Friday, July 15, 2016


Most of my blogs are from 900 to 1400 words. This blog will be a little shorter.  One of my fellow travelers to India took a great photo,  upon review actually reflects what is happening in our country. This photo is great metaphor. I asked if I could use it in this blog. Mauge Wevar de Rosenberg said yes, and I thank her for the use and for getting this photo.

April we visited some iconic places in India. The location where Ghandi was assassinated, Rathambore National Park to observe animals in the jungle and hopefully see some tigers, Agra Fort, float along the Ganges Rivers and of course the Taj Mahal. All of these places and others were breathtaking. Say what you want about India, you see and experience things like no other place on earth. The strings that the Hindu priest tied on my wrist are still there. The little container of Gange water is still on my book shelf, the other container I brought back, according to a friend and professional caretaker, helped a dying woman in need of some pain free moments.
One of the shocking things we experienced was the SheRoes Café where we met, talked with, danced with young women who were the victims of acid attacks. SheRoes is an example of surviving and rising above adversity and pain. Needless to say, it was quite an emotional experience.

What we saw on the street upon leaving SheRoes really lightened the mood.

When I saw Mauge Wevar-Rosenberg's photo I bust out laughing.  saw a depiction and representation of what was happening in the U.S. There was a big blond bull trying to defile an innocent cow that happened to be of darker hide. A big blond guy wants to defile the U.S.  Got the picture? Mauge did get it and we all thank her for it.

That is my take – you decide

 Note:  Mauge Wevar de Rosenberg became a U.S. Citizen just after returning from India