Saturday, December 14, 2013


Since I got back from Cuba in November, I am seeing stuff about Cuba in the news, in magazines and just about everywhere I look. I guess before I took the trip I wasn’t paying that much attention, but now Cuba has got my attention.  The innocent handshake in South Africa got worldwide attention
First let me say something about the Cuban people. They have amazing spirit and can make do with just about anything. They are enterprising, they are inventive, they are artistic and they are a warm and apparently happy people. With all that rum and all that great coffee what else do you need? Well freedom would be a good start.

They have it – at least some freedoms. I saw no restriction on the freedom of religion,  my experience s also did not expose any lack of freedom of speech. They all spoke their mind. They did that when asked a particular question and where the answer may be critical of the government.  The government does take care of the people. The people do not have to worry about healthcare – they have it. From what I understand the Cubans enjoy treatment from some of the best doctors in the world. They do need medical equipment and drugs. There is no embargo on either from the United States. But that equipment must be paid for in cash.
Cubans are now allowed – with some restrictions- create their own businesses. Some have electronic repair businesses, some have established restaurants, some others have created small factories for clothing and other products. As I stated, they are artistic and the artists may sell their own art work. I bought a few pieces to bring home. At the arts and craft building in central Havana there are hundreds of vendors selling their own jewelry designs, wood products and clothing. Some of the businesses are government owned and others are privately owned enterprises. There is little or no negotiation, the prices are fair and the business people expect to get the asking price – they are quite polite about it, too.
You can eat the food – everywhere. There are no MacDonalds, Burger Kings or Pizza Huts. That is refreshing. Fresh fruit is sold on carts all over town and you can’t get fries with that.
Cuba appears to take care of their elderly, their poor and their children. We visited senior centers, a center for under privileged children, an art workshop for people of all ages and a dance group. All but the dance group were government operated and one of the children centers was run by a religious  philanthropy with government support.
The people are repressed in some ways. They get great education in the arts and sciences along with language skills. But the history they learn is limited and skewed according to government guidelines. The access to the internet is limited – very limited. Logging on reminds me of the day of the 300 baud modem. Very slow and certain web sites are blocked. I got CNN in my hotel room but I understood that is was not available outside the hotels. I was warned not to try to access my bank’s web site or use an American bank issued credit card. So, our freedom was limited as well. Free to complain but not free to use the facility.
The Cuban people make do. They make their own car parts for the 50 plus year old cars. Most are in good shape and get around. Many are falling apart. There are no Pep Boys in Cuba. The film “Yank Tanks” explains the process of keeping these 50 and 60 year old cars running.  The Cubans are highly skilled mechanics because they have to be. I asked a Cuban why something was bright red – the answer was because that was the color of the paint that they had that day. Whatever is available is used – and used to perfection.
Cuba supports it artists. While there we visited UNEAC (Union of Artists and Writers of Cuba) and the Ludwig Foundation which is a worldwide foundation for the support of the arts. The artists are happy, they create. They adapt. I bought an etching that was done on x-ray film. I also saw them etching on linoleum flooring.
Do they want democracy? I am not sure. They haven’t experienced it for some generations. Before Fidel  and Raul it was Batista. In principal, I believe that they do but they have no idea what democracy will do for them or to them. Democracy is messy. Just look at the U.S. Even George W. Bush lamented that he could run things better if he were the dictator instead of the president.
Is putting fast food in the hands of the Cubans a good idea? Is putting better cell phone usage and access to a wider internet a good idea for the Cuban people? I don’t know. Neither do they, but they do deserve the ability to find out. Maybe not all at once, but a gradual easing out from 1950 to 2014 may help the Cubans realize their greatest talents. They adapt and they endure.

If they get to democratize then the Cubans need to create a better economic foundation so they can enjoy their access to the “better” life. Their monthly wage is about twice basic hourly wage. That is not a solid foundation for economic
growth. I haven’t heard much in the way of planning for the revitalization of the Cuban people, but I was immediately informed when I arrived at the Havana International Airport that this is a transformative time.

  Lately there has been much written about change for Cuba. Such a beautiful country with such rich talent, a desire for better life – it is all there.  Did the president’s simple courteous handshake start the process? Can we get past that there were nuclear missiles set up with the idea to destroy the U.S.?  Since the Cuban Revolution more than 70% of the current population was born. They know nothing else but how it is. Can we forget, should we forget and can we forgive? Is that the basis of the America mental embargo for Cuba?

 That is my take, you decide.

