Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Every so often I log onto my own blog to see what I wrote and when I wrote it. I also check, for purposes of ego, the number of hits that the blog has gotten. If my blog was a book it definitely would not be a best seller, but seeing 6666 hits to date – that is an ego builder. Then I recalled that I am just three months shy of doing this for five years. Still, I am flattered by the attention.
The bug to write something comes the night before I sit down to write as a result of the bug in my ear. I have passed up on the opportunities to write about specific subjects of the day because I felt that I could not so them any justice – I didn’t know enough to write about them. Some subjects, even though I was lacking, I still wrote about the as I was emotionally charged with the matter.
ISIL comes to mind. They are horrifying beings. They are not human. Not since the Holocaust has any group been so terrifying, so cold, so uncaring so, inhuman, so off the track of compassion as these miserable creatures and the people they inspire to do like acts in different places. They seem to be winning a war but losing the sympathy for their program, whatever that is. Maybe the Middle Eastern countries will get mad enough to take this cancer out of existence. So far they only react when it becomes local to them. For example, Egypt just got angry over the beheading of their people in Libya. Jordan reacted when a Jordanian pilot was executed by fire. When will the Saudis step up? When will Lebanon step up – this is their fight. But most of these governments support the terrorism. They claim it is private money that supports them.
Now we have the problem of Iran. I watched Jon Stewart react to the speech given by the Israeli Prime Minister. He illustrated, through archived videos, that the PM is always crying wolf. Every year for the past nine years or more, Iran “is just one year away from getting the bomb.” Yes, Iran has threatened the State of Israel and the United States. Is it true intention or bloviating? The Israeli Prime Minister also called for us to invade Iraq. When Saddam is gone the Middle East will change. AND DID IT CHANGE!
We had no good reason to go to Iraq and get more than 5000 young Americans killed and even more maimed or psychologically injured. Even in retrospect there is still no good reason for our Iraqi invasion. In a few days I am leaving for Vietnam. Vietnam, where 56,000 plus young Americans lost their lives and even more maimed or psychologically injured. What does the Israeli PM want? Another 50,000 or more young Americans to lose their lives over something that has not been proven. Remember the WMDs?
History told us he and ‘W” were wrong on Iraq. I believe that Bibi believes what he is saying. Israel is in the middle of a very hostile area. They live with the possibility of death and annihilation every day.  I love Israel and have visited the county many times. The Israeli people are unique in the way they handle the day to day threat. They are strong and the PM wants to preserve the state and protect his people. I get that. How many times can you cry they are a year away from the bomb?
In his speech he gave no new ideas as to work with this problem. He slapped my president in the face, poked him in the eye and doing so tried to diminish the strength of our Commander in Chief. He belittled the effort to work with Iran. As I said when George Bush stood on the rubble of the World Trade Center on 9-12-91, “he is not my guy, but he is my president.”  Bibi has no political standing in MY country.  He is scared but he has been consistently wrong.
I am an American Jew – in that order. Were I a citizen of another country I am not sure that I could express my self regarding Israel the way I do. I love Israel and want to preserve it, nurture the country, support the country, protect the country, but I cannot put the jeopardy of the U.S. in harms way to do that.
Having my grandchildren become Bah or Bat Mitzvah in Israel would be a blessing beyond words. But to have them face being in a war just a few short years later because of the fear of Iran by Bibi, that would break my heart.
I have a blue pushke in my house as I have had since I can recall – even before the State of Israel was born. But I live here. To have a foreign leader come to my country, insult my president is too much. And he did it knowing that the invitation was a political maneuver by a weak Speaker of the House. The weakest I have ever seen. He is no leader, a good haircut and strange tan does not a leader make.
What is the answer? I have no idea. I do now that I have seen enough body bags as a result of bad decisions of our leadership. Iraq and Vietnam come to mind. Do we need another bad decision because Bibi says so? Or because McCain wants to go to war? Or because the ultra right wing wants to go to war? Thank powers to be that we have a civilian as our Commander In Chief. The right is always talking about what the Founding Fathers wanted. Why can’t they wrap their head around that the CIC is not a general?
I just read a rhetorical question in the Jewish Journal “are you still happy with Obama?” Yes, the body bag count is way down, the market is way up and the the economic leader of the world. 

That is my take, you decide.