Saturday, October 21, 2017


Last week I went to my gastroenterologist. My stomach has been in turmoil and I have explosive events when I am not at home or at a restaurant or a friend’s house. She asked me so many questions. Some of the answers were embarrassing.

I am a news junky so I am trying to see if that is the problem. I watch news daily and read the paper every morning cover to cover over my coffee, (which is now decaf thanks to the doctor). Yes, my stomach is better but not yet cured. I drink purified water, too! Lots of it. I am rid of fats, spices and intoxicants. Yet, the problem persists. There are no indications of any contaminants in my diet. Only in my political life.
There is one major contaminant on my screens. It is orange with small hands and blond rat wig on its head. That contaminant can create and upset stomach on any one. It is a disgusting, degenerate germ that is around. It is an epidemic causing viruses in all of our lives.
I will bet by now you have figured out what this germ is! That germ is somewhat tolerated with alcohol. Could I use a drink now!  I usually have one drink day, around 5 or 6 pm. I just realized that the drink coincides with the news. My Trumpareha is becoming chronic.
OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt with regard to the phone call to the dead soldier’s wife. Is he that stupid that he can’t remember what his chief of staff told him to say – My guess is yes, he is. Chalk his bumbling phone call up to stupidity.  Our Commander in Chief, if you haven’t yet decided that for yourself, is stupid. I wish there was some presidential form of Kaopectate. He is creating shit storms that make the recent hurricanes look tame. More trumpareha!
Our country is in much worse shape now that it was January 19 of this year. The decline continues with every boast, every lie, every tweet, every Executive Order, every appointment that has to resign or not get consideration, and every time he wakes up. Make America Great Again, how when he can’t keep America out of the toilet?
I did not know and was not aware of the fact that Trumpareha was contagious. Then I heard mush mouth Sarah Sanders tell us that a General cannot be questioned, then I heard the general. Here’s the thing: The general is paid with tax dollars and when he was a general he was under civilian authority. The general had no deity, only some stars and a good paycheck. He wore a beret not a pointed hat and robes. Sarah Sanders’ sanity needs to be questioned if she thinks the United States of America is religious institution. (Hmmm, her father publicly stated that he wanted the bible to replace the constitution).
The American public has not figured out yet that the orange contaminant wants to be El Deuce of the U.S. He is working the country in that direction and most of us don’t speak Italian. Only a few of our legislators have the guts to say what he is. Above all, he is a mentally impaired person.  So, why hasn’t the cabinet thought about their actions under the 25th amendment?
In the next election we will have no political ads just commercials for medicines that can cure Trumpareha. If trumpareha is not cured then we will all have to live through the smell. It stinks now, imagine a year from now.
My heart goes out to LaDavid Johnson’s family. In addition to the insensitivity they had to smell the residue of trumpareha.
I wonder what the smell is like in the Press Room at the White House. Sarah Sanders has done a great job of proliferating the trumpareha. At least Spicer, when he was there, looked troubled by what he was told to say. He damaged his reputation trying to be loyal to a very prolific defecator. I finally took the Imodium and left the job only to be replaced by the Mooch and no Sanders.
Three hundred and fifty million people cannot take daily doses of Imodium. So what do we do? Simple, make sure our congress people take action before we have a war with Iran, North Korea. Mexico, White Supremacists, and before we deport 800,000 good people,  to replace this contaminant in our government. Soon, I pray.
There is one major contaminant on my screens. It is orange with small hands and blond rat wig on its head. That contaminant can create and upset stomach on any one. It is a disgusting, degenerate germ that is around. It is an epidemic causing viruses in all of our lives.

I will bet by now you have figured out what this germ is! That germ is somewhat tolerated with alcohol. Could I use a drink now!  I usually have one drink day, around 5 or 6 pm. I just realized that the drink coincides with the news. My Trumpareha is becoming chronic.

OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt with regard to the phone call to the dead soldier’s wife. Is he that stupid that he can’t remember what his chief of staff told him to say – My guess is yes, he is. Chalk his bumbling phone call up to stupidity.  Our Commander in Chief, if you haven’t yet decided that for yourself, is stupid. I wish there was some presidential form of Kaopectate. He is creating shit storms that make the recent hurricanes look tame. More trumpareha!
Our country is in much worse shape now that it was January 19 of this year. The decline continues with every boast, every lie, every tweet, every Executive Order, every appointment that has mafe to resign or not get consideration, and every time he wakes up. Make America Great Again, how when he can’t keep America out of the toilet?

I did not know and was not aware of the fact that Trumpareha was contagious. Then I heard mush mouth Sarah Sanders tell us that a General cannot be questioned, then I heard the general. Here’s the thing: The general is paid with tax dollars and when he was a general he was under civilian authority. The general had no deity, only some stars and a good paycheck. He wore a beret not a pointed hat and robes. Sarah Sanders’ sanity needs to be questioned if she thinks the United States of America is religious institution. (Hmmm, her father publicly stated that he wanted the bible to replace the constitution).

The American public has not figured out yet that the orange contaminant wants to be El Deuce of the U.S. He is working the country in that direction and most of us don’t speak Italian. Only a few of our legislators have the guts to say what he is. Above all, he is a mentally impaired person.  So, why hasn’t the cabinet thought about their actions under the 25th amendment?

In the next election we will have no political ads just commercials for medicines that can cure Trumpareha. If trumpareha is not cured then we will all have to live through the smell. It stinks now, imagine a year from now.

My heart goes out to LaDavid Johnson’s family. In addition to the insensitivity they had deal with, they to smell the residue of trumpareha.

I wonder what the smell is like in the Press Room at the White House. Sarah Sanders has done a great job of proliferating the trumpareha. At least Spicer, when he was there, looked troubled by what he was told to say. He damaged his reputation trying to be loyal to a very prolific defecator. I finally took the Imodium and left the job only to be replaced by the Mooch and now Sanders.

Three hundred and fifty million people cannot take daily doses of Imodium. So what do we do? Simple, make sure our congress people take action, before we have a war with Iran, North Korea. Mexico, White Supremacists, and before we deport 800,000 good people. We need to replace this bacteria, trumpareha, quickly.

That is my take – you decide!


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