PS 12/17/2013
If you had a chance to review the photos from Cuba you would have seen a gym that trains boxers. Yesterday,  Cuba had for the first time since the Revolution a professional prize fight. Things are changing slowly - but changing. The Cubans won all five of their matches.
Here is the URL for the Gallery Site:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


From the start of the Obama administration it became clear that the opposition had one thing in mind: Cause this President to fail! It wasn’t a secret. McConnell said it out loud and repeatedly. Limbaugh the unofficial wind bag of the Republican Party said it on the radio so many times he should have paid for commercial time. Why do we wonder why this is the case? we know why. Just go back and play the movie Blazing Saddles again. You will see a scene where Mel Brooks plays an Indian Chief. He asked a simple question of the sheriff met on the prairie. That is the same question that the right of this country asks every day.
Here is the problem with their tactics. We all know the strategy: Cause the country fail, make the country look weak, make the country poorer, blame President Obama. – and the Democrats. Then they, the ultra right wing of the less than Grand Old Party can win by riding in on their white horse to save the day. They will be the messiahs of the USA. The mantra that the US failed under the watch of Obama and we are here to save the day. It is like killing your parents and pleading with the judge to go easy on you because you are an orphan. They are killing our country and will then want us to accept them as the savior. We had this philosophy in Vietnam – destroy the village in order so we can save it.
If we fail economically and they, the right, wants that so they can abolish SNAP, Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment benefits so they can save them. Of course, the result will be catastrophic to those that need these services. But the result will create an oligarchy where they control who gets what and if who gets it, when? “We took the United States from deadbeat to a great credit rating,” (by letting the US default).  The right is a hero!! The debt ceiling is not a political issue, I guess now it is.

Look at the Affordable Healthcare Act and how they hate that the citizens of this country, under a free market program, will benefit and the benefits already in place as law, 30 million people – some actually Republicans. If the AHCA becomes part of our social fabric then the right loses the argument that no one wants it. Actually, we do want it. A recent poll suggests that no one wants Obama Care but they do like the AHCA. Huh? Amazing what disinformation can do. The web sites that explained, and enrolled people crashed from underuse? The right is the master of providing disinformation. The AHCA is a target because they can’t rescue something that isn’t drowning as Grover Norquist would like to do. They love the country, but the people, well that is another matter.

Even Ronald Regan thought that Medicare was the end of our freedom as we know it at the time. He later saw that it was a good thing for the country and then supported it. Same rhetoric then as now, but Regan had no target such as the president, to destroy. The let them eat cake philosophy is a major profanity that should shake all of our senses. But to the small faction called the TEA Party, they care not. They want the US to fail so that they can rebuild our arsenals and support the Military Industrial Complex. Our defense budget isn’t big enough – just bigger than the next nine countries combined including Russia, they say or will say we need more! And who will be asked to pay for it?
The president presented solutions to major problems that reflect the right. AHCA is a product of the Heritage Foundation that the right supported until Obama adopted it. Then it became “Socialism.” Many of the programs and policies that this president offered were from the right and now they are “liberal.”
Remember the three major scandals, Libya, IRS and the AP? The non-scandals. They are on the shelf with so many other bloviated messages that went nowhere because they weren’t scandalous but the attempted exploitation of them was scandalous.
The best line was “leading from behind.” The operative word is “leading.” The word “behind” is where they got the term. Quadaffi is a distant memory. The Somali pirates that this president ordered to be killed is now characterized by the right as “black on black” crime. Obama took the shot. That is leadership. Ask Ben Laden how he felt by the order that President Obama put out, oh, he can’t he is dead. This president says what he means and means what he says. That is aggravating the right. Syria capitulated on chemical weapons. Who was it that twisted Putin’s arm? The outcome was what was on this president’s mind, not the glory of the moment.  President Obama wants this country to succeed. For all of us citizens, failure cannot be an option or a strategy or a tactic.
Time to take back our government. Do it with ballot box. Next year is the year. Think what you are risking by believing the sound bites you hear. Remember the “terrorist fist bump” and where that came from? I must have experienced more than one hundred fist bumps at the Dodger game from strangers. Not one was a terrorist, they were Dodger fans.
That is my take – you decide.

