Friday, January 10, 2014


No one was laughing, especially when they got caught. Governor Christie is not my guy nor my governor  but I always thought highly of him, not so much of his ideas. I was impressed with the way he handled “Bridge Gate.”
He took immediate action and canned the people responsible. He did it without a long and deliberative process, they screwed up, they screwed him now they get screwed along with the people of two states that got screwed for four days.
When it comes to pay back politics I am at a loss as to understanding the high that they got. Had any of these people that created the mess had to be in the Big City how would they have reacted? It was not funny. What was tragic is that the jams held up emergency vehicles. Had there been a family member heading to hospital in an ambulance with lights and sirens with no ability to move, that would have been hilarious, not. The chain reaction of what they did was really very tragic – who knows what lives were damaged by a doctor being delayed for a procedure and the patient that need it.
Payback is expensive. Ask George W. Bush whose defense of killing about 5000 young Americans was payback to Sadam for trying to kill George  H.W. Bush. “Sadam tried to kill my daddy, “ he said. So, the mother s of about 5000 dead soldiers and about 20,000 or so wounded soldiers paid dearly for that payback.
Recall the dinner where George jokingly was looking under the table for the WMDs. That was NOT FUNNY. We know how that played out. The bridge disaster will be quantified as time goes on and as stories emerge from the people riding in the buses and their personal vehicles start recount the effect of those days while on the asphalt. Jokes, like these have consequences.
It is my hope that Governor Christie does not suffer from the effects of these ill- advised actions on the part of some of his staff. I am hopeful that this does not land at his door. I want to see him get the Republican nomination. He is not a Tea Party idiot. That means though I might not agree with him, he has cogent ideas. Ryan, Paul and Cruz are the village idiots that live in the village of the Congress. These are three jokes that are definitely not funny.
These idiots that created the traffic jam may have also created an atmosphere where Christie may not be able to run. He has to overcome the association – he did hire or appoint them.
Let this be a lesson for all civil servants; you serve the civilian population. Not an elected official though you may serve at that official’s pleasure in order to serve the people.
We in Los Angeles have had Carmegedon, twice. There were no problems as we knew that they were coming. The Port Authority did not warn any one of the lane closings for the “traffic study” that wasn’t. It was deliberate, it was deceitful, it was mean spirited and meant to hurt the people they serve. Then when one of the cowards was asked about it he took the 5th. That gave the people of New Jersey a great sense of comfort. Oh! They were just drunk. Until they learned that the 5th was not scotch but the 5th amendment of the US Constitution they are to defend. Now the people need a fifth to deal with this.
The Super Bowl is coming to New Jersey. Who knows what these brain dead civil servants had planned?  Let’s see the Mayor of New York is a Democrat as is the governor. Payback time – really? 

I have a question: Since the New Jersey as well as the New York populations get their news and traffic reports from the same  media outlets, how did the Governor not know about the major snarls that were created in his state and reported on by local TV outlets? Hmmm!

That is my take, you decide.

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