Thursday, February 14, 2013


Here is some comments that I have to make regarding this week:

1. Rand Paul - aside from his weird accent, what comes out of his mouth is very strange. For example, he wants to know if the drones are being used to attack Americans in the US. What is the basis for this question? Has anyone heard of this happening any where? It is  like the red herring question - Are you still beating your wife? Paul is beating a dead horse and worse he is getting air time for his comments. After his bloviating with Secretary Clinton, he is not quaified to be president, not now - not ever.

2. CNN proposes some very interesting and stupid questions. Today we were asked that is it appropriate for drones to receive combat medals? If they do, I want my rifle to get a Purple Heart becasue I dropped it in training and broke the stock. Idiots!!! They have a six pack on in the morning, and the one person that is definately not funny is the comedian. He has got to get his head straight - I mean straight up and down - it is always leaning to the left - Oh, I get it!

3. Ana Navarro - that is a complete makeover. I don't agree with most of what she says, but she is getting better to look at in the morning. Yes, that is sexist, but if she didn't want
that observation, then she shouldn't change her hair-do every day!

4. John McCain needs to be careful - he has had surgery or some procedure on his face. I don't want him to aggravate that area by trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth.

5. The SEAL that pop-popped UBL is receiving five years of health care. I am sure he was aware that you must put in 20 years to get the rest of the benefits, so why did he jump out at 16? He is still a hero but not too savvy when it comes to living his life. Maybe a graduated retirement is a good thing but let's get in in place before making the decision to leave it all behind.

6. One more thought ont the SEAL. Since we have an all volunteer military, what ever your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is you probably chose it. And if you weren't qualified for that MOS then you got another MOS. The SEAL was obviously qualified and he chose to do what he did. No question - he did it well.

7. Senator Rubio - Not ready for prime time! But great for Saturday Night Live! It is especially interesting when he was rebutting a speech that the President did not give. Was he not listening? What else is new? Next GOP ticket: Rubio and Jindal!

8. Dorner situation - every cop, anyone that wears a badge in Southern California, should get a medal.

Those are my observations - you decide!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


“No pilots shot down over enemy territory .” That is a good headline – but never seen! “Senior fighters from terrorist groups have been killed.” Also, a good headline. And that is one that we have seen. So, why are we handwringing over the use of drones? I think it is because there is a president that has the courage to use weapons at his disposal and the legislature wants in on it and some that only want to criticize.
The due process of law is not followed, according to some law makers , regarding the use of drones that may kill combatant enemy terrorists who happen to have been born in this country. I cannot remember a time when confronted with an enemy who has a rifle and it is loaded and pointed at you on the battlefield, where the US soldier stopped and said, “Show me your passport and said, you have the right to remain silent. . . . “ That is due process of law as ridiculous as it is. That is the argument, we are killing terrorist that kill innocents, and yes, even American citizens, but we must follow the due process of law. Is the difference here we can’t see the passport from 30,000 feet?
This is a war machine being used in a war risking less lives, on both sides, than if we had a F16 fighter in the air. The drones limit collateral damage, there are much fewer mistaken targets, the strikes are more surgical and more effective. Yes, unfortunately, innocents are getting hurt and killed. It is the innocents that are allowing the terrorist to operate in their territory. It the government of those innocents that creates the atmosphere in which the terrorist operates. So, who takes the responsibility for that?
The War Powers Act supplies enough authority to use weapons that will reduce the enemy, maximize their casualties and reduce our casualties. That is moral to me. If the previous president was in power you would hear a very different tune. Actually, we did! We had a cowboy mentality and everything that was done was done with the attitude, if you are not with us then you are against US! How would he have used this power if he had more drones in his arsenal? I am afraid to think about it.
In every report I have read or heard, it is stated that the President has taken every precaution and legal means to employ these drones. The argument is “what about the next president?” That is an unknown and I think that reflects on the actions of the previous president (and vice president).
I am quite happy to hear – or not hear – about pilots that have not been shot down or crashed their planes. That is one casualty statistic that is quite good. In a war there are casualties that are not relished. That is war and it sucks. But does it suck as bad as a 500 pound bomb doing in a whole neighborhood?
My feeling at this point is Bin Laden is dead. Now “Mission Accomplished.” Time for us to go home and let the people run their own country. If the area becomes a safe haven for terrorists, bring in the drones again. Will the drones eliminate the need for combat pilots, I think not. But you can have more drones on an aircraft carrier than planes. You can bring more firepower and effective fire power with a fleet of drones than a squadron of airplanes. What about the intelligence that the drone brings home – in most cases – in real time?
Let’s look at how many of the critics are running for re-election. Yeh, they are trying to say to their constituency they are for oversight, they stood up to the president and yes, I am for more dead pilots! These guys have so much crap coming out of their mouths, I don’t see how they can continue to speak out of both sides.
I have to ask, why is it immoral? What makes the drone an immoral tool of war? The pilot is quite a distance away from the target, but there is still someone at the controls. Because the person at the controls is not in jeopardy of losing their life it is not a fair fight? It is OK by me! Was it immoral to start using bullets instead of arrows?
Why does the Judicial Branch of government have to be involved with the Executive Branch when carrying out military missions? Then the Legislative Branch wants to have oversight.  This then becomes a cluster @#$#! There has to be rules of engagement. We have the Geneva Convention – however that did not stop the Bush-Cheney torture and rendition program. Where was the outrage and the oversight then?
The drone is a relatively new tool of war and we need to figure out the best way to use it within the rules of war. It is a moral tool – there is no doubt about that. The machine gun fires more bullets than a rifle – where was the outrage when we started using machine guns. The Gatling Gun was used against the American Indian – where was the outrage then? (But he AR15 is OK  in the hands of anyone – is that moral? i.e. Ted Nugent)
My point is that the drone is useful tool of war and it needs to be used within the rules of war. The immorality is when the drone is used beyond those rules. I haven’t seen or heard any evidence of that.