Monday, September 16, 2013


The High Holy Days just concluded and for me there was a sort of epiphany that maybe there was a god. What form did that god take was that god actually G-d? If you recall from a previous post, I said that religion was wonderful because it brought families and communities together. In fact, one of the rabbis that I heard actually said that. It was no revelation but she had agreed with my thinking and that is always nice to know. We all prayed to the Lord (Conservative) and to the Eternal One (Reform) but it is the same G-d.
But before I get into if there is a G-d. I need to address the gender of G-d and why I find that trying to suppress the idea G-d is a male in stupid. Even one of the rabbis at the Reform synagogue tripped over the problem by using the word “Lord.” What is the G-d we pray to is he a man like creature or a woman like creature? Are we insulting women because the historical G-d has always been a male? And now that some say G-d is a woman, doe that insult the male of the species? Doe this confusion create a disconnect? It had for me and I am sure others as well. Should we neuter our parents as we refer to them? What should we call father? Or mother? How about the “One in Charge?” No more holidays such as Mother's Day. Just one day for the Ones In Charge Day. Would be the same as the “Eternal One?” That is nuts!
There is a prayer that is recited during the High Holy Day season. It is so beautiful that it has been recorded by many popular singers such  as Streisand and it was used in the movie “School Ties.” What does that mean? It means our Father Our King. Two very male images.   "Avinu Malkeinu" ["Our Father, Our King"]. The Reform recites the prayer and uses the Hebrew term for the English version. No matter what, they are saying  "Our Father, Our King." Is that not hypocrisy? Even if they say the prayer in French and say "Avinu Malkeinu" in front of the verse, are they not still saying "Our Father, Our King?"
What about the 23rd Psalm. This is recited in every religious congregation regardless of their affiliation. “The Lord is my Shepherd  . . .  “That in itself sets the Reform Jew apart from other Jews and Christians who pray to the One G-d.” Religion should be inclusive, how is that inclusive?’ That makes the Reform version G-d somewhat different. I cannot accept a neutered G-d. I do that to my dog not my G-d.
Now that I got that off of my chest, what about acceptance of a personal G-d? G-d, as I see it is a concept that directs each of us in a special direction. It is a force for good ideas and good actions. G-d is an emotional force that we all accept in different ways even when we challenge the idea of their being a G-d. That directs us to think of the world in a different way. Is evil that absence of G-d?
As I read the liturgy, I see so many contradictions that is forced me to think about G-d. The Torah says that His ways are the Paths of Peace, yet the Torah talks of killing – that is not Peace. No matter how the Torah suggests the punishments, the Torah, the words of G-d, does outline 613 commandments that if followed to the letter, all of our ways are paths of Peace. So, maybe the intense words of the punishments are there to punctuate the suggestions as they are outlined in the Torah.
My re-acceptance of G-d has made me feel good. I am not a “born again” Jew. I don’t know what that means, to be born again. But I do know what it means to use your mind and intellect to find a way to accept the wonder of the universe and the beauty of faith. Not necessarily blind faith, because blind faith does not allow for our brain and our consciousness to deal with issues of everyday life. We must question. That is what I have tried to do with these posts. Even Tevya in Fiddler on the Roof posed questions to G-d.  The theme of Fiddler is Tradition. Going back to my earlier argument, for 5774 years G-d has been a father figure.  Authoritative, strong, wise and a part of us all. Who are we to say that He is not G-d?

That is my take – you decide.

Monday, August 12, 2013


There is no such thing! So why are we browbeating the fact the Russian Federation does not want any display of LGBT propaganda, publicity or any public display? I, like most Americans are upset and sickened by their policies, but they are THEIR policies, THEIR laws and governed by THEIR constitution, if there is one.
We have known for some time that the Russian Federation does not adhere to what we feel are common rights and moral ideas. So, why are we shocked? If we boycotted the Olympics, based on their threat to arrest anyone making a display regarding LGBT who loses  - definitely not Russia. Just like Jesse Owens showed Hitler, we can show Putin that sexual orientation, like color, does not affect performance in the athletic arenas. Russia loses if they keep LGBT athletes out of the games and off the Russian team.
So do we if we keep all of our athletes from competing. That is not what Americans are made of. Our attitudes have changed and that change did not come quickly. There are many in the US that haven’t changed their attitude but still support the Olympics and the athletes. With the repeal of the DADT in the military we were told that are soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines would suffer. DID NOT HAPPEN. Our military is stronger now that we have broadened the ability for people to serve.

My idea is to let the Russians play their games, let the Russians demonstrate for the world that the Russian people are not yet free, but we are free to send our athletes to compete. Nowhere on the US Passport does it ask for sexual orientation.

We are all in a tither about the NSA spying on Americans. They are not, well, not so much, but we do value our privacy so why would we publicize our sexual orientation? That is what the Russians are afraid of – our athletes who are LGBT coming out? I have never seen that happen nor do I expect that to happen in Russia. The best that we can do is beat their asses in the arenas. It may be an American LGBT person that takes the gold in an event or a Russian LGBT that did not perform loses the gold.
So why boycott? Who are we showing, what are we showing, who are we hurting? For one, the athletes. They get hurt for not participating – win or lose they need to take part in the games. Set examples, set records, create international friendships – all that goes away if we don’t go. Who else or what else gets hurt – our economy suffers. Just imagine all the advertising revenues that will be lost if we have nothing to broadcast. The American public loses. We cheer our athletes to do well. We create favorites, we invest our emotions in their performances, we are enthused with the games – so why deny that to ourselves. Putin can give a crap! Actually he does. His teams have a better chance of gold with no US competitors. Who knows, maybe that is his end game and I suggest that we do not give it to him.

