Saturday, May 18, 2019


My son, who is making it a point of going to every major league and some minor league ballparks in the US and Canada does not agree with me. I have been to many ball parks over the years, many that are no longer there such as Yankee Stadium (first iteration), Braves Field (Boston), Sportsman’s Park (St. Louis), Candlestick Park (San Francisco), Shea Stadium (NY), Kingdome (Seattle) and Metropolitan (Minneapolis), to name just a few. Given my age I may have forgotten some.

As I said, I like Dodger Stadium. Great sight lines, easy access (I use the Red Line and the Dodger Express), and I go to the game to see a game. The hot dog, which I love is secondary but a priority. I don’t care what kind of food is available. (One exception – during a World Series game that went 18 innings and lasted till well after 1 am there was nothing at the stadium open and I was hungry. No food of any kind was available at that hour. As long as the game is being played food needs to be sold).

So, I am not a food aficionado at ball parks.  I am a fan of the game and that is why I go to games and that is why I Iike Dodger Stadium, because it is there and baseball is being played there.

Nothing is perfect except the game itself. So, I have some gripes about the Stadium. Last year we spent an hour in the stadium lot navigating our way to our parking lot that we were assigned.  The closed an access road. They know they are having a big turnout by tickets sold, so why do that? Why restrict traffic flow?

Once inside there are many other examples of Dodger insensitivity towards fans. They open just some of the concession booth lines – not all. You can spend two innings waiting for an overpriced coke (more of that later).  Restrooms, depending on the level you are on, are quite far apart. If you got to go you got to go faster cause they are quite a ways away. Some have the same in as out so shoulders are bumped.

While many may think the stadium is a great place to watch a game, there are some things missing. Even Angel Stadium has “tunnels” to get to the seats. As you walk through them to are anticipating the sight of the green grass, the infield dirt and then there it is, all in its glory in front of you. The same for Fenway Park, Wrigley Field and many other ball parks, but not Dodger Stadium. Yes, there are concourses that allow flow but no tunnels.

I have been accused of being a traditionalist. I am my biggest accuser. I like natural grass, check for Dodger Stadium. I like dirt warning tracks, ditto again. I also like white uniforms at home and gray on the road, one more ditto for the Dodgers. I also like high socks and stirrups, OK, some players are wearing them.

I am not in favor of the QVC approach to jewelry. Since when did gaudy jewelry become part of the major league uniform? Players are wearing the C-Flaps on their helmets, that is a good idea. But the drug dealer jewelry not so much. I can see the day that a player will be sliding head first in to second the gold chain around his neck is flopping in the wind the chain gets caught by the shortstop and the sliding body will be safe but his head will be out at third.

Also, I am not interested in your religious preference. That is between you and your god not me and you. By the way, the player’s number is always on the back of the uniform so a large diamond number around this neck tells you about his taste in jewelry, not his abilities. The waste management people wear uniforms but refrain from jewelry. Just below his neck is his shirt already fitted with buttons that should be used. If you are going to work, get dressed. If your work requires a uniform wear it proudly and correctly. That is why It is called a “uniform.” I hate the Yankees, but that team is a traditional team.

Buttons are buttoned. faces are shaved and religious preferences are kept personal. The players all look professional. Like I said, I am a traditionalist.

The cost of going to a ballgame is ridiculous. A hot dog and a drink comes to more than $10. Actually, nearly $12. A cold can of beer is $16. Yet, people are paying it. That is really taking advantage of your fans.

I have always liked that the Dodgers are a winning team, but when they are not it is better for the fan. Seat prices go down, there are half price days at the park.  And there are more good seats available.

As I said, I like Dodger Stadium but I want to love it - but can’t. Here’s the rub. I don’t believe that management cares if I love it. The seven or eight games that I used to go to but don’t now are now big concern of them. The stadium is there, my Dodger Dog is there so I will go to some games but less than I did in prior years.

Again, I like the stadium but don’t love it.

That is my take, you decide.

Last August I vented on the wearing of the uniforms. I vented on the amount of jewelry and not much has changed since then, I am sorry to say. The Dodgers were voted the best looking uniforms by other MLB players recently. They do not need to be adorned by cheap or even expensive jewelry. They look so much better without that glitter.

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