Thursday, September 1, 2016



Wednesday I had a meeting on the west side of Los Angeles.  I left the meeting at 6:25 pm and turned on CNN on my cable radio in my car while enduring late afternoon traffic on Wilshire Blvd., the 405 and then the 101. If you are not from the west coast, that is commuter hell at that hour. My personal hell got even hotter when I started to listen to Donald Trump and his immigration “policy” speech. 

It is hard to listen to him as he doesn’t talk, he yells. Then punctuates the point with a normal voice and often repeats what he says. Like it didn’t nauseate me the first time. It was not easy to listen to this speech as it contrasted with what he said in Mexico that day. Even the Mexican president gave a different report from what Trump had said. I’ll bet he says he now knows more about Mexico that all the generals, oh, that was ISIS.  There was a major protest in Mexico over his visit. That was in spite of his idea that they love him in Mexico – not.

That Mexican trip was a photo op, nothing more. He brought some play-dough toys to Louisiana so that makes him a hero to the people of the US Gulf – a photo op. Trump is a psycho opportunist. He panders to other psychos. His supporters can argue they are not psychos. OK, they are just bigots who look crazy.

Ignore history and you will then repeat it. I recall all the films after WWII about the Nazi rise to power. These films scared me then and still do. I recall seeing Hitler’s rants that went on for more than an hour and often longer. He, too, did not talk – he yelled. He repeated themes over and over again. He got his audience riled up so much that they went out and killed people without mercy. ( Guess they thought that they had second amendment rights). I heard the same frenzy during Trump’s rant. “Lock her up.” “Kill her.”

During the “speech” he cited some statistics and ignored so many other facts. He is the savior. “I alone can do this,” he has said. So his facts are his alone, too.

His “idealology” test is also frightening. How do you determine who loves you? Consider that at the Wannsee Conference in Potsdam, the Nazis were trying to accomplish the same thing. Loyalty, heritage and other attributes that would determine whether you lived or died. I am I sensitive to this manner of interrogation? You bet your ass I am and you should be, too.

Trump wants to weed out the “bad” guys. His selective interrogation could be transferred to the populous. He can get all the “bad” guys or those he thinks are bad. Your neighbor suspects that you are a Muslim and turns you in to Trump’s deportation corps. I don’t think it will go that far, but that is what some thought back in 1939 – more than six million people later they found out they were wrong.

This is what demagogues do and we cannot in way see that Trump is anything but a raving demagogue.

His ten point plan is just about five points as they are very similar but it allowed him to rant on and yell  

He looked presidential according to some of the brainless media and his supporters. You don’t look “presidential.” You have the look of being a leader. He signs so many paychecks that his subjects are afraid to criticize him. That is not leadership that is fear. I fear him and he signs nothing for me. His ego and his money  are his license and authority – as he stated, “I alone can do this.”

As I drove through the traffic I was shaking. Not for myself, but for my children and their children. For my generation this is a repeat of history. For the next generations this is new stuff, they hadn’t dealt with it before. They see a TV star trying to be a dictator – a reality show.

What if the Toronto Blue Jays are playing the Yankees and I root for the Toronto team am I being disloyal to the U.S.? ( I always root for the team playing the Yankees). Is that his idealology test? That is what it sounded like in his rant about Extreme Vetting. Can we trust that is not what he means when he changes what he means hourly?

So, after more than an hour listening to this and dealing with traffic to get home I was shaken. The traffic is expected and experienced but his Hitlerian rant was not. I ran in to my house from the garage, poured some Canadian whiskey ( is that going to be part of his test)?  Sat down and calmed down. But, yes, I am scared.

That is my take, you (have a drink) and you decide.