We boycotted he games in 1981 and it did no good. It was a bad idea and we are listening to the litany of more bad ideas. Yes, the Russian government sucks, let’s show that many of their athletes also suck. They are worried about LGBT but they never check some of the suspicious women that are built like men on their teams or vice versa.
I further suggest that those with the loudest voices calling for a boycott turn those voices to the athletes by inspiring them to win. They cannot win if they cannot compete. Boycotting will change nothing.
Remember that is their country, their laws, their rules. Want to change them, become a Russian. Or show them that it doesn’t matter, winning is a matter or skills not sexual orientation. Screw ‘em – let’s beat ’em.
That is my take – you decide.
Please note: That the second largest audience for my blog is Russia,

Friday, August 9, 2013


As this summer winds down, I am still thinking of all the clichés and advice that emanated from the spectator stands during the myriad of Little League and Pony League games I attended this summer. Not only did I put on some extra mileage I almost lost my hearing at some games and my sanity at others.  My diet went out the window with the mostly bad hot dogs and hamburgers which I ate sparingly, considering all the water I drank I could have drowned! Was it worth it – read this to the end!
The clich̩s were timeless. I have heard them since my child (who is now a father of two Little Leaguers and my daughter and her husband also have two Pony Leaguers and my son in law is the president of this Little League organization with two more players Рthat makes six different teams in different parts of the county Рyou get to hear it all!)
“Good eye.” That one gets me as I know from experience that it talks two eyes to see the ball. If it just a good eye which one are they referring to? If the ball is careening over the batter’s head does it take a good eye to not swing at it? If it is in the dirt does it not also take a good eye to let I go by? What is a “bad eye?” And again, which of the two would that be? If the kid batting lets a pitch go past and it is a ball, that is the way to “look it over.” The batter had about one tenth of a second to look it over and at eight or nine or ten years old that is saying something.

Then there is the screamer. “You got this!” What does he have and who has it? “There is two outs; you got this," is also screamed. The kids know there is two outs but still have no idea of what they have. “Be tough out there!” The kids really want to be pansies – huh? “Be baseball ready.” OK, the kids have put on their sliding pants, their cup (got to protect the future) their socks, high or low depending on their individual style, the pants, their uniform belts, their uniform shirt with their name and number on it and their caps. Then get their gloves – batting or fielding – glove to have both and then their mitt and bat. For where I sit, they are baseball ready – no amount of screaming from the stand will change that. More importantly, is the parent’s check book ready?
Now mind you, the advice from the stands is coming for some parents that have never played the game, never will and never wanted to play the game. The best one I heard was from my daughter who hated baseball that is until her kids started to play and play rather well. My youngest grandson was the catcher with enough gear on that could house a family of four. The ball was thrown by the pitcher so that my grandson had to reach up and stretch for the ball that was almost over his head. As reached for it my daughter yells, “Frame it.” If the batter was 6 foot five, the ball was not even close to being a strike no matter how he “framed” it.
Another cliché that I heard was, “it is all good.” What was all good? Bases loaded and the pitcher has no idea where the strike zone is and his arm feel s like is going to falloff, that is “all good out there?” I know that the parents are trying to encourage their kids and motivate them – but that doesn’t happen by fibbing to them. The kids are smarter than the parents – they know better. Yet, the parents scream nonsense – they have to because they are so invested. I think some bring their baseball book of clichés to the games and like a translation dictionary; they look up the “appropriate” cliché for the moment.
“Have fun out there.” That is good advice to the kid that is standing alone on the field with a ball in his hand and the game on the line and about 200 parents and friends, friend and foes alike watching you. “Have fun?” You gotta be kidding. The kid is about to wet his pants. That is not fun.
I often wonder what goes through a kid’s mind as this barrage of nonsense is communicated at the top of the spectator’s lungs. I have been told by the kids that they tune it out. It is distracting for them. The “advise” they get is often wrong and causes some lapse in concentration. Cheering is great! “Let’s go team.” “Great play.” “Looking good.” All positive statements that could motivate a kid and encourage them. When someone yells “all good” the kid knows that it isn’t. The player hears “you got this!” What is the “this?” The best one yet is “throw strikes.”  I cannot even think about commenting on that.
Here is what I think, as a parent and grandparent that watched so many Pony League, American Legion and High School Baseball and even coached Little League: Parents need to hear encouragement by other parents encouraging their kids and even yours. The kids love the sounds of cheering not necessarily the words. That sounds make them want to win, to do better and they know win or lose their parents, grandparents and friends will still make them feel like winners. 
.Photo: On our way home from San Diego with a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP in hand!  To everyone in my baseball family...we love you.  What an experience...priceless.
To answer the question, was it worth it and is it still worth it – you bet. When my grandson’s ten year old team won the state championship, they had fun out there, When I get copy of the team photo I will frame it as they looked good in the photo And I will view it with my good eye, the right one and then the left one. They got this and proudly so!

That is my take – you decide.


