Wednesday, January 21, 2015


So, after many years and reading the transcripts of the sessions my son and daughters had with their medium, I decided to go with my younger daughter. Not a special trip, but if she was going I would go with her. I am curious. My daughter has reported to me many events that have to be paranormal. Not only her experiences but also my grandson’s experiences.

Here is how it started:  A cousin of ours through marriage passed away at an very young age but not as young as my late wife. Her daughter went to the psychic and got a lot of information that made her feel more comfortable with the loss of her mother. The psychic bug hit the family big time. Both of my daughters went and my son with them. They even did a TV show with a psychic. They have reported paranormal events in their homes. They are convinced that their mother and other departed family members are with them from time to time. The people that are with them all had very strong personalities in life especially my late wife. She had some kind of psychic talent that she was frankly, in fear of. She predicted that the Dodgers would win ten games and go into first place one summer. The Dodgers did win ten games. No, we did not bet on her prediction.

On the day she died I suspect she saw her imminent death as she said to me, “ I don’t want to die today.” Knowing that she had some psychic ability, that comment shook me up. There was nothing I could do to change the events of that day. As the day progressed she looked and felt better so the event of several hours later did come as a shock. If in fact, if that is what she saw, I wish she had told me more.

Of all the children and grandchildren just two have displayed their psychic ability, to my knowledge. Most, including me have some paranormal experience. Mine came when my oldest daughter was going into labor and I tried to get up out of the seat. As I was about leave the room a hand on my shoulder held me down, twice. I asked if I could stay in the room and they said yes.

Then there was the photos from my younger daughter’s wedding. We put out disposable cameras (before digital) and had the guests take photos of their table mates and other activities going on. There  were light streaks on many of the photos. Those streaks could not come from light leaks in the cameras as part of the image would be blackened or whited out. Not these, they were curvy streaks as the light source was recorded on the film. The photo of me making a toast was not a good photo as there was a great deal of light from behind me. As a photographer, I know never to shoot into a mirror with a flash. There was no mirror behind me and I asked the photographer what happened. He was at loss for words as he never experienced that kind of light in a photo.

OK, so we all had more than one event that is spooky. Even during the wedding ceremony that was held outdoors, there were recorded sound s “from the wind” that almost sounded like words.

The cousin I had talked about earlier, gave birth to a little boy. At the circumcision ceremony the baby’s uncle and I were standing near the front door to get some needed fresh air. While observing the ceremony, the doorbell rang. All we had to do to see who rang the bell was to turn our head slightly. We did. There was no one there – that we could see. The rear door of the house had no doorbell. The doorbell  rang twice. I am sort of a skeptic.  So, later today I will experience the psychic and all that it entails. The next paragraph you will read will be a report of that experience. I am a skeptic, a nervous  skeptic.


It was an interesting  70 minutes. When I walked in the door the medium said to me you have longevity. That was great to hear and I am hoping that she is right. She even said that I will be a great-grandfather, but she didn’t say when and I didn’t ask. That would be wonderful in the proper time element. The first thing she said was that there were many people that wanted to get through to me that the room was filled of those that passed and wanted to connect with me. I was flattered, but still skeptical.

My mother was the first to get to “communicate.”  That would be typical of her. Other people important in my life were there and passing their messages through. As I mentioned earlier, my late wife had psychic ability but was fearful of it. In death she is using it to get through to me. She had appeared in some dreams – very real dreams. According to the psychic, my late wife is with my mother, father and my aunt. My mother and my wife also shared two skills – one had it and the other needed it – baking. So, I said I said to my daughter, bake some of grandma’s great brownies while she “visits” you in the kitchen.

The medium knew that my father’s parents came to the US through Canada – Montreal to be exact.

My grandmother, Rose was there and I have hardly ever mentioned her in my lifetime. But the medium knew about Rose.

I am not going to talk about the entire session - my daughter typed up three pages of notes. She revealed some very interesting and accurate information about me and my life, about my children and grandchildren.

Am I still skeptical?  Yes, to a degree but not as much as before. I don’t recall my past lives, fighting at the battle of Shiloh, being a politician and other things over the years and centuries. It appears that I have a connection to China. We did have an ancestor that was Mongolian.

There were an abundance of facts that she could not know and many escaped the memory cells in my mind. My late wife was there with her (our) dog, Marshmallow (she didn’t have the dog’s name but did have the description right on).

Then I asked what is it like in “heaven.” It appears to be a parallel world with people taking on the appearance that they liked during their life time on earth. What year would you choose? My late wife chose about 27 and she was really beautiful then as she was her whole life.

In heaven they have communities, hair dressers, home with gardens, health centers – a working world. It sounds wonderful as these are the things we would want for our families and family members that passed on. My late wife would not think of dying without having a hairdresser and manicurist waiting for her there!

Is it an infinite afterlife? Her are my thoughts on this if it does exist and I believe that it may. All these facts are buried in our minds and revealed in such way to create an afterlife. That afterlife lives in us as long as we live. When we are no longer living we no longer have the memories and they die with us. The key here is that the connection is between a living person and one who has passed.

I did feel better after having that session. I learned that what I would want for my deceased family members I what I want for them in life: health, tranquility and happiness. It appears they have it in their “heaven.”

Would I go again? Probably not because I got want I wanted this time. To know that my loved ones are still with me – somehow.

That is my take – you decide.