That is my take – you decide!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I just returned from the Super Bowl held in New Orleans. That trip was amazing, but the ride to and from Huston is another blog for another time! The Super Bowl is not just a game, it is an experience. I don’t care how much you love or hate sports or football specifically, this is an event not to be missed.
I stayed at the Raven’s designated headquarters hotel. As I walked into the hotel I saw a sea of purple. No reds, no whites – just purple. The Ravens shirts were adorned with the traditional beads that you acquire in New Orleans. There were buttons, there were pins, there were names on the shirts that did not identify the wearer but the sports hero they were here to see. These people that were Ravens fans came from all over the world. But mostly from Baltimore. The adrenaline rush lasted from Friday to Monday – the whole time I was there. The Forty Niners were just up the street at their headquarter hotel and walking past the hotel  I could feel  the energy that was just as palpable there. Once on the street there was a major blending of red and purple and laughter. There were people in red laughing with the people in purple. I saw a couple hand in hand but wearing Niners and Ravens shirts. It was explained to me that the woman was from Baltimore and the husband gradated UC Berkley. An intrafamily rivalry. Much like the Harbaughs! As you walk Super Bowl Boulevard along the river and the streets of the French Quarter you saw fans in all shapes and sizes, you saw fans of all ages and color, you saw a common bond between them all, they loved their team and the sport. And they all loved being there!

Walking is a great way to get around in New Orleans. Get your “one for the road” drink in a plastic cup and you are on your way to see some fascinating bars, art shops, antique stores and people! You can eat as you go or stop at an eatery and enjoy the flavors of Cajun food – some of it quite exotic. Alligator tastes like chicken, I have been told – so why not just eat chicken? If your legs are tired and it is late you can get a ride in a police car with lights flashing right to your hotel, as I did, after the game. Hey, there were no trolley cars in sight! However, I do not recommend this approach to travel.

As you walk down Bourbon Street you will see things that you never dreamed of seeing on the street. I saw two such things – large things - on the same person. One was painted with a Niner emblem and the other was a Raven emblem. (Photo on rquest).
New Orleans is a city that is truly alive! What the NFL did to adorn the city is no less than amazing. You got an adrenaline rush just being there. In the hotel bar I met so many people. I met doctors – crazy surgeons and an ER doc that was just as nuts. I met a retailer with strange first name – she was there without ticket – after all the game is just the anticlimax of the weekend. So many players walked through the bar and restaurant. There was an uproar each time one was spotted. Being a Niner fan (really a Patriot fan) I had no idea who they were.
There was the Fan Fest at the convention center. Also, amazing. You can try running, throwing  and kicking. That is when you find out how hard those things that pros make look easy is. At the north end of the convention center is the NFL Shop. You will be parted with your hard earned money very quickly. You will buy shirts with names on them that you have no idea who they are – unless it is Kaepernick.
The press and TV crews were everywhere. You could not hide from the cameras. Talking heads were setting up locations to report from the scene even though the scene was over. Monday morning was very busy reporting what had happened and that stuff was reported all over the world earlier. Now that is when a power outage may have been a good idea.
Then there was the Tailgate Party in a multilevel parking garage converted just for this party. Free drinks and free food everywhere. Gospel singers, jazz bands, clowns and people getting dressed for the Mardi Gras. That was a mad house but a great time was had by all.
Fortified by drink we entered the arena to see two different rock bands. I must say I enjoyed them both. Great entertainment and an amazing festival of light and sound. Oh, I almost forgot, the game!
We had great seats in the end zone but low enough to see the whole field clearly. Field goals and points after were going right at me. I sw the 108 yard return  - every single yard. But it was the pregame that was also fascinating. Players on the field warming up. Quarterbacks throwing all over the place and way down field. WOW! But the real WOW was Jennifer Hudson with the kids from the Sandy Hook school. That brought tears to 140 thousand eyes. The stadium was faklempt. When the anthem was sung it was not so good. I wanted Beyonce back. Then we got her back for the Half Time Show. In the stadium most of us watched as the people did at home – on the televisions that were around the stadium.
The game was over – it was kind of late as the power went out for 35 minutes till someone went and paid the bill. There were two distinct games. The first half which was abysmal  and the second half which was so much better – but not quite good enough. The game was over, Super Bowl, again in another year. So much to look forward to. I understand that the location is New Jersey and New York. In February???? Are they nuts????
That was my experience – you decide if it was worth the time and the costs.