Saturday, June 15, 2013


There is a war on women in this country from the far right, near right or just “the right.” These oversight committees of Congress are a bunch of old white guys that want to curtail the use of women’s reproductive equipment. All 12 of them are WASPs in the worst sense. These guys that you voted in and I am speaking to women here, because had you not voted for them they would be home causing you no harm. But you did and they are on the march to take your reproductive rights and smash them in the interest of maintaining their creds with the religious right of this country. Amen, brother and sister!
I also recently wrote about how I really like religion regarding the customs that brings families together, creates memories and in some case real comfort to those that need comforting. I was not relating this to violent religions that kill for the sake of the belief, or kill for the sake of their teachings. I am a believer in the ethics of modern Judeo-Christian ethics. The far right or religious right in this country have created a jihad against women. I use the term “jihad” because it fits. One group warring against another because of beliefs. That group warring is the Congressional committee, the governors and other elected officials that want to impose their will on a specific category of humans – women.
March of 2012 I wrote the blog “Women Must revolt With a Vote.” That idea is still valid – more so now than ever before. There are 23 Republicans, 22 are men and a lone woman. All are white. Nuff sed!
In Wisconsin the governor is about to sign a bill into law  - The state Assembly has approved a Republican bill that would require women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound of the fetus.

The measure would require the ultrasound and the technician to point out the fetus' features and organs. The bill also would prohibit doctors from performing abortions unless he or she has admitting privileges in a hospital within 30 miles.  Don’t take my word for it click on the URL.

After Gov. Rick Perry called on the special legislative session to consider new abortion laws, Sen. Glen Hegar, R-Katy, laid out an omnibus bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks, allowing abortions only in surgical facilities and placing greater restrictions on abortion-inducing medications.

Anti-abortion groups have tremendous influence over conservative Republicans and they have made these bills a priority across the nation. Abortion rights groups complain the new laws are nothing more than additional barriers to women obtaining an abortion and could shut down 90 percent of the abortion clinics in the state. That would down to one clinic for every 56,000 square miles.  Some republican governors would ban abortions after six weeks. Heck, some women wouldn’t even know if they were pregnant. Am I pro-abortion, no. Am I anti -abortion, no. I am for women’s rights, the rights of my daughters and granddaughters, yes.

The hue and cry was that the government was coming for your guns. That was patently a lie and untrue in any sense – they are coming for your womb!

I Arkansas it is against the law after just 20 weeks.  Further, the laws state that a woman must get and pay for a sonogram. The woman must be shown the fingers, toes, and other parts of the fetus before an abortion can be performed. Now they are dipping into your pocket. The war gets worse: From CNN we get this report, What is being called the nation's toughest anti-abortion measure -- a law that bans most abortions after six weeks, when a fetal heartbeat can be first detected -- was signed into law on Tuesday by North Dakota's governor. AND  It does not allow for an abortion in the case of rape or incest, according to Democratic state Sen. Jim Dotzenrod, who voted against the bill.

Roe v. Wade is settled law and the law of the land. But putting people back to work, rebuilding our infrastructure that all takes a back seat to abortion legislation. I can’t believe that I am writing about this again. I have only known two women that ever had an abortion. I have known and met thousands during my life time. I do not condone it and I do not deny women the right to it. I am appalled and against anything that is religiously based to impose restrictions on someone’s freedom to choose. One presidential contender even said that the Bible should replace the Constitution.  Huckabee is still on the air spewing this nonsense.

Women of America, you have the vote. The budget deficit isn’t going to kill you or take away rights. The non-scandals we have experienced lately won’t impose restrictions on your rights or freedoms,  but these guys will do both – they will find a way to kill you with either a back alley abortion or let you go to term with a defective fetus. They are coming for your womb.

That is my take, you decide.



Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I recently sent out an e-mail with some interesting thoughts expressed by Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian woman who was a Muslim. She came from a very influential family spending a great deal of time in the Garza Strip. Many of my friends and blog followers questioned why I would send out such an e-mail when I have very progressive views regarding religious tolerance and racial tolerance. My views on gay marriage have evolved as did the president’s, my acceptance of all religions is widely known – so why send out such an inflammatory e-mail.
Because it has merit. I am not sure I could vouch for any person practicing Islam or which version of Islam they are observing and practicing. That is what causes me concern. Two brothers in Boston went about killing four people. These young men became radicalized while living the American life – going to school, becoming a sportsman, marrying and having children. The eldest even converted his American born wife to convert to the more restrictive observance of Islam. That I have a hard time understanding. Living in the US they can see for themselves that you live according to your moral standards and observe the culture you are in. Yet, an educated and intelligent woman threw that away for a way of life that discourages any questioning of the religion, their husband and the Imams. In fact, that is punishable by death in Middle Eastern countries. Coming to America or being born in America is no guarantee of assimilation or cultural inclusion as many Islamics may see it. We have no idea what baggage they bring.
Had the Boston bombings not happened and we not learned about Mr. Tseanarev, I would have dismissed the Darwish alarm as over the top.
I am not sure how we can stop the growth of Muslim influence. Yes, we have heard the preaching of the peaceful prose of the Koran, yet the bombings still happen. I am not sure that Islam as a culture is a peaceful culture. Regarding their outlook on life, Golda Meier said that peace will come only when Muslim mothers will love their children more than their religion. When it comes to love only Islam wins.
We should not go out and discriminate against those practicing Islam. The Jewish population experienced that in the middle of the last century and for centuries before that. The difference is that the Jews did not want to convert the cultures they are in to their religion. Jews just wanted to live with peaceful coexistence. During the Civil Rights era the black population was not trying to create a separate culture but to assimilate into the existing culture because the culture of the US was supposed to be inclusive and free – and it is – for now.
I am at a crossroads of what I believe. Do I want the population of the US to discriminate against Islamic practitioners – no. Do I want to be aware of their political intentions, even the ones we cannot readily see – yes. But what do we do about it?
Darwish claims that the United States is banning religion from public life. I think she is wrong. We have no state organized religion and I do believe that this concept of separation of church and state will carry over to separation of Mosque and state.  But we must be vigilant in making sure that even with their overwhelming ability to vote Islamics into office in twenty years, we need to be aware of the policies and visions that candidates espouse. Educating our populace will create a firewall from this.
Making the United States a Christian nation won’t do it. Making the United States a Jewish nation won’t do it. Why because by not having a specific religion as the master religion or state sponsored religion, there is no religion to replace with jihad or any other effort by any specific group.
Personally I find the treatment of woman by Islam appalling. Having two daughters and four granddaughters I would never want to see them subject to such inhuman behavior.  In March of last year I wrote that Women Must Revolt - With a Vote. We don’t want and would never entertain Shariah law. However, some of our (male) lawmakers are creating laws about woman for women. It is a version of Shariah law only encased in the religious right’s context. That, too must be watched with vigilance.
I do not propose anything that would infringe of the rights of our citizens to practice any religion they want or practice no religion at all. What I do propose that we keep an eye on what is happening. That is why I sent the e-mail.

