Wednesday, June 27, 2012


As I watched these weather related catastrophes I often wondered how people started over. Where do you start when starting over? I guess they start by rebuilding their homes. As I had a custom home built a number of years ago, the devil is the details – all of the little things that make a house a home. We rarely give any thought to the switch on the wall that turns our lights on. Now you had better give it some thought as there are so many styles to choose from and yes, even colors are important. See what I am talking about?

Recently, due a change in status I had to make these decisions regarding rebuilding a home. I was sort of in a hurry to get started so I got one of those ready-made homes that you read about in the Sunday newspaper – heck, you may already live in one! It is hard to build just one townhome so I bought one that was already built in the area that I wanted to live. Trauma of building a pool, landscaping and all those details were attacked long before I got here – thankfully! So, my ready-made came with a garage, three bedrooms and 2.5 baths (how do you take a half of a bath?) Add the living room, the dining area, kitchen and the den; you have a pretty good ready-made! At this point the ready-made has an echo as there is nothing in it to absorb sound.
Furniture! That will absorb sound. Furniture will also provide something to sleep on, something to eat on something to store all the stuff you need to yet get, something to sit and something just for show!
Also, if you are building an office in the ready-made you will need office furniture. The office furniture is in your home so it has to be on the same quality and styling as the rest of the furniture. But there is an out.  Be eclectic! That is what you say when  nothing matches – I am not  eclectic, I am an independent.

Now the furniture comes like a tidal wave of deliveries. Put that here, those over there, etc. And then there is the furniture that so supposed to fill a room and comes in a very small box – with instructions, screws and an allen wrench. All that stuff went back, when I buy furniture I want to use it not have a hobby of putting it together – although I must admit that I did put some things together. Power screw drivers help!

Now you need kitchen tools and utensils. I even bought pots and pans like I was going to cook anything! Actually I do coo:  toast, coffee, cantaloupe (oh, that you just have cut up – so I need some sharp knives) and believe it or not some other not so tasty dishes like left over Chinese food. That has to be reheated on a stove that makes my computer look simple!

Getting all this stuff is either fun or torture. As I walked through Bed, Bath and Beyond I just went up and down the isles taking one of each. I edited my purchases at the checkout counter when the clerk asked do I really want these? “I have a coupon,” I told her! For 20% off how can I go wrong? You can if you bought baby blankets – they were so much cheaper than the ones that would fit on my bed! A thousand dollar worth of stuff with hand full of these blue and white coupons the clerk put it all one bag. You see, a family of four could live in that bag.

So, here I am putting away the pudding cups, the potato peelers, the strainer, the vegetable steamer, the measuring cups and the meat thermometer and realizing that I need pudding, meat and potatoes I headed off to the supermarket! Eggs I bought at Costco because I always buy eggs at Costco and tuna fish and liquor! I almost forgot, I bought a washer and dryer so detergent, which I always buy at Costco, was on the list, too!
I discovered a supermarket within three minutes driving time. I became a member of their organization so I can reap the best prices and they can track my spending habits. That is OK! When you are buying broccoli what are you trying to hide? My supermarket has no idea that I bought liquor at Costco and Costco doesn’t require a membership – oops!

Once again, it was down each isle taking one of everything – almost everything as food items are much more familiar to me than utensils. As I was pondering what to buy a little devil on my shoulder kept urging me on – buy this, buy that it may not be good for you but it will be delicious. I resisted the temptations in about 90%of the cases. I am only human!

Starting over is not fun – it is a challenge. I guess it would have been more of a challenge had I not chosen to get a ready-made. Even if you get a ready-made make sure you have a hammer, the power screw driver, laser level, picture hanging stuff and enough liquor from Costco to get you through it all!
That was and is my ongoing experience - NOTHING MORE TO DECIDE!