Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Why would anyone want to go to Egypt? Napoleon did, Rommel did and we did. Because that is where the pyramids are - all 97 of them. They range from the Giza plain to Sakkara in the south (which is Upper Egypt).

We were asked that question many times and the question was answered when we stood next to the Sphinx and the great pyramids. The question was answered when we flew over the Valley of the Kings in a balloon. The question was answered when we stood at the temple at Abu Simbel and gasped at the size of the statues and detail that ranges in age from 3000 to 5000 years old.

We have all heard about Tutenkamen - but how many have actually seen him? He is now on display in his tomb. We weren't allowed to take photos there, but the image of his ancient body is emblazened in our memories.

The trip we took was organized by Oversees Adventure Travel. This is NOT an ad for them but they did a great job for 15 solid days. Our trip leader, Emi, was like a mother hen - making sure we were all taken care of every minute of every day. Emi was also a major source of Egyptian information - more than we could ever absorb but we were all captivated by the stories and the history.

Why Egypt? Because you can go back - society as it was 3000 years ago still exists today.

If you call OAT mention my name!

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