Sunday, August 14, 2011


Ok, I am a fair weather fan of the Dodgers – but in reverse. I love it that they are losing. Here’s the mind blower – because I like going to the stadium when they are losing. Did your head explode yet?

Let me explain: Vinny tells you how many people were at the game – that is actual tickets sold – not asses in the seats. That is how they report it. But the number of butts in the seats is considerably less than the tickets sold. It is reported that only 49% of these seats are being filled.  So, I buy the cheapest tickets I can get for that level and then sit where I want.

I love going to the park. The green grass, the organ music, the hot dogs and the ice cream, all make for a great day. I love the sound of the ball of the bat. I love the sound of the pop of the ball in the glove. I love sitting behind home plate when I actually paid for left field, near the foul pole, tickets. That can’t happen if they are winning. And the ushers let me do it!

When the Dodgers are losing I can see the best teams in baseball play against the Dodgers for the price of a very cheap Stub Hub ticket.  I can experience home runs, doubles and double plays. These experiences were very expensive before they were losing – now they are within budget and I can take grandchildren with me.  So we all experience championship baseball. But is the other team that is bidding for the championship. We are there to witness it.

What would four great seats behind home plate cost in Philadelphia? Even if they were playing the Dodgers? That is why people are losing their homes – to pay for season tickets in Philadelphia and other stadiums! But we can see the same teams play for a fraction of the cost because the Dodgers are losing. Go Dodger, or don’t go Dodgers.

Today it is Stand Up For Cancer day at the stadium. For the same low price we saw George Lopez and Tommy Lasorda along with some supermarket workers who were being honored.

I have gone to three Wednesday afternoon games this summer. The four tickets I bought were less than the price of one for that level. Parking is still expensive at fifteen dollars, but there are four of us in the car, so on average it is not bad. Then it is half price for food Wednesday. Believe me, it they were winning, hot dogs would be back at $5.50 but today, because they are losing, the hot dogs and everything else but beer is half price. My gandkids are all too young to drink beer and they don’t know how to get phony IDs yet. Love that losing record!

Since opening day 2011 Dodger Stadium is one of the most secure public venues in America. What happened that day is a shame and it will take years, if ever, for the Dodgers, to overcome that tragedy. Today,  going to the game is cheap and it is safe.

I walked up to an usher and pointed out that my three grandsons were sitting in the first row. I told him that they ran down to get those seats. The usher said that he hoped that they will get a foul ball sitting there. Now that is an usher attitude change! He never asked where my seats were actually at.

Let’s hope that the Dodgers can keep this record up for the next couple of years. I am counting on them to make my baseball experience at the park a continuing positive experience but they have to agree to keep losing. My formula for losing: Pitch Billingsley for six innings (he is only good for four) , put Loney in a clutch hitting situation (he can hit into a triple play for you) play Barajas every other game and continue to give Ethier ether. I may be too harsh here, but the record speaks for itself.

I just want to say, “Thanks Dodgers.” I appreciate your losing record – keep up the bad work.

Maybe I should come clean and tell you who I really root for. My favorite team is any team playing the Yankees that day. And since I can remember, and I can remember many years back, my all-time favorite team is the Boston Red Sox. When they lose I care!

They say that winning is everything. I kinda like when the Dodgers lose. You decide!

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