Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Last week I dreamt about my late wife as I often do. She has been gone for more than two decades but it still seems like it was yesterday when she instructed me to make sure I bring her mirror. I was told that when I do have dreams of her she is visiting me. As I outlined in an earlier piece I am skeptical but somewhat open to the idea that people who were close to you and are now gone are not  really “gone” but are here in some form of spirit or energy or mental manifestation.

I do get some comfort in the dreams. I relive some of our best moments over the nearly 36 years we were important to each other. There were other moments that are not worth reliving so I don’t. Selective good memories. There is no doubt that we laughed a lot during those years. When I was selling our dining room table the lady that was considering buying it said to me I can feel laughter in this table. The story of how and when we bought is also funny. Edited version: I was banished from the store while she negotiated the purchase. I was having a very irreverent day. She was giving me hell and I couldn’t stop laughing.

One of my fondest memories was the impromptu Labor Day weekend trip to Santa Barbara. All five of us just driving from the Valley to Ojai to Santa Barbara. We were enjoying the scenery and the day. The “hotel” where we got  a “suite”  was also a source of laughter. But we had a place to stay and it was not the Ritz it was more like to Rotz. It was a weekend of laughter even after we were almost lost at sea. (what does the dime have to do with this – I will tell you later, read on).

After almost being lost at sea my sailing skills were assailed by my family as being poor if no- existent. During our sea odyssey I learned what a jib is. I am still not sure what it is but someone yelled, “pull on the jib.” I asked the four experts on the boat what the f%#&k is a jib? Things went downhill from there. I guess we had no idea how much trouble we were in because we all hysterical with laughter. We finally made it to the dock – alive.

Each of us was recalling the events of the day and the belly laughs did not stop. On this beautiful street we had to navigate back to the Hotel Rotz, my wife, who had a notoriously weak bladder, went . Yes, she went. We still laugh at that moment, I still see her almost bent over from laughing so hard. In fact, we are all still laughing at that fun moment when we recall that day to this day.

Most of my dreams that include her are like this one. I still recall her thinking that the lever to self-clean the oven was for making sure the door doesn’t open. After the fire department left we had a great laugh over this, but not right away. It took a few weeks. We had to get past the fire department’s fans to get rid of the smoke, the smoke on the walls and the very shriveled up steak that was the ultimate victim. We actually got to meet our new neighbors.

So, after reading the reports that my daughter and son wrote about their experience with a psychic I was curious. (See my blog of January 25, 2015 “I AM (WAS)A SKEPTIC”). In that session Susan came through and implored me to get the GERD I was experiencing checked out. I knew it was GERD as I know people at that time also experiencing it. TUMS seemed to work. Some events were not as troubling as others. I went through Vietnam from Hanoi to Saigon and many stops in between popping TUMs or TUMs like discs. Yes, I told my fellow adventurers, I will get this checked out again after I get home. There was a little whisper in my head and the notes that my daughter took at the psychic's session reflecting her mother’s advice to me also tweeked the idea of another endoscopy.

A week or so after I got back I had the endoscopy as I promised in the session, as I promised my fellow adventurers and my family. Two days later I was admitted to the cardiac unit at the hospital and a week later I got by-pass surgery. Susan came through and substantiated the need for attention to my heart, the heart she owned since she was 14 years old.

What about the dime? As I said I often have dreams of Susan and when I do, I feel better as the dreams are of fun filled and light hearted moments of our lives together. We had some not so great moments but who can remember them, who wants to?

My kids tell me that their significant people who come to them in dreams also have some form of physical manifestation to let them know they are there. Flicking lights, door sounds, etc. Last week I had a great series of dreams in one night that when I woke, I had a smile on my face and felt really good.

As I walked down the stairs to have breakfast I looked down and there was a shiny new dime centered on the second from last step. Smack dab in the middle. I could not miss that shiny new dime. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I didn’t give it much thought but all day I kept feeling for the dime. When I felt it there I got a good feeling and smiled.

Last night I played in my tennis league and after winning my service game we changed sides. As I walked to the other side of the court, I looked down and smack dab in the middle of the service box was a shiny new dime. It wasn’t there when we warmed up. No one spotted it during the game. It was just there as I walked to other side of the net. I picked it up and put it in my pocket and I smiled. Susan was there with me. I smiled as I won my service three other times. It was nice to have a family member come and see me play, finally.

That was my experience – you decide.