Monday, September 27, 2010


We all have pet peeves. Some are really annoying, some are dangerous behaviors and some are just plain pains in the butt! When I see a mother in an SUV on the phone with kids in the car running a stop sign - that really gets my goat! (Sometimes a father!) When I see two cars abreast of each other stopped and the divers are having a conversation and blocking the street - I really get pissed. When an 18 year oild waitress addresses my wife and I as "you guys," - that is annoying.

When I am watching a TV program and the news anchor comes on and poses a question such as "Nuclear attack, we will tell you where at 11!" Now you've go my dander up and my blood pressure as well. (DVRs are great for not getting that teaser.) AND ... when I get the message when I call an 800 number, "Our agents are busy helping other customers." Wow, all the other customers are more important than me - good to know how they feel about my business.

Everyday there is somehting that annoys us - some things more than others and to some people they just don't get annoyed! In this day of tough economic times, we try to make our days as pleasant as possible, these people who block streets or talk on cell phones while making illegal turns really want to ruin the day for me. If I could only tell them!

Facebook - that is really strange. I see parents communicating with their kids - who live in the same house, by posting. I see people revealing their innermost feelings that should be kept private being shared with their 1600 friends, most of whom they don't really know! Who cares - we have our own problems. Frankly, I don't care if you are going to the market, or the beach or to the doctor or to a poker game or walking in the mall - why do I have to know? Why do you have to tell me? (I don't have to look, either, but I do - it is entertaining).

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I buy a shirt and I go to check out. I fold the shirt so that the price tag is exposed for scanning. BUT, the cashier insists on unfolding it, scanning the tag and rolling the garment up like a rag and throwing it in the bag. So, I ask some questions such as, "do you thnk that the shirt is wearable now?" "Why do you feel the need to destroy my property?" 'If this was your shirt would you want it?"

Now that I have vented I want to hear from you. What are your pet peeves? What pisses you off? (Don't tell me people who write blogs about being pissed off!)

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