Tuesday, October 8, 2013


From the start of the Obama administration it became clear that the opposition had one thing in mind: Cause this President to fail! It wasn’t a secret. McConnell said it out loud and repeatedly. Limbaugh the unofficial wind bag of the Republican Party said it on the radio so many times he should have paid for commercial time. Why do we wonder why this is the case? we know why. Just go back and play the movie Blazing Saddles again. You will see a scene where Mel Brooks plays an Indian Chief. He asked a simple question of the sheriff met on the prairie. That is the same question that the right of this country asks every day.
Here is the problem with their tactics. We all know the strategy: Cause the country fail, make the country look weak, make the country poorer, blame President Obama. – and the Democrats. Then they, the ultra right wing of the less than Grand Old Party can win by riding in on their white horse to save the day. They will be the messiahs of the USA. The mantra that the US failed under the watch of Obama and we are here to save the day. It is like killing your parents and pleading with the judge to go easy on you because you are an orphan. They are killing our country and will then want us to accept them as the savior. We had this philosophy in Vietnam – destroy the village in order so we can save it.
If we fail economically and they, the right, wants that so they can abolish SNAP, Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment benefits so they can save them. Of course, the result will be catastrophic to those that need these services. But the result will create an oligarchy where they control who gets what and if who gets it, when? “We took the United States from deadbeat to a great credit rating,” (by letting the US default).  The right is a hero!! The debt ceiling is not a political issue, I guess now it is.

Look at the Affordable Healthcare Act and how they hate that the citizens of this country, under a free market program, will benefit and the benefits already in place as law, 30 million people – some actually Republicans. If the AHCA becomes part of our social fabric then the right loses the argument that no one wants it. Actually, we do want it. A recent poll suggests that no one wants Obama Care but they do like the AHCA. Huh? Amazing what disinformation can do. The web sites that explained, and enrolled people crashed from underuse? The right is the master of providing disinformation. The AHCA is a target because they can’t rescue something that isn’t drowning as Grover Norquist would like to do. They love the country, but the people, well that is another matter.

Even Ronald Regan thought that Medicare was the end of our freedom as we know it at the time. He later saw that it was a good thing for the country and then supported it. Same rhetoric then as now, but Regan had no target such as the president, to destroy. The let them eat cake philosophy is a major profanity that should shake all of our senses. But to the small faction called the TEA Party, they care not. They want the US to fail so that they can rebuild our arsenals and support the Military Industrial Complex. Our defense budget isn’t big enough – just bigger than the next nine countries combined including Russia, they say or will say we need more! And who will be asked to pay for it?
The president presented solutions to major problems that reflect the right. AHCA is a product of the Heritage Foundation that the right supported until Obama adopted it. Then it became “Socialism.” Many of the programs and policies that this president offered were from the right and now they are “liberal.”
Remember the three major scandals, Libya, IRS and the AP? The non-scandals. They are on the shelf with so many other bloviated messages that went nowhere because they weren’t scandalous but the attempted exploitation of them was scandalous.
The best line was “leading from behind.” The operative word is “leading.” The word “behind” is where they got the term. Quadaffi is a distant memory. The Somali pirates that this president ordered to be killed is now characterized by the right as “black on black” crime. Obama took the shot. That is leadership. Ask Ben Laden how he felt by the order that President Obama put out, oh, he can’t he is dead. This president says what he means and means what he says. That is aggravating the right. Syria capitulated on chemical weapons. Who was it that twisted Putin’s arm? The outcome was what was on this president’s mind, not the glory of the moment.  President Obama wants this country to succeed. For all of us citizens, failure cannot be an option or a strategy or a tactic.
Time to take back our government. Do it with ballot box. Next year is the year. Think what you are risking by believing the sound bites you hear. Remember the “terrorist fist bump” and where that came from? I must have experienced more than one hundred fist bumps at the Dodger game from strangers. Not one was a terrorist, they were Dodger fans.
That is my take – you decide.