Monday, October 25, 2021



Let me tell you about my friend, I will, for this article, call him Dave. He is a New York street smart lawyer who likes to teach, to tell jokes, Dave likes to write and likes the simple practice of the law. Especially entertainment law. Why is Dave worthy of my pen? (Now that is a statement just bursting with ego and self importance – BUT it is not that way).

I am happy to pen some information about my friend Dave because I find him to be courageous. It is that simple. He is, by definition, a simple guy who enjoys the simple things of life and values them more than others. He adores his wife and supports her idiosyncratic behaviors. He walks the malls with her. He supports his sons who are high achievers yet always show an immense respect for their father. I admire my friend Dave. He shows fortitude in the face of difficulty, he shows courage when others may cower, he shows support and consideration when others look the other way. He is a simple guy trying to make his way in life. He does it quietly and does is with class.

Dave is an intellect though he often does not give himself enough credit for being a creative thinker – for him it is sometimes easier to adopt ideas than create them. This is a guy that passed the BAR in two different states – the first time. He can create ideas. He has written situation comedies that were successful. He writes blogs on legal issues. He is published in a myriad of places where his ideas have influenced other’s thinking.

My friend Dave is loyal. He is always thinking of others and asking how they feel. But why am I compelled to write about my friend Dave – because he has courage to step out of his comfort zone, reach for the sky and do the most difficult thing any person can do deliberately – make someone laugh!

Stand on a stage and make someone laugh. You don’t know fear until you try that. You don’t know humility until you done that. You don’t know what it is like to be high until you have done that – no drugs required!

Think of standing at an airplane door, 30,000 feet, no parachute, no clothes, just you and the sky and you are ready to jump. If you think I am exaggerating – just try it. Either one, standing at the precipice and tell a joke before you jump or just stand alone on a dark stage with a key light and two hundred pairs of eyes daring you to make them laugh.  Those eyes are taunting you, “Tell me a joke I haven’t heard yet – a funny one. Go ahead – try. I dare you.” My friend dared and he succeeded. That is no easy task and is worthy of all of our admiration.

When you do comedy, you are doing a “set.” In comedy, unlike tennis, you are a winner at “love.”

So, this is the type of guy that I admire - except when they spit out tidbits from Fox News. That is his one failing in life. I don't know what he believes as I haven't asked him in years. Maybe that is my failing, but it was hard for me to accept his points of view at that time as I heard them when I had the temerity to watch Fox.

The point is that a man of courage and intellect can be so influenced by a news organization as that is all the news he gets. Why? 

Now we may understand last January 6th.

That is my take, you decide.