Thursday, February 14, 2013


Here is some comments that I have to make regarding this week:

1. Rand Paul - aside from his weird accent, what comes out of his mouth is very strange. For example, he wants to know if the drones are being used to attack Americans in the US. What is the basis for this question? Has anyone heard of this happening any where? It is  like the red herring question - Are you still beating your wife? Paul is beating a dead horse and worse he is getting air time for his comments. After his bloviating with Secretary Clinton, he is not quaified to be president, not now - not ever.

2. CNN proposes some very interesting and stupid questions. Today we were asked that is it appropriate for drones to receive combat medals? If they do, I want my rifle to get a Purple Heart becasue I dropped it in training and broke the stock. Idiots!!! They have a six pack on in the morning, and the one person that is definately not funny is the comedian. He has got to get his head straight - I mean straight up and down - it is always leaning to the left - Oh, I get it!

3. Ana Navarro - that is a complete makeover. I don't agree with most of what she says, but she is getting better to look at in the morning. Yes, that is sexist, but if she didn't want
that observation, then she shouldn't change her hair-do every day!

4. John McCain needs to be careful - he has had surgery or some procedure on his face. I don't want him to aggravate that area by trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth.

5. The SEAL that pop-popped UBL is receiving five years of health care. I am sure he was aware that you must put in 20 years to get the rest of the benefits, so why did he jump out at 16? He is still a hero but not too savvy when it comes to living his life. Maybe a graduated retirement is a good thing but let's get in in place before making the decision to leave it all behind.

6. One more thought ont the SEAL. Since we have an all volunteer military, what ever your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is you probably chose it. And if you weren't qualified for that MOS then you got another MOS. The SEAL was obviously qualified and he chose to do what he did. No question - he did it well.

7. Senator Rubio - Not ready for prime time! But great for Saturday Night Live! It is especially interesting when he was rebutting a speech that the President did not give. Was he not listening? What else is new? Next GOP ticket: Rubio and Jindal!

8. Dorner situation - every cop, anyone that wears a badge in Southern California, should get a medal.

Those are my observations - you decide!

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