Tuesday, May 18, 2010



With digital cameras so prevalent and easy to use and memory cards that can hold thousands of hi-res images, it is tempting to snap away wherever you are. Holding the digial camera at arm's length to view what is on the screen makes us look like zombies - especially if we are walking toward the subject.

Go to a tourist site and just watch. It is great fun to see the would be Ansel Adamses walking into other people, tripping over little steps and not being satisfied with the image they got.

I reallyhad fun at the Louvre watching peopele take photos of the Mona Lisa. The painting is protected by glass and the would be photogs are taking pictures with their flash and getting pictures of their flash - not Mona!

Rule of thumb - if you can see yourself in the reflection don't shoot. Move off to the side or disable your flash. Now that presents a problem because your camera may tell you that you need to make a time exposure to get the photo. Anything longer than 1/30th of a second will probably show camera movement (hold your arms steady in front of you for 1/30th of a second - bet you can't).

Tip: Find something to brace the camera with. Find a railing, a wall, a counter - anything imobile should work.

Most of all have fun and be sure to edit.

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