Tuesday, November 7, 2017


These are the two meaningless words I ever heard. Especially, when they are responding to a tragedy. They do nothing to calm the victims, the families of victims, the acquaintances of the victims. Save your breath. Better to say nothing than utter the words that are empty and devoid of meaning  and actions.

“Our thoughts.” What are they thinking? Glad I am not a victim. Someone will ask for more laws to prevent this happening again. The speaker of the empty words wants to deflect the idea so they show some empathy, often devoid of any real caring. More thoughts, the “do gooders” are coming out of the woodwork to ask for and  demand action. That is what the “TandP” idiots are thinking. These are their actual thoughts:

  1. Come up with a talking point like “now is not the time to discuss gun control, opioid control."
  2. Create alternative argument. That is a mental health issue not a gun issue. Or in the case of opioids, we can’t deny those that need them, they will suffer.
  3.  We need to enforce the laws we have already on the books. 
  4. We need more guns so good guys with guns can get the bad guys with guns. No good guy with a gun ever prevented an incident.
  5. We need to build a wall to prevent opioids from entering the country.

These are their thoughts. There is nothing in their thoughts that comfort anyone or create action. Those that say, “our thoughts and prayers are with you,” are full of shit. In order to think you have to have a brain.  When you see members of the government do you see any brains? (Do you see any spines?)

Unfortunately we live in a country with people in legislatures that are focused on staying there no matter what it takes. Remember Speaker Foley. He was replaced by a Term Limits guy who when his term was up wanted to do away with term limits as it applied to him. They want to stay in power. They are always thinking what they have to do to stay. Those are their thoughts. Those are their reasons for inaction. Don’t piss off the NRA, don’t piss off Big Pharma. So, we have an opioid crisis as a result. The NRA is the governing force behind gun laws or the lack thereof.

As the Las Vegas Massacre unfolded the Congress was trying pass a bill that will allow gun owners to buy silencers. So, when they kill you won’t have to deal with the sound of your death. Congress will not take away semiautomatic military rifles. The singular reason for that weapon is to kill people. The last eight mass shootings employed AR15 rifles. I haven’t heard of one AR15 used to get venison. Bump stocks – yes, you can still get them to upgrade your AR15 to increase the kill capacity.
WHAT THE HELL IS IT GOING TO TAKE? I guess as long as we are in their thoughts we are OK. NOT.

Because we are also in their prayers, it is most Interesting that two mass shootings took place in a church while people were praying. It must make them feel better to say they are praying for the victims when they are actually preying on them with the lack of any action on resolving the problems; Opioids or bullet delivery systems.

Prayers, while it sounds so wonderful, who are they praying to and for what? Allah, the god that the New York truck driver spoke of as he ran down the people. The god that was NOT at Sandy Hook? The god that was not at the Sutherland Springs church?  Keep your misguided prayers and DO SOMEHTING.

I AM SO SICK OF HEARING THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!  I want some action. I want the action now.

Stop thinking and start to take actions like passing some bills. Stop calling the problems by what they aren’t. The only mental health problem hurting our society is borne by our president. His statement has created a wall between real  action and bull shit. He actually cut mental health funding.

The gun problem is based in the need for manufacturers to make money, more than they need. They do it with the blood of our fellow citizens. The NRA stands for No Recent Action on any of this.

Bump stocks, silencers automatic rifles, expanded magazines, hollow nose bullets, armor piercing ammunition all legal because of our spineless Congress people, our mentally disturbed president and the NRA. Now, if the people on my block are going to war against the people on the next street, well that explains the need for war materials.  I am for following the intent of the second Amendment and give everyone muskets.

That is my take  - you decide.  (I want to hear your thoughts and prayers)

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Last week I went to my gastroenterologist. My stomach has been in turmoil and I have explosive events when I am not at home or at a restaurant or a friend’s house. She asked me so many questions. Some of the answers were embarrassing.

