Thursday, November 15, 2012


This will be my 52nd blog post in the past 30 months. I did write some articles during the Republican primaries and just one during the actual campaign. Frankly, it was too easy and I would have been way too partisan in my thoughts. Yet, today I am reading about the post mortem on the election by the loser. Now I am convinced that he is a loser –even his own party, which initially had very little enthusiasm for him , is now, once again, reinforcing their initial assessment – he is a loser and not a good one at that.
I voted for the other guy and I guess my “gift” got lost at the post office. He was the last one in the Clown Car (see Blog dated January 7, 2012) so he got to run. Now he still won’t take responsibility for running a poor campaign.  It was the other guys fault. He did dirty tricks – he gave stuff.  He gave people stuff they really needed, like lower taxes to have more money, better access to healthcare so they can enjoy their money, lower cost loans for college so they can make more money – all just stuff!!
If that is how he feels now, imagine how he would have treated people had he won! He would have kept all that stuff for himself and his buddies. By the time he got through we would have been a sicker, poorer and stupider country. Believe it or not, that was his goal – I over simplified it a little, but that was the goal. If you had money like his one or two percent group, you would be richer, healthier and smarter. The 47% that he so eloquently spoke about would have just taken the stuff and done nothing with it, according to him.
The press is having a field day mocking him – even the right leaning press.

I just took a look at where my blog is being read. There are more than 20 countries listed in my stats. Russia has my second largest readership. All my blogs are in English not Cyrillic. Then comes Germany and surprisingly, the Ukraine where my original family came from.  I know that there are no family members reading my blog – because we had a much different name back then. Also, what was left of the family was eradicated at Barbiyar.
Romania, Romani, Romania (from the song made famous by Joel Grey) is the next  largest readership.
Jolly old England is right behind Romania  - in readership that is. I am sure that the queen is one of most avid readers, if she isn’t she should be a reader - I write in English. The Maylasia is next. I know little about Maylasia  but they know more about us through reading my insightful articles.  There are Maylasians discussing the Red  Sox / Yankees rivalry right now, I’ll bet.
I am also read in Paris and other parts of France yet no one from France has invited me to speak regarding what I write about. I am waiting for that ticket to arrive so I can go there drink their wine, eat their bread, romance their ladies – what a wonderful dream! Only in France would they have a president named for another country. Hmmm. Not many readers in Holland!
Poland is just ahead of China. I am going to make my first trip to Poland in a few months where I will poll the Poles to see who is reading my articles. There are at least 34 people reading me.
Latvia, not Lithuania, which is the home of my mother’s ancestry, in near the bottom. The Lithuanians are still smarting from the name change to Kabot – as are the Cabots.  (see Cleveland Amory’s book, The Proper Bostonian). That is why neither of those families are reading my thoughts.
Rwanda and Thailand are at the bottom of the list. I will be in Thailand shortly and of course I expect to meet my one and only reader from that country. I know she is a dancer at the NaNa Palace. (Check the tour guides). I intend to survey all the dancers to find my one and only (reader) from Thailand.
So, since I started writing my thoughts and expecting to have everyone moved by my insightful words, I have had several nice comments, several “Don’t send me this stuff anymore,” and quite a few, “Really, Saul!?” But it is an outlet as since I started to write my life has changed in so many ways. Much of it hinted at in these blog posts. I like sharing it with you – all of you from around the word in the 30 or more countries where I am being read. These are my thoughts – and to the more than 3000 people who have read them , I say, thanks.
That is my take, you decide.

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