Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I am letting my imagination run away with me. The election is over and the president is still widening his margin through the continuing counts so he will have a mandate. But nothing seems to change. Mitch McConnell is still saying that his first priority is to have President Obama not get re-elected, Dick (The Dick) Morris is still sure Romney is going to win, Sarah Palin is auditioning for Dancing With the Stars (doing the sidestep shuffle), and those are just a few of the diehards. Hey guys, you tea baggers you lost, your right wingers you lost, the people spoke – turn up your hearing aids!

John McCain is running – to or from what I don’t know – but runs he does.  Old John has trouble determining which Rice he supports. The one that lied to us way back then or the one that was fed bad info recently? Oh yes, it is the black female in the government. Joe Lieberman needs some WD40 for his voice, it is winey and squeaky. Michelle Bachman is still trying to create some newsworthy stuff that isn’t newsworthy –  it is just stuff. Some have suggested that she divorce her wife. Who says she isn’t for same sex marriage? Also, she is for no sex marriage. 

Good old Newt, he too, had it wrong as he does most of the time. At one time I actually thought that he was a bright man and so did he. Ron Paul is still upright and consents to have his pulse checked at least once a day. Then there is Rick Santorum (the definition of “santorum” was made up – but it was fun while it lasted) he said he will make another run for it – Macy’s sweater sale, that is! 

Why am I picking on the right wing (nuts)? They are easy and they were and continue to be wrong. Wrong about everything. The left characters are also easy except that none of them expound the science that a woman that has been raped has the internal mechanism to thwart the nasty sperm. I never heard a lefty define “legitimate rape” - ever. The lefties like Rap not rape!  

I saw the handshake between Obama and Romney, Once again I let my imagination run wild.  So many captions to write.  Such as “In this house, Mitt, my car does not ride up in the elevator with me.” “Mitt, that will be $19.50, it would have been more but you didn’t have the salad. ”  Or the best line that could really get Mitt in trouble is “How was the wine? I know you prefer whites.”
I saw Clint Eastwood walking around Ikea last week. He was talking to chairs. So much to say and so many chairs.
Boehner stills wants to get his tax lowering programs in place. Ahhh, the poor rich are so poor! I would agree with that but he wants all of us that don’t make that much money to chip in and help the needy rich people.  He didn’t get it before, he is not getting it now and not in the future. He is never in Ohio so he isn’t getting it at all.
Ann Coulter has balls – really! No, really!
I truly believe that Mitt is a good guy. He just doesn’t know what side of his white bread his butter is on.

That is my take – you decide!

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