Friday, September 3, 2010


There is a new movie coming out call "Outsourced." It is supposed to be a comedy but I find nothing funny about it. Have you seen the commercial with a guy spouting an eastern European accent who calls himself Peggy and the only English word he knows is "yes." Many US companies are outsourcing middle class jobs - where does it stop.This is the reason why qualified graduates of United States universities and high schools can't get jobs. It is not the immigrant that sneaks into the US at night that is taking the jobs - it is the Dells, the Hewlett-Packards, the Intels, the Bank of Americas that are taking the jobs and sending where the pay is little and the number of people that fill them is amazing.

Why are they doing it? Pretty simple:
      1. Lower wages to pay
      2. No benefits to pay - sick pay, vacations, personal time, etc.
      3. No unions to consider
      4. No 401Ks or any retirement
      5. No health care (how many smaller US companies have located in  Canada?)

So, these companies find their Peggys. If you call your computer company you are talking to India - they will tell you Kansas. Complain about a charge on your credit card - your are talking to someone in Manila. What is disgusting about this whole process is that the people this policy most hurts are the people that are demonstrating for more such policies. Tea Party sound familiar?

Many are demonstrating and are vocal about the Health Insurance Bill. These people, (many who are on unemployment) are supporting the hundred million dollar salaries of the Insurance execs. It never ceases to amaze me that people can be so vocal and so adamant about being against their own self best interest.
My heaven, how cruel, the government says that the insurers must use 80 cents of every dollar I pay them for my healthcare towards my healthcare - how can they company make any money that way? How can the execs get their bonuses? Please, charge me more - so they did - up to 39% more and these who are demonstrating asked  for it.

So, to divert attention, we as a people created an "immigration" problem. When I go to Home Depot. I have never once seen anyone I know standing out there and looking for work. The high school kid looking for summer work is not there. He is doing in store training in hamburger preparation because the job in the factory is gone off shore. The college graduate is not there - they are beating their brains out asking where is the job I am trained for? Ask Peggy, yes!

Not every job can be outsourced but look what happens to the jobs that are left! A hundred people are applying for the same open position. That position used to pay about $30 an hour. You want the job - how's $15 with no benefits?

The right wing does not want money for small business loans that would employ more people. No way! They just killed a $30B bill that would do that through local banks. No, keep them unemployed is their motto. Kill unemployment benefits - keep them hungry is their motto. Then these same people point fingers and say that they can do better if in power. I am not sure what that means but I don't want to find out.

Time to get smart. Sound bites are hazardous to our health. Diversionary tactics like the Mosque that isn't, that is being built at Ground Zero that isn't. The Dick Morrises of the world think we are really stupid, let's stop proving it to them. Then you have HBO - Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly - they could be a singing group the Poison Sisters.

I guess I am jealous. I wish I was a CEO with a $100M a year income that is being protected by hundreds of thousands of unemployed people. At least I would say "Thank you."

With love, Peggy!

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