Saturday, June 15, 2013


There is a war on women in this country from the far right, near right or just “the right.” These oversight committees of Congress are a bunch of old white guys that want to curtail the use of women’s reproductive equipment. All 12 of them are WASPs in the worst sense. These guys that you voted in and I am speaking to women here, because had you not voted for them they would be home causing you no harm. But you did and they are on the march to take your reproductive rights and smash them in the interest of maintaining their creds with the religious right of this country. Amen, brother and sister!
I also recently wrote about how I really like religion regarding the customs that brings families together, creates memories and in some case real comfort to those that need comforting. I was not relating this to violent religions that kill for the sake of the belief, or kill for the sake of their teachings. I am a believer in the ethics of modern Judeo-Christian ethics. The far right or religious right in this country have created a jihad against women. I use the term “jihad” because it fits. One group warring against another because of beliefs. That group warring is the Congressional committee, the governors and other elected officials that want to impose their will on a specific category of humans – women.
March of 2012 I wrote the blog “Women Must revolt With a Vote.” That idea is still valid – more so now than ever before. There are 23 Republicans, 22 are men and a lone woman. All are white. Nuff sed!
In Wisconsin the governor is about to sign a bill into law  - The state Assembly has approved a Republican bill that would require women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound of the fetus.

The measure would require the ultrasound and the technician to point out the fetus' features and organs. The bill also would prohibit doctors from performing abortions unless he or she has admitting privileges in a hospital within 30 miles.  Don’t take my word for it click on the URL.

After Gov. Rick Perry called on the special legislative session to consider new abortion laws, Sen. Glen Hegar, R-Katy, laid out an omnibus bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks, allowing abortions only in surgical facilities and placing greater restrictions on abortion-inducing medications.

Anti-abortion groups have tremendous influence over conservative Republicans and they have made these bills a priority across the nation. Abortion rights groups complain the new laws are nothing more than additional barriers to women obtaining an abortion and could shut down 90 percent of the abortion clinics in the state. That would down to one clinic for every 56,000 square miles.  Some republican governors would ban abortions after six weeks. Heck, some women wouldn’t even know if they were pregnant. Am I pro-abortion, no. Am I anti -abortion, no. I am for women’s rights, the rights of my daughters and granddaughters, yes.

The hue and cry was that the government was coming for your guns. That was patently a lie and untrue in any sense – they are coming for your womb!

I Arkansas it is against the law after just 20 weeks.  Further, the laws state that a woman must get and pay for a sonogram. The woman must be shown the fingers, toes, and other parts of the fetus before an abortion can be performed. Now they are dipping into your pocket. The war gets worse: From CNN we get this report, What is being called the nation's toughest anti-abortion measure -- a law that bans most abortions after six weeks, when a fetal heartbeat can be first detected -- was signed into law on Tuesday by North Dakota's governor. AND  It does not allow for an abortion in the case of rape or incest, according to Democratic state Sen. Jim Dotzenrod, who voted against the bill.

Roe v. Wade is settled law and the law of the land. But putting people back to work, rebuilding our infrastructure that all takes a back seat to abortion legislation. I can’t believe that I am writing about this again. I have only known two women that ever had an abortion. I have known and met thousands during my life time. I do not condone it and I do not deny women the right to it. I am appalled and against anything that is religiously based to impose restrictions on someone’s freedom to choose. One presidential contender even said that the Bible should replace the Constitution.  Huckabee is still on the air spewing this nonsense.

Women of America, you have the vote. The budget deficit isn’t going to kill you or take away rights. The non-scandals we have experienced lately won’t impose restrictions on your rights or freedoms,  but these guys will do both – they will find a way to kill you with either a back alley abortion or let you go to term with a defective fetus. They are coming for your womb.

That is my take, you decide.