Wednesday, November 16, 2016


The election was rigged. But how was it rigged? Not sure, but there is no way he won. I have asked so many people, did you vote for Trump? The answer was always ,”NO!” So who did cast their vote for him? Actually more people voted for Hillary than Trump. She won the popular vote.

Why did those people who ignored the 70% of lies he told vote for him? Why did they ignore the misogyny , even those that had wives, sisters and daughters? Why did they ignore the antisemitism? Why did they ignore the xenophobia about Hispanics and Asians? Why did they ignore the anti- black sentiments (even African-Americans)? Why was his failures, and there were many, ignored? Why was his dubious business practices ignored? He pays no taxes and is proud of it.

I don’t really have any answers for any of these questions. It defies logic and common sense. I do believe that some people actually had faith in his message. But they were so few and far between, that I have to believe that his messages pierced their psyches where idiotic reasoning resided. He tapped into their hates and prejudices and made it alright to have them. That is scary – frightening, in fact. These are my suppositions, not answers because these suppositions add some terrible thoughts to my mind regarding some people I had admired and respected.

“I could not vote for Hillary!” That was I heard so you voted for the devil incarnate instead? He just tweets, no e-mails. She had 30 more years of experience and understood how the word worked. But you wanted “change” so you replaced her with an idiot. Not even an idiot savant, just plain idiot. Actually, that begs the question, who is the idiot here? Thanks, now he is my idiot president!

I cannot figure this out and I am not alone in that quandary.  He had nothing positive to say – about anything – except himself. I guess people like gloom and doom. When the fact checkers checked he failed at veracity and his lack of any was ignored. “I can’t trust Hillary!” “She lied about her e-mails.” Trump lied about everything! The only time he wasn’t lying is when his mouth was not moving. Or his when his hands were in his pocket!

The military is not depleted. I know he doesn’t know more about ISIS than the generals. I know he does not know all of the trade treaties. I know he has no knowledge of the Iran nuclear deal. Some said he is a voracious reader . How is that possible when he just tweets? And after reading his tweets I see how he has little command of the English language.

It has been reported that 49 million people did not vote.  I always admonish people that did not vote, “Didn’t vote, don’t complain!’ I did vote and I am complaining. It will get worse as time goes on. Based on what I hear about his nominees for positions in his administration, we are in for a rough ride.

With the entire government swaying to the right, they don’t have to rig it, it already is rigged. With a campaign like that who would want to run except for people in need of adoration, power and attention – the wrong people will run as we have seen on the Right.

When Trump reported many years ago, that is he ever ran he would run as a Republican. Why? Because of Fox News. They say anything, lie, distort and demean and their audience eats it up. They believe anything. He got that right, too. He is the world’s biggest and greatest con man. He did a magnificent job conning his supporters.  It was something to behold and it continues on. The establishment he railed against is in the Transition Team. So much for outsiders! Ok, you trump supporters check your wallets and your brains, you have just been picked clean. The Donald was right!

In the words of Vincente Fox , “I am not going to pay for that f----king wall.” The deportation squads reminiscent of Nazi Germany are waiting to be formed. Replacing the AFHCA with something “terrific” is a reality check. For more than 70 years the Republicans offered no health care reforms of their own and now suddenly Trump has something terrific.  He said he knows more about Isis than the Generals. WOW, that is chutzpah. If he is so good at military solutions why was ISIS celebrating his election?

He wants to unite America.  With Steve Bannon? The Alt Right demagogue? The anti -everyone except whites? Ivanka should invite him for Passover, not.

Yes, Trump got it right! They say you can’t bet against him after defeating so many candidates and the former Secretary of State.  I truly believe that the Donald has reached his level of incompetence and the country will pay a price for that. As a relative of mine reminded me recently, you cannot believe anything that he says or his people say.  He is so right. Just today Trump said the transition is going smoothly when the world knows the transition is in chaos.

Hopefully, we will not be screwed over by the Con Man in Chief. Lets’ wait and see but also be vigilant. The person he deports could be you.

That is my take – you decide.


Please note that this is my 100th blog. I would have really loved to write something positive, but the world is becoming a scarier place. He wants to give his kids TOP SECRET clearances. So much for blind trusts. The only trust that was blind was that of his supporters.