I am a news junky so I am trying to see if that is the problem. I watch news daily and read the paper every morning cover to cover over my coffee, (which is now decaf thanks to the doctor). Yes, my stomach is better but not yet cured. I drink purified water, too! Lots of it. I am rid of fats, spices and intoxicants. Yet, the problem persists. There are no indications of any contaminants in my diet. Only in my political life.
There is one major contaminant on my screens. It is orange with small hands and blond rat wig on its head. That contaminant can create and upset stomach on any one. It is a disgusting, degenerate germ that is around. It is an epidemic causing viruses in all of our lives.
I will bet by now you have figured out what this germ is! That germ is somewhat tolerated with alcohol. Could I use a drink now!  I usually have one drink day, around 5 or 6 pm. I just realized that the drink coincides with the news. My Trumpareha is becoming chronic.
OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt with regard to the phone call to the dead soldier’s wife. Is he that stupid that he can’t remember what his chief of staff told him to say – My guess is yes, he is. Chalk his bumbling phone call up to stupidity.  Our Commander in Chief, if you haven’t yet decided that for yourself, is stupid. I wish there was some presidential form of Kaopectate. He is creating shit storms that make the recent hurricanes look tame. More trumpareha!
Our country is in much worse shape now that it was January 19 of this year. The decline continues with every boast, every lie, every tweet, every Executive Order, every appointment that has to resign or not get consideration, and every time he wakes up. Make America Great Again, how when he can’t keep America out of the toilet?
I did not know and was not aware of the fact that Trumpareha was contagious. Then I heard mush mouth Sarah Sanders tell us that a General cannot be questioned, then I heard the general. Here’s the thing: The general is paid with tax dollars and when he was a general he was under civilian authority. The general had no deity, only some stars and a good paycheck. He wore a beret not a pointed hat and robes. Sarah Sanders’ sanity needs to be questioned if she thinks the United States of America is religious institution. (Hmmm, her father publicly stated that he wanted the bible to replace the constitution).
The American public has not figured out yet that the orange contaminant wants to be El Deuce of the U.S. He is working the country in that direction and most of us don’t speak Italian. Only a few of our legislators have the guts to say what he is. Above all, he is a mentally impaired person.  So, why hasn’t the cabinet thought about their actions under the 25th amendment?
In the next election we will have no political ads just commercials for medicines that can cure Trumpareha. If trumpareha is not cured then we will all have to live through the smell. It stinks now, imagine a year from now.
My heart goes out to LaDavid Johnson’s family. In addition to the insensitivity they had to smell the residue of trumpareha.
I wonder what the smell is like in the Press Room at the White House. Sarah Sanders has done a great job of proliferating the trumpareha. At least Spicer, when he was there, looked troubled by what he was told to say. He damaged his reputation trying to be loyal to a very prolific defecator. I finally took the Imodium and left the job only to be replaced by the Mooch and no Sanders.
Three hundred and fifty million people cannot take daily doses of Imodium. So what do we do? Simple, make sure our congress people take action before we have a war with Iran, North Korea. Mexico, White Supremacists, and before we deport 800,000 good people,  to replace this contaminant in our government. Soon, I pray.
There is one major contaminant on my screens. It is orange with small hands and blond rat wig on its head. That contaminant can create and upset stomach on any one. It is a disgusting, degenerate germ that is around. It is an epidemic causing viruses in all of our lives.

I will bet by now you have figured out what this germ is! That germ is somewhat tolerated with alcohol. Could I use a drink now!  I usually have one drink day, around 5 or 6 pm. I just realized that the drink coincides with the news. My Trumpareha is becoming chronic.

OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt with regard to the phone call to the dead soldier’s wife. Is he that stupid that he can’t remember what his chief of staff told him to say – My guess is yes, he is. Chalk his bumbling phone call up to stupidity.  Our Commander in Chief, if you haven’t yet decided that for yourself, is stupid. I wish there was some presidential form of Kaopectate. He is creating shit storms that make the recent hurricanes look tame. More trumpareha!
Our country is in much worse shape now that it was January 19 of this year. The decline continues with every boast, every lie, every tweet, every Executive Order, every appointment that has mafe to resign or not get consideration, and every time he wakes up. Make America Great Again, how when he can’t keep America out of the toilet?

I did not know and was not aware of the fact that Trumpareha was contagious. Then I heard mush mouth Sarah Sanders tell us that a General cannot be questioned, then I heard the general. Here’s the thing: The general is paid with tax dollars and when he was a general he was under civilian authority. The general had no deity, only some stars and a good paycheck. He wore a beret not a pointed hat and robes. Sarah Sanders’ sanity needs to be questioned if she thinks the United States of America is religious institution. (Hmmm, her father publicly stated that he wanted the bible to replace the constitution).

