Friday, August 14, 2015


I am watching the Bozo Bus and it is hilarious. There are 17 clowns on the bus and each one has a different make up. But they are all unique and not so unique at the same time. We have the youngster just out of knee pants in Rubio. We have the sinister hit man with that I am gonna kill ya look in Cruz. But to look nice he is having everyone over for tea. Should be a nice party. We got two east coast bullies: one New Jersey style carrying more pizza than a pizza delivery kid but it is all internal and the other has the same amount of wind speed as hurricane Sandy - that was huuuuuge! Can’t wait till he gets to Carly.

The cowboy from Texas who cannot pay his staff because he paid too much for the glasses that are supposed to make him look intelligent - they fail. Then there is the other cowboy's brother who should have listened to his mother. The little guy with the cute curls who has no idea as to where he stands on any issue. The chubby pastor from Arkansas who seems to be getting bigger daily – maybe he is carrying too many bibles in this belt. Or, too many dinners with Christie.

 Then there is Lindsey. He can’t make even the other shoe drop. He wants war but he wants other people’s kids to fight it. He never had any of his own – hmmmm! California cookiness cannot be ignored. We have a tall lady with that telephone operator look and attitude.  She has the distinction of taking a very successful company and ,making it less so. Oh, Carly, you lost so many elections and a major business, being snarky now won’t get you the next one. Trump is looking for you.

It is Howdy Doody time. Mr. Jindal wants to do to the US what he has done to Louisiana. Keep it near the bottom. Then there is the “good”  doctor who is out of his mind. He is a neurosurgeon and no one told him that he is nuts. There are 38 declared candidates for the nomination. The bus holds just 40. That is what it said on the bus that took Piper to Linchfield. (none of these people were on that bus, too bad!)

The last guy is a Koch candidate – from Wisconsin. Real cheese head. He has more holes in his head than swiss cheese. Kasich from Ohio is a good guy with common sense but not enough to get out of that club.

They have no idea as to what they want to do. They have one thing in common – they don’t like the two term president. They can’t stand the successes that their party had so little to do with.  Here’s what they have said:
                Economy – they can do better. But no specifics.
                Foreign policy – let’s have a war (That is the Lindsey hop). But with who?
                Healthcare – destroy it because it works – but no other plan
                Environment – What is that
   Defense – Bigger without reason
  Women’s rights – They have none
  Taxes – Less for us more for them
  Abortion – Their mothers had no choice (too bad) and neither should anyone else.
  Constitution – Replace it with the Bible

I know I left off some of the other candidates. They do not deserve my attention. None of these
deserve yours but they are there. The 24 hour news cycle is in heaven. Never have they had so much to say about so little.

I was in Cuba less than two years ago. What an amazing place with some of the most amazing people. Now our flag flies in Havana and proudly so. The Cuban people are ecstatic about the new relationship that is beginning with the U.S. We , as Americans, have little appreciation of what it takes to survive in Cuba today, yet the Cuban people survive and survive well.

Today Marco Rubio got off the Bozo Bus with enough time to say he would stop the normalization with Cuba and return Cuba to the list of states that sponsor terrorism. With that I believe that Marco, himself, should be added to that list. Rubio also he would dismantle the AHCA. That is also terrorism because he would take way the treatment that so many people are getting as a result of not having to worry about preexisting conditions.  He appears to be in lock step with many of the other candidates. So, it begs the next question, what are they all for?
In a few words – nothing good. War yes! Environment – no! Taxes – less for their friends and more from you and me. Infrastructure  - no! Education – no, except if it is from the oligarchy. Healthcare – hell no! Women’s rights – What, a woman wants rights? 

For  me this is the simplest of the election cycles I have experienced. The 38 candidates are in cadence and have no ideas at all. Maybe just one – BOMB IRAN! That would really be good for

On the left we have some ideas. Bernie is looking good because his ideas are resonating with the
under 55 crowd. If he doesn’t make it then Hillary will be in a position to adopt the ideas, some of which have entered into added to her rhetoric. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. OK, that has been covered, let’s move on.

The election is more than a year away. We have to go through the primaries, the talking heads trying to create possible outcomes but are at a loss to do so, as always. Then there is the election and CNN’s big board. That at 8pm PST on election night will declare a winner, I just hope that we, the American people are not the losers.

That is my take , you decide!