Thursday, June 8, 2017


This morning I heard the disgusting sound of Trump’s voice saying and explaining why he was privatizing Air Traffic Control in the United States. Holy shit!  Does he have any idea of what he may be doing? Does this idiot have any idea of the consequences of this move? This was not a campaign promise, so why is he being so reckless with our lives?

The United State government is in business for one reason: to keep the population safe. Even from ourselves. The US government is not a profit making venture nor was it ever intended to be one. That is why it CANNOT be run as a business. (Has anyone counted Trump’s failure in business? I need to have a drink but won’t drink Trump Vodka – it is bankrupt). It is there to provide for the general welfare and in that effort to keep planes from hitting the ground.

By privatizing he will violate the principle that keeping planes flying safe is not based on a profit motive. Here is what I see: Trump Traffic Control, Inc. (no such entity, yet) takes over the obligation to keep airplanes flying.

He says we will be safer: How if there is no control of the hiring process? No control of the training process. Private businesses are “for profit.” So, the quicker that trainee is “ready” to assume the responsibility of the job the better for the company. So, they took a few training short cuts.  But, there is a body on front of the screen. The TTCI is in compliance with their contract. The bodies are there. They may be under qualified, less than bright, but they are “trained“ and they are on the job. How will TTTCI vent their applicants? Which agency will do the background checks – not the FBI.  He doesn’t trust the FBI and they do not trust him.

OK, the privately hired controllers are in place and there is a snow storm. TTCI get rated on the number of aircraft they let take off. Not so much how many land safely. In spite of the storm the TTCI people allow planes to take off. But because of the weather, the let more than the usual number  of them head into the wild blue blunder. Oy!

According to his comments he believes planes are late and are grounded because the rules and regulations are not what he thinks they need to be. These TTCI controllers will let the planes crash on time.  By the way, Trump airlines failed miserably..

I am also confident that he will indemnify the TTCI, so if you lost a loved one in a crash due to TTCI’s poor performance, TTCI will be in the clear and will continue to protect profits or non-profits as the case may be. It is supposed to be a joint effort with the government and the airlines.

If it is a joint effort who is in charge? The CEO of the airline you happen to be flying or Trump? This is a formula for disaster. Put your thumb and index finger together with palms out and say “dizzazztah!” You heard it here first.

There is no doubt that the air traffic control system needs to be updated. It is my understanding that this is being done, albeit slowly. Who will pay for the upgrades? If the airlines are not going profit from this then the government will have to step in. Has Trump redlined this yet?

Six years ago (April 11, 2011) I wrote a blog entitled WHO SAYS GOVERNMENT CAN’ T DO A GOOD JOB, THAT PRIVATE COMPANIES CAN DO IT BETTER? Try privatizing police, fire, emergency services, army, navy, air force, coast guard, IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, FDIC, etc.

I am not aware that the air traffic controllers are not doing their best to get you to the destination of your choice.

Our government is becoming understaffed and blatantly incompetent. Do we want to give our air safety to people like that? Not I, said me.

We just elected a member of the business sector. Look what we got in just four months: International intrigue like we never had before, a president who may be brought up on criminal charges for obstruction of justice, legislation that at best, is also “criminal,” a family run government who doesn’t have the skills or experience to run a nation, the most incompetent cabinet ever, I mean ever, a laughing stock among nations that no longer see the US as a leader. Should I go on?

Be sure that when you fly to pray. When you land kiss the ground and if you need some medical attention, well that will be problematic, too.

This is our new United States of America.

That is my take, you decide.