The American public has not figured out yet that the orange contaminant wants to be El Deuce of the U.S. He is working the country in that direction and most of us don’t speak Italian. Only a few of our legislators have the guts to say what he is. Above all, he is a mentally impaired person.  So, why hasn’t the cabinet thought about their actions under the 25th amendment?

In the next election we will have no political ads just commercials for medicines that can cure Trumpareha. If trumpareha is not cured then we will all have to live through the smell. It stinks now, imagine a year from now.

My heart goes out to LaDavid Johnson’s family. In addition to the insensitivity they had deal with, they to smell the residue of trumpareha.

I wonder what the smell is like in the Press Room at the White House. Sarah Sanders has done a great job of proliferating the trumpareha. At least Spicer, when he was there, looked troubled by what he was told to say. He damaged his reputation trying to be loyal to a very prolific defecator. I finally took the Imodium and left the job only to be replaced by the Mooch and now Sanders.

Three hundred and fifty million people cannot take daily doses of Imodium. So what do we do? Simple, make sure our congress people take action, before we have a war with Iran, North Korea. Mexico, White Supremacists, and before we deport 800,000 good people. We need to replace this bacteria, trumpareha, quickly.

That is my take – you decide!


Saturday, September 9, 2017


Last night three friends and I went to Dodger Stadium to see the Dodgers lose again. But we enjoy being under the stars and munching our hot dogs, so even if they lose we win. We arrived at the gate, showed the attendant our electronic parking pass and proceeded into the stadium area. That was exactly three minutes to seven. We had 13 minutes to get to our seats. In fact, we could see our seats from the parking lot. They were behind home plate but way above the plate area, yes, nose bleed seats.

We proceeded to get into the traffic that would take us to the lot were needed to get to. Lot P. Normally, we would just drive around the park, pull into Lot P and walk into the stadium down a very steep set of stairs to our seats. Of course there would be a stop to get Dodger Dogs as walking up the stairs to get them would be a cardiac adventure. So, in addition to the Dodger Dogs a pit stop was in order. Simple, yes! Except that we spent an hour in traffic, in the park, to get to Lot P. It was 8:04 pm when we entered The ticket gate.  We missed the first three innings and the first four runs that the Dodgers had score in some time.

It was fireworks night so they blocked off two or three large parking lots.  As a result there was intense grid lock in the park. Like the Dodgers didn’t know that there would be a lot of people coming to the game. The Dodgers were taken by surprise. The organization that boasts the largest attendance of any major league team was not prepared – or they didn’t give a crap as long as you paid outlandish ticket costs, and parking cost that compare with your mortgage payments. The game was a sellout which they knew long in advance. So, they decided to reduce the parking capacity. What! planning? They had traffic going in every direction but the one direction that would take you to your lot.

I have a new car and enjoy riding in it. “Riding” being the operative word  - not standing still for an hour or worse,  not seeing the game I paid to see and not enjoying the brief success that the Dodgers had while inching along, while the whirling Darvish tried in vain to pitch a winning game.

When we finally got into the stadium I went to Fan Services and they gave me a form to fill out that would have taken 30 minutes. So, I opted to take the form with me and send it in after I get home except they don’t have where to submit the form on the form. They really don’t want to hear any criticism after all, they are the Dodgers.

We missed a third of the game and as it turned out to be the best third of a game in some time. For most Angelenos, there is no TV coverage, no Vin and an organization that doesn’t care enough to prepare.  When you decide to come to the park, pay the outrageous ticket price, the $7 for a coke, $7.50 for a bottle of water and $12.00 for a beer, you would think that the Dodgers would prepare to accommodate their fans. The expression that a fool and his/her money are soon parted must be the mantra for the Dodgers.

It took more than 30 minutes to get from the freeway to stadium gate and an hour in the parking areas to get to the lot where we would have access to our seats. What fun – NOT!

Our seats were near the bottom of the section – good seats except if we wanted a drink during the game it was like climbing Mount Everest to get to the concession stands, or the rest rooms.  The whole six innings (what was the remainder of the game) not one vendor came into this section. There was an exception, the fifty/fifty guy pedaling tickets. It appears that some form of gambling is allowed at the stadium, but the biggest gamble is parking.

