Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Now For These Messages . . .

 I have stopped writing my blog about the same time that the Mango Menace took office. There was nothing that hasn’t been written by some one that I could expand or expound on. He was an easy target so I said I would let others shoot the arrows.

But during the past two years I have realized a pet peeve, not a political peeve such as having a guy from a state with fewer people than many small cities deny rights and the ability to sustain themselves, to those few people and the other millions that he does not represent.

The peeve that really gets me is the number of commercial messages there are in between dramatic productions, talk shows and quiz shows. Thank heaven for TV recorders, but that works only when viewing a recorded show.

By the time you get back to the show you forgot the plotline, or where the show was in its presentation. On the View, which I love to watch, is one of the worst offenders. When Whoopi says we will be right back, who is she kidding?  I understand this pays her and all the people involved in the show’s salaries. However, I cannot recall any of the some of the commercial’s brands. Except for one which is so annoying, I mute the TV and my radio when “1 800 Kars for Kids” comes on. They will never get my car!

When I did pay attention, I learned about various skin diseases, healthful drinks, Alzheimer’s disease, homes to put relatives in when they have the disease, which is the better burger, autos that you can’t afford but must have. There are so many commercials for prescription drugs, one could contract hypochondria.  I could go on but I would be like the commercial break with 10 or more, yes 10, or more commercial messages and promos in one commercial break.

I have a DVR recorder and I love it.  I can watch Jeopardy in just 20 minutes. That is how I survive watching that show. All the cop shows with various twists do not get lost on me because I can fast forward through the commercial break.

We are being bombarded. When I watch CNN I flip to MSNBC because their commercial messages are not on the same time. I have used the Channel button to move from one channel to another to see if there was something worthwhile to watch. I counted 12 selections and each time there was a commercial running. So, once again, thanks to my DVR.

Netflix, Amazon and other streamers do not have commercial breaks, yet! So, when I subscribe I am paying to avoid commercial breaks.

I recall when a 30-minute show had 27 minutes of content. In Europe you got all commercial messages prior to the show and shows were uninterrupted. Some of the commercial rules were are ridiculous. I recall being in Canada and commercial for Maidenform came on showed the lady in a bra. Just a bra. In the U.S. it was worn over a sweater. Thank heaven that rule changed. How about the rule about drinking beer or other alcoholic drinks? Never saw any one actually down the spirit did you, or do you? No, you don’t!

Yes, commercials are getting more modern. We see commercials for condoms, intimate fragrances, suggestive perfumes, but all right after Kars 4 Kids and a Place For Mom, Velveeta Cheese and Salsa.

So, once again the invention of the year was and is the DVR. The recent pandemic made DVRs popular and a necessity for mental health. So, if this pattern keeps up one day we will be reading a great book and after chapter one, we will get 10 pages of laxatives, ED Promotions, diabetes cures and skin solutions. Ridiculous, you say. So are 10 to 15 non-related commercial messages in two to five minutes while trying to enjoy a medical drama.

That is my take, you decide.

I will be right back after these messages

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