That is my take – you decide.
But before you do - check this out!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The bombing in Boston on April 15th was a personal affront to me. Boston is a place I am from and a place that I go back to, not as often as I would like, but as often as I can. Knowing that Boston is there is a comforting feeling – it is still home though I haven’t lived there in 55 years. Many of the landmarks have changed and many of them haven’t but my memories are still with me in their original form.
Copley Square is a very big part of my life. Where the Marriott is now, I met Bill Russell at a gas station there. There he was in his 1955 Chrysler, the one with the big fins, maroon, as I recall and I was ecstatic. The license plate said “Boston Celtics 6.”

The bombing in Boston on April 15th was a personal affront to me. Boston is a place I am from and a place that I go back to, not as often as I would like, but as often as I can. Knowing that Boston is there is a comforting feeling – it is still home though I haven’t lived there in 63 years. Many of the landmarks have changed and many of them haven’t but my memories are still with me in their original form.

Copley Square is a very big part of my life. Where the Marriott is now, I met Bill Russell at a gas station there. There he was in his 1955 Chrysler, the one with the big fins, maroon, as I recall and I was ecstatic. The license plate said “Boston Celtics 6.”

I walked from St. Cecelia and Belvedere Streets through the rail yards that now are home to the Sheraton Hotel and other establishments, to my work at Dartmouth Street. I walked through the south part of Copley Square. Near the end of the day I delivered photos to a building at Boylston near Berkeley Street. And when it was time to go home I got on the MTA (Now the T) in front of the library in Copley Square. I can go back to Boston at any time and follow those footsteps – even now. I have done it twice in the past few years – with my son and grandsons – who were all born in California. They, too feel a connection, a tie to Boston. Where did we rent the bikes we rode from the Finish Line to Kenmore Square and back? Right where bomb number two went off.  How dare they!

As we rode the bikes the only fear we had was of the Boston drivers. That made us stupid but cautious bike riders. We felt the streets as we pedaled our way around. We saw the beautiful brownstones, the wonderful shops and thank heaven for the Mandarin Hotel, it was a major pit stop for me.
How dare these maniacs or maniac try to upset the very place I still call home. How dare they try to hurt other Bostonians and how dare they kill and maim a kid and other kids who were their target. How dare they!
The bombs went off not far from Sax Fifth Avenue. Not my place to shop but my place to see my sister-in-law who works there. How dare they jeopardize her wellbeing and jeopardize a member of my family!
My son and my grandsons are Red Sox fans. These are monsters I created but nothing like the monsters that someone else created to do harm. They are Patriots fans that are loyal to the team. The evil that was bestowed on Patriots Day was an affront to all of us: Bostonians, New Englanders, ex- Bostonians and good people everywhere.
The young man that died came from Dorchester. That is my part of Boston. We even have organizations from Dorchester that have members all over the world. Patriots Day was once called ‘Evacuation Day.” George Washington threw the British out of Boston from Dorchester Heights. How dare they profane the day and the event – the Marathon. How dare they!
How dare they! Wherever I go in the world when I hear the flat “R” I know have a fellow Bostonian. These are good people who lived in a historic city – history all around us and it was shattered by a bomb blast. How dare they! These people are not patriots they are scum.
Yes, I take this very personally. But I take any event or action that puts good people in jeopardy personally. Why is it necessary to create chaos when no chaos is needed or wanted. How dare they upset the lives of good people!
I am angry and I am sad and I am taking it personally. People got hurt beyond anything they ever expected or deserved. People rose the occasion and that is a very positive thing, an inspiration to everyone. But why was it necessary? How dare they test our metal? The people rose to the occasion as heroes as a result of actions by a coward. How dare they, how dare they?
That is my take, you decide!

