedy. Romney may have said that after Ted Kennedy died – but I don’t think so. The Gay Community doesn’t think so. He’s got no batesem. But he said he cudda dun it – get Ben Laden. Remember the image of President Bush in his flight suit landing on the carrier. He had batesem, we could all see them, but he didn’t get Ben Laden.

You need courage, confidence and have a strong set of character attributes to do what this president did in getting Ben Laden. Mr. Romney wuddinta, cuddinta dun it.

He reminds me of the kids on the playground when another kids hits a homer or scores a basket. The jealous kids all say they could have done that  - even better! The jealous kids haven’t the skills to do it bette r – they are not even in the game. So, all they can do is sit on the sidelines – make snide remarks, be critical, down play the accomplishment because they are not capable of being in the game. They are the ones that have their hands raised before the game yelling “Pick me!”  They are don’t get into the game and are not in the game. Neither is Mr. Romney in the game. He should stay on the sidelines.

So, now you know where I stand. I was hoping for a better candidate than Mr. Romney with better ideas  than I cudda and wudda dun dat! It is disappointing that he is considered the best and brightest that the party not in power could offer up.  I was hoping for a real choice. That didn’t happen this time. Not that I am enamored with this president but Mr. Romney can’t stand in his shadow. For whatever you think of this president he is consistent, he is courageous and he has the courage of his convictions. I can’t find any example where any of these adjectives would apply to Mr. Romney.

That is my take – you decide!