Two weeks ago I was in New York for the US Open. We took the US Open shuttle from Central Park to Flushing Queens  - a notoriously crowded route under the East River. We did It in less than an hour. Good thing the Dodgers were not playing there we would have missed the first round.  If you care and you plan you can accommodate the anticipated crowds. Obviously the Dodger don’t  give a rat’s ass about the fan.

A few years ago the Dodgers were floundering. Loved it.  There were less people at the park, shorter food lines. – much more fun.  Half price Wednesdays made taking the grandkids to a game was not going to be a life changing financial experience.

My point is that going to a game should be a fun experience. Yell at the umps. Boo the players state your opinions as to who should be in the lineup and cheer the good moments like the one we missed when Turner hit the home run. Not getting aggravated standing still in a road way to get to a parking lot. Not having a kid tell you that you can’t park there, or having no one try to sell you an ice cream bar because vendors don’t go to the “cheap seats”.

The Dodgers have found a way to take the pleasure out of what should be a fun experience.

That is my take  - you decide!


Thursday, June 8, 2017


This morning I heard the disgusting sound of Trump’s voice saying and explaining why he was privatizing Air Traffic Control in the United States. Holy shit!  Does he have any idea of what he may be doing? Does this idiot have any idea of the consequences of this move? This was not a campaign promise, so why is he being so reckless with our lives?

The United State government is in business for one reason: to keep the population safe. Even from ourselves. The US government is not a profit making venture nor was it ever intended to be one. That is why it CANNOT be run as a business. (Has anyone counted Trump’s failure in business? I need to have a drink but won’t drink Trump Vodka – it is bankrupt). It is there to provide for the general welfare and in that effort to keep planes from hitting the ground.

By privatizing he will violate the principle that keeping planes flying safe is not based on a profit motive. Here is what I see: Trump Traffic Control, Inc. (no such entity, yet) takes over the obligation to keep airplanes flying.

He says we will be safer: How if there is no control of the hiring process? No control of the training process. Private businesses are “for profit.” So, the quicker that trainee is “ready” to assume the responsibility of the job the better for the company. So, they took a few training short cuts.  But, there is a body on front of the screen. The TTCI is in compliance with their contract. The bodies are there. They may be under qualified, less than bright, but they are “trained“ and they are on the job. How will TTTCI vent their applicants? Which agency will do the background checks – not the FBI.  He doesn’t trust the FBI and they do not trust him.

OK, the privately hired controllers are in place and there is a snow storm. TTCI get rated on the number of aircraft they let take off. Not so much how many land safely. In spite of the storm the TTCI people allow planes to take off. But because of the weather, the let more than the usual number  of them head into the wild blue blunder. Oy!

According to his comments he believes planes are late and are grounded because the rules and regulations are not what he thinks they need to be. These TTCI controllers will let the planes crash on time.  By the way, Trump airlines failed miserably..

I am also confident that he will indemnify the TTCI, so if you lost a loved one in a crash due to TTCI’s poor performance, TTCI will be in the clear and will continue to protect profits or non-profits as the case may be. It is supposed to be a joint effort with the government and the airlines.

If it is a joint effort who is in charge? The CEO of the airline you happen to be flying or Trump? This is a formula for disaster. Put your thumb and index finger together with palms out and say “dizzazztah!” You heard it here first.

There is no doubt that the air traffic control system needs to be updated. It is my understanding that this is being done, albeit slowly. Who will pay for the upgrades? If the airlines are not going profit from this then the government will have to step in. Has Trump redlined this yet?

Six years ago (April 11, 2011) I wrote a blog entitled WHO SAYS GOVERNMENT CAN’ T DO A GOOD JOB, THAT PRIVATE COMPANIES CAN DO IT BETTER? Try privatizing police, fire, emergency services, army, navy, air force, coast guard, IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, FDIC, etc.

I am not aware that the air traffic controllers are not doing their best to get you to the destination of your choice.

Our government is becoming understaffed and blatantly incompetent. Do we want to give our air safety to people like that? Not I, said me.