Post script:  The President spoke this morning an Interfaith Service in Boston's South End and he said that to Bostonians, this "is personal."

Post Script 2: One down and one to go. Let's get him and let's have him live a life of incarceration and deprivation and daily terror!

Post Script 3: They got the little bastard and now he will live a life of incarceration, deprivation and terror.

Post Script 4: There is a clamor to try this little bastard in a Military Tribunal and not afford him his constitutional rights. At first blush, it sounds about right but of all the detainees in Guantanamo four have been tried and two are home sipping tea in Yemen while more than 500 terror suspects have been tried in the civil courts and are out of circulation. The bottom line is that
sending bad guys to Guantanamo is being soft on terrorists.



Friday, April 5, 2013


After spending some time in Poland I have come to appreciate the resilience and the courage and the intelligence of this country and culture. There has been, as far back as I can remember, the expression, “that Is beyond the pale.” I never understood or appreciated what that meant.  Now I do. No more Polish jokes – it is inappropriate an inaccurate (except for Martin).
The borders of Poland went almost to Moscow at one time – many years ago. But in the last few years, mainly the 19th and 20thcentures Poland either did not exist at all or the borders moved according to the occupying nations.  For a period of time there were no borders as there was no Poland. That fact is mazing as these are very ingenious and creative people but they have existed between two countries that could overwhelm them and did.
Russia to the East and Germany to the west. Poland underwent so many revolts, however, when Poland was part of the Soviet Union – Eastern Bloc, as it was known during the Cold War, they did, for the most part enslave Poles, Czechs and Hungarians. First it was the Nazis that did their thing with the Poles. The original “Concentration Camps” such as Auschwitz was for political prisoners from Poland.  The Poles, whose borders were somewhat liquid, were always subject to another invasion or occupation. The Poles rose up during the latter part of the war. They were kids fighting the Nazi soldiers. Adult men were at the font (wherever that may be) or in prisons. They fought with old weapons, broom sticks, hammers – anything that they could use. The fight was futile but they did fight!
Near where I was staying was the old Jewish Ghetto. More than 300,000 Jews were either killed or sent to Auschwitz-Bierkenow to be exterminated (that word sickens me because you exterminate rats not people). As I walked up to the Large Memorial Statue I was awe struck as to how much courage it took to go against the Nazis. After the uprising by the people of Warsaw and the Jews in the Ghetto, knowing that the Soviets were 20Km away waiting for the uprising to fail (the Soviets could have helped but chose not to. Stalin would not allow it). No one stopped me, no Nazi, no Communist – no one stopped me as I went off to the side to say Kaddish for the fighters that died. (That is what they were fighting for).
So, the Nazis ordered that the entire city be destroyed. Not just a few buildings or areas – a complete destruction of the city. There was about 10% of the city left after they got through doing their thing. The Warsaw of today is completely rebuilt from the rubble up. Yes, even on top of the rubble they built new structures. So much of that was built had the architecture of good Communism – very utilitarian. The Jewish Ghetto – gone. There was one building that I found, as others have as well, the Synogogue near the hotel. It was sort of hidden on a small street so the Nazis and later the Commies didn’t destroy it. I went in to see the sanctuary and it was a small version of the Synogogue I became Bar Mitzvah in. Very Arshkenazic. Being Orthodox, it had a balcony much like my old shul had for the women. Now there aren’t too many Jews left in Warsaw, Hitler took care of that situation, but many who are there are quite old.  So, to accommodate the women, they set up a partition down stairs so there will continue to be separation at services.
From paintings, later discovered, were used as the blueprint for the old city of Warsaw and the old city was recreated. It looks just as it was, where it was before the WWII. Can you imagine building part a city and recreate it just as it was some hundreds of years before? Not just a small scale version – a 1:1 scale version. That was no easy task and no joke, it took skill and hard work and the dedication of the people to make it happen.
As you stroll down Royal Way from the old city you become enthralled with the notion that you are looking at a city that is less than 60 years old yet has the old world charm. It is a modern, old world city. It is amazing.
In the center of the city is Stalin’s gift to the people. The Palace of Fine Arts. As it was explained to me, the “wedding cake,” as the citizens of Warsaw call it has a wonderful view from the 30th floor. I went up there to see the view and it was magnificent. The citizens of Warsaw also say that the best thing about the building is that you can’t see that “damn building” from there.
There is more about Poland that I want to share. Krakow is an amazing city with the best hot chocolate you could ever ask for anywhere. It is quite beautiful, even in the snow. The Jewish area is easy to find and quite nice. I visited three Synogogues while I was there and a Jewish book store. Krakow was spared the ravishes of war. But just 75 minutes from Krakow is Auschwitz-Bierkenow. Another blog for another time, when I can write about what I saw.
Since the borders of Poland have been so compromised over the years – Poland even disappeared from the world map for two generations, I may be a Pole. Lithuania and The Ukraine were at times, part of Poland. My maternal family is from Lithuania and my paternal family was from the Ukraine. My paternal grandfather, whose name I carry, was a Russian Army Captain who migrated to the United States to avoid killing Poles. (Way to go, Grandpa!)
To sum it up, the Polish people deserve the respect that they have earned through their blood and sacrifice. Through their wonderful outlook on life and their desire and their ability to bring back what was best about Poland. This is no joke. This is amazing!
Just before I left the hotel for Prague, I checked. I was in room 264 and the room next to me was room 266!
That is my take! I have decided, no more Polish jokes. Now you decide!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Here is some comments that I have to make regarding this week:

