Monday, July 19, 2010


Just like so many other people, including the Phoenix Suns basketball team, I was outraged at this new law about to take  effect in a few days.It was compared to the 1930s and 1940s in Europe when the people were asked to "Show me your papers!" That brought up so many negative images that I was mad, angry and ready for a fight. Boycott Arizona - great idea - they have to pay for that law. Cancel next year's All Star Game - that'll show them! You can't get away with that kind of law - or can you?

I live in California and was very surprised to find out that we have that law already in place. What? In my state they can say, "Show me your papers!" Well, yes - in fact in any state they can say, "Show me your papers!"But first you have to have done something to be in the presence of a peace officer who will ask, "Show me your papers!" It is only after a legal stop do you have provide identification. That is also true of the Arizona Law. The law does not allow for stopping  someone just to determine ID, or if you have auto insurance, which is mandatory, or a license or a a valid registration. Do something- get stopped. Have a broken tail light - get stopped. Talk on a cell phone - get stopped.
How many times have you heard, License, registration and proof of insurance, please." (Not too many I hope, those tickets can be expensive). Even when I go to my medical center they ask for picture ID in addition to the medical insurance card.

Federal law requires that anyone with a green card or work permit have that information on their person at all times. Just like your driving license or state ID. So what is the big fuss about?

It is pretty well accepted that the Arizona adoption of this mirror of Federal Law is more of a PR stunt than a real change in immigration law - which Arizona can not do - no state can do that. It is aimed at the people coming across their border to create mayhem - stifle drug trade, lower crime and eliminate violence, calling attention to the fact that the people of Arizona are paying attention. Does this law smack of racism - yes, because it is aimed at a particular group of people. That is a consequence of this act. Good people coming across to work, and they often pay taxes, will suffer and so will the farms and industries that usually hire these people.

I was once told by a friend that he had three people working for him that had the same SSN. That was many years ago, but all three paid FICA and withholding taxes. Not one of them ever drew from the system.Yet, these people, paid into the system, were good "citizens"  have broken the law. Do I have a solution to this - no way. I am not sure that there is a solution. But we as Americans, must be judicious and caring, sympathetic and vigilant. We cannot tolerate violence, drug trafficking, people smuggling or human trafficking. This Arizona law mirrors Federal Law. It is a message that yells to the government, "do more!"

That is just my opinion - and now what is yours?

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