Tuesday, January 31, 2017


We are in for a very rough ride for the next four years because of the rough start that the Trump administration generated. WOW! Who could have predicted that he would throw the world and our country into chaos in just seven days?  The Donald is just another, bigger version of Dennis the Menace.

He bans people from countries that have done us no harm and welcomes people from the countries that did do us harm. They are countries where Trump has large business interests. No conflict there, right?

He sees himself as a “strong man” in the images of Stalin, Putin, Batista, Castro, and some of the Eastern European leaders and Central and South American leaders of yesteryear. He is Nixon with much less sophistication.  All that is wrong and all that is bad in a leader resides in that orange cocoon.  I see him as a virus with no antibiotic that can neutralize it. He truly believes in doubling down – make it bad now and worse later.

He thrives on incompetence. Look at the cabinet appointments. They are all inept at running the agency to which they are appointed. One such example is Rick Perry. OK, another is Betsy diVoss.  Out of 14 appointments not one is capable of running their agency.  NOT ONE. This come from the top as Trump is inept at running the country.

Like Nixon, he is a crook. Steals from his sub-contractors, pays no taxes. When George W. Bush said running the country would be easier if he was a dictator, Trump heard him. So, the Constitution be damned, executive orders are the law of the land now.

Will our elected representatives speak up – hell no, if they are on the right. They want a white America. Trump is helping them get there. They want an oligarchy, Trump is helping get that – just look at the Cabinet  - Goldman Sachs is well represented.  Women’s rights are in jeopardy. Check the Supreme Court nominees. Look at his advisors, hate is well represented.  How do we keep America safe – from Trump? I am not sure that we can right now.

In just one week, OK, ten days, he has showed us the way an American dictator works. That is how he is starting. How will it be in four years when he finishes? Tyranny comes to mind.

He thinks he has a mandate. His mandate is a kiss with O’Bannon. The three million votes he didn’t get really irks him.  The lack of a decent crowd at the inauguration also irks him. No A list celebrities also just stuck in his craw. He will try to find a way to get even.

World leaders are nice to him now (except for Pena). Wait! They will turn him inside out. I believe that even Putin at some point, will do him some bad turns. Trump is scared Sh---tless of Putin and will try to macho up to him. Putin, I believe, like others thinks he is a fool.

NATO and other alliances are in jeopardy. NATO is weak, Trump is strong. According to Trump. The countries have to pay up like he does with his taxes! Oh, I forgot, he pays no taxes.

So, domestic policy is a weak point as is Foreign Policy. That is how he is starting. How will he finish? Will he get us into a war? He could and probably will. Will he create an economic meltdown, he could and probably will. The people who created the 2008 recession are back in charge. Eliminate the regulatory safeguards is their mantra and they have a Howdy Doody (also a red head) in the White House. Who will be pulling Trump’s strings?

Extreme vetting! What we should have done with him. Not one of the Syrian refugees has been involved with any act of terrorism. The countries that have produced domestic terrorists are not on his list. He is targeting a religious group rather people of a national origins that we know did perpetrate domestic terror. So, he is a bigot, too.

It appears that he also got another message from Nixon. “If the President does it, it is not illegal.” We know Trump’s penchant for Nixonian actions and ideas. The only questions are which ideas, which actions, which one will get him impeached or jailed? Do we have the guts to follow through and insist that Congress take action?  I am not confident that they do have the guts.


That is my take – you decide!