We just elected a member of the business sector. Look what we got in just four months: International intrigue like we never had before, a president who may be brought up on criminal charges for obstruction of justice, legislation that at best, is also “criminal,” a family run government who doesn’t have the skills or experience to run a nation, the most incompetent cabinet ever, I mean ever, a laughing stock among nations that no longer see the US as a leader. Should I go on?

Be sure that when you fly to pray. When you land kiss the ground and if you need some medical attention, well that will be problematic, too.

This is our new United States of America.

That is my take, you decide.


Thursday, May 18, 2017


I haven’t written anything in more than two months. Why? I didn’t know where to start and on what subject to write? These are the questions I asked myself. Yes, I am concernded, Yes, I am afraid.  We have a president that likes to play “Who Has  Got The Bigger Dick.” And every day, in some way, he whips it out. Comey firing.  Sending an aIrcraft carrier the wrong way, at first. Fifty nine missiles to create pot holes on a Syrian runway. A Seal attack in Yemen that got us no Intel but did get a Seal killed. He has been whipping it out repeatedly but it is so limp as to be ineffective. But he does brag about his accomplishments. He knows how to open a can, but it is a can of worms.

You fire a missile, I will send an aircraft carrier. You got spies, I got better spies. You got intel, look at the intel I got! You got generals , I got more generals and they blindly obey me. You got oppressive laws, wait till you see what I do.
What is this “teenager” trying to prove? Even his wife will not be by his side. She probably does not want to be part of the threesome. Donald, Ivanka and Melania. She has distanced herself from Donald as many GOP lawmakers have. She is in New York,, the lawmakers are just down the 95. He is too far away to do to Melania  what he does to his GOP legislators and his team..
Putin gets on the phone and tells Donny to get Labrov and the ambassador into the oval office. So, the Tas photographer can take photos and /or plant bugs. No problem for Donny. He just kissed the ass of his biggest adversary.
It is still all about him. He is pissed that the three million illegals (that never voted and don’t exist) didn’t vote for him.
(Please note that the ties he wears always point to his biggest dick).
The biggest dick now belongs to Mueller.  Trump is the biggest dick, Mueller has the biggest dick. So, when the testimony starts, the papers come in –Trump will be toast. The best cottage industry right now is securing lawyers for the Trump team for a percentage.
I found the following essay on Facebook and I believe that is worth sharing – even with those supporters that say give him a chance. I would normally do that except for a few things:
I don’t know , it’s hard for me to see any U.S. ties to Russia…except for the Flynn thing and the Manafort thing
and the Tillerson thing
and the Sessions thing
and the Kushner thing
and the Carter Page thing
and the Roger Stone thing
and the Felix Sater thing
and the Boris Ephsteyn thing
and the Rosneft thing
and the Gazprom thing
and the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
and the Azerbajain thing
and the “I love Putin” thing
and the Donald Trump, Jr. thing
and the Sergey Kislyak thing
and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
and the Russian Business Interests thing
and the Emoluments Clause thing
and the Alex Schnaider thing
and the hack of the DNC thing
and the Guccifer 2.0 thing
and the Mike Pence “I don’t know anything” thing
and the Russians mysteriously dying thing
and Trump’s public request to Russia to hack Hillary’s email thing
and the Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
and the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing
and the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
and the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
and the Cyprus bank thing
and Trump not releasing his tax returns thing
and the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing
and the election hacking thing
and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
and the Steele Dossier thing
and the Leninist Bannon thing
and the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
and the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
and the Trump reassurance that the Russian connection is all “fake news” thing
and the Spicer’s Russian Dressing “nothing’s wrong” thing
and the Chaffetz not willing to start an investigation thing
and the Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation thing
and the The Lead DOJ Investigator Mary McCord SUDDENLY in the middle of the investigation decides to resign thing
and the appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by Trump in the Trump university scandal appointed to head the investigation thing
and the The White House going into full-on cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and subsequent firing of Flynn thing
and the Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama thing
and the Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything thing
and the Agent M16 following the money thing
and the Trump team KNOWING about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway thing
and The Corey Lewendowski thing
and the Preet Bharara firing thing but before he left he transferred evidence against Trump to a state level Schneiderman thing
and the Betsy Devos' Brother thing
and the Sebastian Gorka thing
and the Greg Gianforte from Montana thing
and the Pence actually was warned about Flynn before he was hired thing
and the Pence and Manafort connection thing
and the 7 Allies coming forward with audio of Trump's associates in an incidental wire tapping thing
and the Carter Page defying the Senate's order to hand over his Russian contact list
and the Trump wants to VETO Sally Yates' testimony thing
and the Trump trying to discredit Yates thing
and the Obama told Trump personally about Flynn thing
and the COMEY thing
and the meeting with Russian foreign minister upon the order of Putin thing
and the sharing of highly classified top secret information to Russian Foreign minister thing
and the invitation and hosting of Turkey's dictator thing
SO yeah there’s probably nothing there!
This is a copy and paste that says it all. The Donald is in big trouble and his ego is eating him up. He'll resign before he "looses". Only took 120 days to destroy his place in American History!

