Thursday, September 1, 2011


It is the 10th year of remembrance of 9/11. My ideas may be crazy and off the chart, but facts of history do speak for themselves. That was a very tragic day and the loss of life will never be acceptable to any right thinking American or citizen of the world, for that matter. I want to honor those that fell that day and those that have fallen in the ensuing wars. By inserting some humor I am trying to say that we were not and are not defeated! They say that time plus tragedy is the formula for comedy – there is no comedy here, just some humor – as there is in all events.

I will sit for days thinking that I will never have another idea, opinion, philosophy or experience to write about that might engage a reader. Then it comes. I can’t tell you how many blogs have been written by me as the Ambien are kicking in. Decision time; get up and make a quick note and then try to go to sleep without the full effect of the Ambien or just doze off and hope that the idea has a shelf life of about eight hours.

In most cases either scenario works. That is how these ideas come. Someone asked so I thought I would tell. One came to me while shaving this morning. They were touting President Bush’s interview on some obscure channel regarding 9/11 and these thoughts popped up (along with my breakfast – too early in the morning for that kind of trauma). It was also dangerous because I was using a razor to shave, the kind with blades.

During the attacks on 9/11 George sat there in the Florida class room for seven minutes. Didn’t move a muscle. During those seven minutes he was debating  whether he should ask the smart kid in the front row, “What to do?”. He didn’t want to scare them so instead he looked like a startled deer in headlights frozen with fear. The deer at least has a look that asks, “What the f__k?”

Getting back to the ideas that have trouble coming, here is one set of ideas that came while the Barbasol was lathering my face.

Here is what I think GWB was thinking:

ThumbnailThis is his stream of consciousness, if you will (he was awake – his eyes were open and looking down in the photo). I believe his first thought was, “OH SHIT.” His second was, “no not in these pants! I just had them cleaned. I will have to sit here until the spot dries!” His remaining thoughts went something like this:

Bet that guy Saddaam did it. He didn’t like my daddy, he tried to kill my daddy.  It was Saddam, even if it wasn’t Saddam. Condi told me something about an attack that was going to happen by Al somebody. That report was last month. Thought that Al was the guy that fixed her car- guess not.

Ok, who else could have done it? What , there were Saudis on those planes? I can’t say that, the royal family is family – they wouldn’t do that to me. Heck, the king spent time at my ranch. Wait, he could still be pissed because he stepped in some . . . nah we got it all off but it did stink for a while. These are kind people, the kind that like to beat their wives but they don’t ever try that on my momma or Laura. I would strongly threaten to kick their ass if they did or make them buy some cool weapons at some very good prices.

Osama ben Laden? No way. They are also family. The ben Ladens and the Bush families go way back. Heck we’ve been business partners for years. Ah, I do recall that they had a difficult son in the family. Nah, he wouldn’t do it – he swam in our pool, drank our coffee and snuck a beer every once in a while. He was a tall SOB!

So here is what we got to do: Get Dick to organize his old company so they can charge us extremely high prices for everything. Do a bombing raid on Baghdad- call it “Shock in the Box.” No that won’t do – awe shucks – I got it “Shuck and Awe!” Almost there --- SHOCK AND AWE, that’s it.

Let’s bomb the shit out of Iraq – even if the attack was carried out by Saudis. We will look for their Weapons of Mass Destruction. (W, like me, MD) Or, let’s pretend to go looking for them and anyone who says they ain’t there we will brand as being un- patriotic. Wow, I got the way to spend this country into economic ruin and then let the Democrats try to solve that problem.  I will declare that I am a dictator (as a joke, but I won’t be laughing).  No, he really wasn’t’ that smart!

That was a long seven minutes and I don’t know what was really in his head, if anything, but it lead to a  well concocted plan to screw the US for many years.

Speaking of seven minutes have you read the Sidney Sheldon book that describes seven minutes in another, more interesting way? Maybe that is what George was doing for those seven minutes, in either case, something got wet!

OK, Mr. President, we got to go and go - now! He thought, “Not till my pants are dry.”

That is my thinking – you decide!

*Can’t think of shit.

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