Thursday, July 8, 2010


Since I "retired" about a year ago. Actually, I can't recall the exact day that I "retired." It may have been the day I ran out of clientelle (I actually still have three clients, and they do require some attention and work), or it may have been the day I realized that I could do other things during the time I normally alotted to making a living. Yep, that was the moment I retired to a variety of activities that I never had time for before. I can now get involved.

So, I became a member of the Los Angeles Police Volunteer Surveillance Team, I joined and got trained by Make A Wish Foundation, volunteered for the Democratic State Convention (for which I got a Certificate of "Appeication") and now I am working as a volunteer for the FanFest surrounding the All-Star Game in Anaheim.

Giving back to community is very satisfying. Helping the police is also a great deal of fun. How many of us, as children, wanted to be a policeman? The officers that I work with and the others that I have met (not through an open car widow with license in hand) are really great people and very professional. They do put their life on the line every day - wearing a gun is a major responsibility that has not been and won't be part of the VST. So, I have new respect for the people with badges (except when the car window is down and I have my license in hand).

Make A Wish is truly gratifying. These kids all smile. If you can add to that smile you are sitting on top of the world. The families that I have met are courageous. They get that from their child - because what they are facing is beyond comprehension. The hours of treatment, the side effects and emotional isolation, the knowledge of their health condition should dictate that they be sad and even somewhat bitter - the kids that I have met have infectious smiles and great attitudes.

The feeling that you get when you can make their wish happen is worth everything! The interaction with the families is amazing. As a parent and grandparent I wonder how I would have handled this type of life event. I have had to deal with adult catastrophic health problems. That was very difficult - but I could communicate on an adult level. What blows me away is how educated these kids are about their conditions - they know and they face their lot with smiles. I try to make the kids feel good and at the same time I make myself feel good, too.

Then there is the All-Star Game in Anaheim. I have my training, my shirt and hat and my credentials. I am still a "kid." My heroes will all be at the FanFest and I will get to meet so may of them. So many Hall of Famers will be there and of course thousands of people that will need directions to the rest rooms. I just want to make it a good day for them and a great day for me.

So now I have a chance to get involved in charity and community. That makes not being productive, productive.

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