Friday, May 27, 2016


According to Trump, the economy stinks. It is rigged (for people like him). It is not what the Obama administration promised. Again, according to Trump, the unemployment rate is 10 percent, maybe 20 percent and he even heard up 42%. We know he is nuts but the people are starting to believe this crap. It comes down to an old joke where a wife comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman, as he steps away from the bed he asks, “Are you going to believe me or are you going to believe your eyes?”

In this case, the economy, I am opting for what I see. Not what I am hearing. Yes, you can make the argument that there are people hurting, there are always people hurting. The reasons are not always of their own making, but many are because they won’t “flip burgers.” There are so many people who are under qualified and won’t take the job that is there – hence migrant workers, braceros on the street looking for manual labor, handymen and women without green cards. They get jobs.

If Trump deports the 11 million “illegals” I am confident that the people who are out of work, will still be looking for a job. That is not the answer.

So, if this economy is so bad why are the 38 million people going on a trip this Memorial Day weekend? Why are the security lines so long at the airport? People without money don’t travel. The planes are full. They don’t go Disney Land or World. They don’t go camping. They don’t spend billions at the movie box office. This is not the top 10% is the “middle class” that is being destroyed in s systematic way by the Right. They, the Right, are trying hard but 20 million more people are enjoying health insurance for the first time in spite of the Right.

Is the economy a state of mind or is it really bad? Make your own analysis.  Next time that you are stopped at a traffic light look at the ten cars around you? (Remember, many of the foreign brands are built on the US by us). How many cars are three years old or younger? I will bet that you will be astonished at what you see. I had a guy tell me yes, but they are all leased and the payments are lower. There are two things wrong with that argument: 1. There are still payments to be made 2. The lessee needs a better credit score to lease than to buy. You get a better score by paying your bills.

Trump and others tell you how bad it is so often you almost have to believe it. Believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see. Maybe then you won’t let the politicians on the left and right depress you.

Go to a major league ball park and see how many people, not in the 10%, are there. With their kids, buying six dollar water (I have written about this), wearing logo shirts and having fun. They are the working class that the pundits says are angry. Really! Angry? May be pissed at $15 parking, but angry they are not.

I often hear that college kids that are graduating can’t get jobs. True, they can’t get the jobs that pay what they are expecting. I am not saying we don’t have problems within the economy, but we are better prepared to deal with them. We must not let the Right increase interest rates on student loans or prevent them from adjusting them as the economy may dictate. We, the people, are aware of the solutions but look at who are stepping in front of the way to solve the problems. There is the Tea Party, the ultra-right, our right wing congress members who won’t raise the minimum wage but give themselves enormous raises to do nothing and they appear to do nothing quite well. They have created the appearance of a negative economy so they can install their solutions – privatize it.

Take the TSA for example. They, the right (they are in control of Congress) cut the TSA budget. So, we get longer lines and poorer security. What did they suggest? Yep, privatize it.

The US Postal Service is doing well, well enough to drop the rate of a first class stamp. No one is going “postal” these days. That is killing the right that imposed major financial regulations that required the USPS to prefund all pensions. So, even with one hand tied behind their back,  to the Right’s chagrin, there is no need to privatize.

Social Security is not broke, it could be better if the cap was lifted. The Right and some lefties, won’t do that either. The Social Security program is one of insurance not investment. Since its inception, not one Social Security check has ever bounced or been missed.

Will Hillary, Bernie or the Donald fix any of that? For sure, the Donald won’t. Our best bet is with someone from the left. That is for you to decide, but they and us, feel that America is great now, but it could be greater. Listen to the issues not the propaganda.

What makes America great is the fact that I can write this blog, you can read it,  and you can agree or not agree.

I want a leader to lead us, not a conniving business man with a record of distortion, a record of deceit. Not someone with a record of cheering for our misfortunes so he can make a larger fortune. Not a bully that wants to dominate other world leaders. That is a recipe for disaster and Trump, using that word to describe everything but his ideas, will be the largest, and biggest creator of disasters. They will be “huuuuge.”

I just drove down a major thoroughfare here in the San Fernando Valley. There are several large “Now Hiring” signs displayed. Go the mall and see the “Hiring Now” signs in the windows. Need a job, you can get a job. Don’t blame the other guy for your situation. Take charge of yourself and change it. The guy with the different color skin is not causing your problem, you are.

That is my take, you decide


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