Monday, October 10, 2011


Over the years we were told that the thumb was the most important digit on our hand – either right or left. Let’s face it we would not be able to write without it. Scratching your nose would be much more difficult. Shaking hands would be weird. But just what does thumb do besides indicate the direction you want to go?

OK – in Roman times it indicated life or death. I guess that was important then – especially for the gladiators. That signal hasn’t been used in centuries –  the thumb has given way to lethal injections, red buttons that say “Do Not Touch,” (so we touch them). The thumb is losing its importance in our lives. It doesn’t communicate much. It is too big for small smartphone keyboards. Maybe that is why my name comes through on a text message with 18 letters!

The thumb is gaining in stature with monkeys. That is how we differentiate ourselves – with the imposable thumb. Now that monkeys are starting to use their thumbs the thumb may be making a comeback.  But only with monkeys.

Nothing really positive is associated with the thumb. Thumb sucking is not a good thing. Hitting your thumb with a hammer only makes it bigger, brighter and brings out the worst in language. If you don’t want to read a book, you say, “I will thumb my way through it.” Want to look at a photo – look at a “thumbnail.” That is a small rendition of the picture. Don’t want the whole story, get a thumbnail version. The thumb is now a tool of indifference. I don’t want to be disrespectful to the thumb, I would be devastated without mine, but other digits now seem to communicate more and at a higher level.

For example, as I was driving down Reseda Boulevard,  at a safe speed, not racing to get anywhere, a car of vintage passed me and a middle finger was stuck out the window. Here is what that digit told me: It was a hot day and she didn’t have air conditioning. She indicated that she would be number one at the stop sign and she realized that this was information that I really needed to have – no point in my racing to the stop sign.

However, she had to make a left turn and was waiting as I proceeded through the stop sign. I lowered my window (I have air conditioning) and raised my finger indicating that I was actually number one through the stop sign. In my rear view mirror she was wildly moving her digit indicating that she was not taking this lightly. So, I put out three fingers hoping she would understand, “Please read between the lines.” Yes, it was a she!

So, here you have it! The index middle and ring fingers are the most important fingers. The middle finger has the most impact. The ring finger suggests commitment, the index finger points the way but the middle finger’s message is so forceful that they blur the raising of the digit when shown in news cast. But, the meaning is never blurred. Oh, the pinky finger, that is for effect!

The thumb, when put to use on a keyboard, only creates the spaces. The digits are the ones that create the words.

That is my take on it – you decide!?
PS - What do you think of this post? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

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