Thursday, March 16, 2017


Last week I got a call from my dentist.  She was really pissed off. Someone posted on Facebook, “Share if you love your dentist.” I didn’t share. She thinks I don’t love her. I guess showing up for appointments in time, paying my bill on time and not asking for parking stamps is not a display of love. While my dentist is a lovely looking lady with great skills, I do not love her. I am sure her husband feels secure in that knowledge.

I get a lot of information on Facebook but also so much crap. It is filled with GINGO.  Garbage In and Garbage Out. Here is a list of things I did not share:

Love my son
Love my daughter
Love my dog (I don’t have one)
Love my refrigerator (That one I have)
Love my son-in-law
Love my daughter-in-law
Love my grandchildren, both sexes
Love my synagogue/church

Also share if you agree with:

Weekend voting
Abortion rights
No abortion rights
You have the greatest bakery
You have the best grocery store
The best plastic surgeon.
The worst plastic surgeon

. . .  and on and on.

Facebook is a good idea but some people need it to fulfill their need to be loved or admired. I had one ex-friend that filled my screen with how her elderly father is wonderful. He had two whole bowel movements today – the best father in the world. How do I know, she posted more than100 times before I shut her off. How about the posting about a favorite grandchild just peed in the toilet. (He is 20) Then you get to comment on the posting. Depending on the number and tone of the comments, you will know if you are loved, believed, admired or people will think you are full of shit.

Then you get, “Agree if you support . . .”  that is playing to your emotions. If you don’t agree then you support child beating, breast  cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and any other malady that some one has and wants you to know they have it so you can feel bad for them. I do feel bad for them, even if I don’t know them. They do not have to advertise or get “likes.” What about that is there to like?

Last week I got  a blurb from a lifelong friend about having cancer. I just read the first sentence and I was on the phone looking for her. She told me to read the whole thing. I don’t want to read the whole thing, the first sentence was enough. She was passing on a note someone else wrote, who, by the way did not have cancer to encourage people to have empathy for those that have breast cancer. I do and I don’t need to be alarmed and scared to acquire that empathy. This crying wolf crap got to stop. Stop sharing the bull shit. No, you are not a good friend when you do that.

Stop helping bad dudes who want to steal your stuff. There has been a marked increase of burglaries due to the increasing need to tell people where you are. Especially if you are not home. “I am sitting at Moscow International Airport waiting for Uber.”

The bad dudes go to Bing and get your address. That is all it takes. You can be cleaned out. They scroll down your page and read about your new Audi. You use Uber so the car should be at home. Got my drift? If your spouse and your kids are at home they are also in jeopardy thanks to your ego.

“Friending” and old friend you hadn’t seen since the 4th grade. Then you go to their page and discover that nothing has changed. They are still idiots. And still fat. There are stories of people reuniting and it changed their lives. That does happen and that is good.

Yes, Facebook is great for disseminating some important information. This blog and other news items are posted there. During the last election cycle many, no, most people got their news on line. I learn about new products. New government programs and I get to enjoy the fact that my friend is also growing older. And I get to mourn their loss. That is what the FB is all about.

Actually, I will share articles that are time sensitive and socially sensitive because I do believe that healthcare is a right and not a privilege. I do believe that the ability to vote is also a right. Yes, Facebook can be a great asset in our lives, just use it as it was intended, a means of communication not a tool of self -promotion.  Or self- aggrandizement, or a  tool to make me guilty for not sharing your guilt.

Share if you agree.

That is my take – you decide.