Tuesday, November 7, 2017


These are the two meaningless words I ever heard. Especially, when they are responding to a tragedy. They do nothing to calm the victims, the families of victims, the acquaintances of the victims. Save your breath. Better to say nothing than utter the words that are empty and devoid of meaning  and actions.

“Our thoughts.” What are they thinking? Glad I am not a victim. Someone will ask for more laws to prevent this happening again. The speaker of the empty words wants to deflect the idea so they show some empathy, often devoid of any real caring. More thoughts, the “do gooders” are coming out of the woodwork to ask for and  demand action. That is what the “TandP” idiots are thinking. These are their actual thoughts:

  1. Come up with a talking point like “now is not the time to discuss gun control, opioid control."
  2. Create alternative argument. That is a mental health issue not a gun issue. Or in the case of opioids, we can’t deny those that need them, they will suffer.
  3.  We need to enforce the laws we have already on the books. 
  4. We need more guns so good guys with guns can get the bad guys with guns. No good guy with a gun ever prevented an incident.
  5. We need to build a wall to prevent opioids from entering the country.

These are their thoughts. There is nothing in their thoughts that comfort anyone or create action. Those that say, “our thoughts and prayers are with you,” are full of shit. In order to think you have to have a brain.  When you see members of the government do you see any brains? (Do you see any spines?)

Unfortunately we live in a country with people in legislatures that are focused on staying there no matter what it takes. Remember Speaker Foley. He was replaced by a Term Limits guy who when his term was up wanted to do away with term limits as it applied to him. They want to stay in power. They are always thinking what they have to do to stay. Those are their thoughts. Those are their reasons for inaction. Don’t piss off the NRA, don’t piss off Big Pharma. So, we have an opioid crisis as a result. The NRA is the governing force behind gun laws or the lack thereof.

As the Las Vegas Massacre unfolded the Congress was trying pass a bill that will allow gun owners to buy silencers. So, when they kill you won’t have to deal with the sound of your death. Congress will not take away semiautomatic military rifles. The singular reason for that weapon is to kill people. The last eight mass shootings employed AR15 rifles. I haven’t heard of one AR15 used to get venison. Bump stocks – yes, you can still get them to upgrade your AR15 to increase the kill capacity.
WHAT THE HELL IS IT GOING TO TAKE? I guess as long as we are in their thoughts we are OK. NOT.

Because we are also in their prayers, it is most Interesting that two mass shootings took place in a church while people were praying. It must make them feel better to say they are praying for the victims when they are actually preying on them with the lack of any action on resolving the problems; Opioids or bullet delivery systems.

Prayers, while it sounds so wonderful, who are they praying to and for what? Allah, the god that the New York truck driver spoke of as he ran down the people. The god that was NOT at Sandy Hook? The god that was not at the Sutherland Springs church?  Keep your misguided prayers and DO SOMEHTING.

I AM SO SICK OF HEARING THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!  I want some action. I want the action now.

Stop thinking and start to take actions like passing some bills. Stop calling the problems by what they aren’t. The only mental health problem hurting our society is borne by our president. His statement has created a wall between real  action and bull shit. He actually cut mental health funding.

The gun problem is based in the need for manufacturers to make money, more than they need. They do it with the blood of our fellow citizens. The NRA stands for No Recent Action on any of this.

Bump stocks, silencers automatic rifles, expanded magazines, hollow nose bullets, armor piercing ammunition all legal because of our spineless Congress people, our mentally disturbed president and the NRA. Now, if the people on my block are going to war against the people on the next street, well that explains the need for war materials.  I am for following the intent of the second Amendment and give everyone muskets.

That is my take  - you decide.  (I want to hear your thoughts and prayers)