Wednesday, May 11, 2011


When I started to blog about 11 months ago I asked myself some serious questions: 1. Who reads this stuff? 2. Do I have anything worthwhile to say? 3. Does that matter? 4. I am I doing it to just vent? 5. Am I feeding my ego? The answer to questions 2 through 5 is “yes.”

Before I get into the last four questions I must answer the first one. The answer to the first question also addresses question number five as well. In looking at the “stats” page for my blog (actually having stats is an ego builder) I found some interesting facts. Some I never would have imagined. While I am not getting an abundance of hits as The Huffington Post does, I am getting a small share. Here is the fact that kind of says to me I do have something to say. My blog, Much Ado About Some Things has been read on four different continents. Readers as far away as China have read my blog and there are more than one. I publish in English only.

Going the other way, my blog has been read in Iran, also more than one. England, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Russia , Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates all have readers of my blog. Wow, I am influencing the world! Now, that is an ego builder of the highest order.

To some friends and family I often e-mail the blog. I am sure by now some of them have directed these e-mails to the Junk Folder. I hope not. Yes, I post it on FaceBook. But all my friends are in the United States with the exception of a couple. China does not have FaceBook. I can’t speak for Iran, Russia or Kuwait. I guess my blog is read worldwide and I am also hopeful that my readers are getting a glimpse of our culture through my words. So, now I know who are reading this stuff or at least where they are reading my stuff. As to who specifically, I have no idea. So, question number one is partially answered.

Question two is easy to answer – YES. I have a lot so say. Some people over the years have labeled me opinionated. I guess I have earned the label. But as I grew older my opinions change, become modified, less harsh and, I believe, well thought out. I do my reading and research, so my opinions, in my opinion, are well educated opinions. Expressing myself makes what I have to say worthwhile. If I change one person’s idea on a subject or give them some food for thought or even help them firm their own opinion up, it is a worthwhile effort.

The answer to the third question is an opinion. Yes, I think what I have to say matters – at least to me. I have to assume that it matters to the readers that come back for more of what I have to say. They can mentally argue with me, make comments, agree with what I have to say or be entertained by what I have to say. They spend the time reading it so it does matter.

Like I said, I am somewhat opinionated so this is a way to vent for me. Once I get it off my chest I feel better. Being right or wrong doesn’t matter – being able to bloviate does. No, I am not doing it just to vent. It is also recreation. I enjoyed writing ‘Hello, My Name Is Peggy” I loved sharing my adventures in China and my experiences in Egypt. I had an opportunity to discuss my fears and my joy of the coming baseball season. (By the way most of the new names are back in the minors by now).

The answer to all of the questions is that I enjoy writing and it is gratifying to be read. To be read worldwide is a mind blower!

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