That is my take - you decide.



Thursday, March 16, 2017


Last week I got a call from my dentist.  She was really pissed off. Someone posted on Facebook, “Share if you love your dentist.” I didn’t share. She thinks I don’t love her. I guess showing up for appointments in time, paying my bill on time and not asking for parking stamps is not a display of love. While my dentist is a lovely looking lady with great skills, I do not love her. I am sure her husband feels secure in that knowledge.

I get a lot of information on Facebook but also so much crap. It is filled with GINGO.  Garbage In and Garbage Out. Here is a list of things I did not share:

Love my son
Love my daughter
Love my dog (I don’t have one)
Love my refrigerator (That one I have)
Love my son-in-law
Love my daughter-in-law
Love my grandchildren, both sexes
Love my synagogue/church

Also share if you agree with:

Weekend voting
Abortion rights
No abortion rights
You have the greatest bakery
You have the best grocery store
The best plastic surgeon.
The worst plastic surgeon

. . .  and on and on.

Facebook is a good idea but some people need it to fulfill their need to be loved or admired. I had one ex-friend that filled my screen with how her elderly father is wonderful. He had two whole bowel movements today – the best father in the world. How do I know, she posted more than100 times before I shut her off. How about the posting about a favorite grandchild just peed in the toilet. (He is 20) Then you get to comment on the posting. Depending on the number and tone of the comments, you will know if you are loved, believed, admired or people will think you are full of shit.

Then you get, “Agree if you support . . .”  that is playing to your emotions. If you don’t agree then you support child beating, breast  cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and any other malady that some one has and wants you to know they have it so you can feel bad for them. I do feel bad for them, even if I don’t know them. They do not have to advertise or get “likes.” What about that is there to like?

Last week I got  a blurb from a lifelong friend about having cancer. I just read the first sentence and I was on the phone looking for her. She told me to read the whole thing. I don’t want to read the whole thing, the first sentence was enough. She was passing on a note someone else wrote, who, by the way did not have cancer to encourage people to have empathy for those that have breast cancer. I do and I don’t need to be alarmed and scared to acquire that empathy. This crying wolf crap got to stop. Stop sharing the bull shit. No, you are not a good friend when you do that.

Stop helping bad dudes who want to steal your stuff. There has been a marked increase of burglaries due to the increasing need to tell people where you are. Especially if you are not home. “I am sitting at Moscow International Airport waiting for Uber.”

The bad dudes go to Bing and get your address. That is all it takes. You can be cleaned out. They scroll down your page and read about your new Audi. You use Uber so the car should be at home. Got my drift? If your spouse and your kids are at home they are also in jeopardy thanks to your ego.

“Friending” and old friend you hadn’t seen since the 4th grade. Then you go to their page and discover that nothing has changed. They are still idiots. And still fat. There are stories of people reuniting and it changed their lives. That does happen and that is good.

Yes, Facebook is great for disseminating some important information. This blog and other news items are posted there. During the last election cycle many, no, most people got their news on line. I learn about new products. New government programs and I get to enjoy the fact that my friend is also growing older. And I get to mourn their loss. That is what the FB is all about.

Actually, I will share articles that are time sensitive and socially sensitive because I do believe that healthcare is a right and not a privilege. I do believe that the ability to vote is also a right. Yes, Facebook can be a great asset in our lives, just use it as it was intended, a means of communication not a tool of self -promotion.  Or self- aggrandizement, or a  tool to make me guilty for not sharing your guilt.

Share if you agree.

That is my take – you decide.