1. Rand Paul - aside from his weird accent, what comes out of his mouth is very strange. For example, he wants to know if the drones are being used to attack Americans in the US. What is the basis for this question? Has anyone heard of this happening any where? It is  like the red herring question - Are you still beating your wife? Paul is beating a dead horse and worse he is getting air time for his comments. After his bloviating with Secretary Clinton, he is not quaified to be president, not now - not ever.

2. CNN proposes some very interesting and stupid questions. Today we were asked that is it appropriate for drones to receive combat medals? If they do, I want my rifle to get a Purple Heart becasue I dropped it in training and broke the stock. Idiots!!! They have a six pack on in the morning, and the one person that is definately not funny is the comedian. He has got to get his head straight - I mean straight up and down - it is always leaning to the left - Oh, I get it!

3. Ana Navarro - that is a complete makeover. I don't agree with most of what she says, but she is getting better to look at in the morning. Yes, that is sexist, but if she didn't want
that observation, then she shouldn't change her hair-do every day!

4. John McCain needs to be careful - he has had surgery or some procedure on his face. I don't want him to aggravate that area by trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth.

5. The SEAL that pop-popped UBL is receiving five years of health care. I am sure he was aware that you must put in 20 years to get the rest of the benefits, so why did he jump out at 16? He is still a hero but not too savvy when it comes to living his life. Maybe a graduated retirement is a good thing but let's get in in place before making the decision to leave it all behind.

6. One more thought ont the SEAL. Since we have an all volunteer military, what ever your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is you probably chose it. And if you weren't qualified for that MOS then you got another MOS. The SEAL was obviously qualified and he chose to do what he did. No question - he did it well.

7. Senator Rubio - Not ready for prime time! But great for Saturday Night Live! It is especially interesting when he was rebutting a speech that the President did not give. Was he not listening? What else is new? Next GOP ticket: Rubio and Jindal!

8. Dorner situation - every cop, anyone that wears a badge in Southern California, should get a medal.

Those are my observations - you decide!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


“No pilots shot down over enemy territory .” That is a good headline – but never seen! “Senior fighters from terrorist groups have been killed.” Also, a good headline. And that is one that we have seen. So, why are we handwringing over the use of drones? I think it is because there is a president that has the courage to use weapons at his disposal and the legislature wants in on it and some that only want to criticize.
The due process of law is not followed, according to some law makers , regarding the use of drones that may kill combatant enemy terrorists who happen to have been born in this country. I cannot remember a time when confronted with an enemy who has a rifle and it is loaded and pointed at you on the battlefield, where the US soldier stopped and said, “Show me your passport and said, you have the right to remain silent. . . . “ That is due process of law as ridiculous as it is. That is the argument, we are killing terrorist that kill innocents, and yes, even American citizens, but we must follow the due process of law. Is the difference here we can’t see the passport from 30,000 feet?
This is a war machine being used in a war risking less lives, on both sides, than if we had a F16 fighter in the air. The drones limit collateral damage, there are much fewer mistaken targets, the strikes are more surgical and more effective. Yes, unfortunately, innocents are getting hurt and killed. It is the innocents that are allowing the terrorist to operate in their territory. It the government of those innocents that creates the atmosphere in which the terrorist operates. So, who takes the responsibility for that?
The War Powers Act supplies enough authority to use weapons that will reduce the enemy, maximize their casualties and reduce our casualties. That is moral to me. If the previous president was in power you would hear a very different tune. Actually, we did! We had a cowboy mentality and everything that was done was done with the attitude, if you are not with us then you are against US! How would he have used this power if he had more drones in his arsenal? I am afraid to think about it.
In every report I have read or heard, it is stated that the President has taken every precaution and legal means to employ these drones. The argument is “what about the next president?” That is an unknown and I think that reflects on the actions of the previous president (and vice president).
I am quite happy to hear – or not hear – about pilots that have not been shot down or crashed their planes. That is one casualty statistic that is quite good. In a war there are casualties that are not relished. That is war and it sucks. But does it suck as bad as a 500 pound bomb doing in a whole neighborhood?
My feeling at this point is Bin Laden is dead. Now “Mission Accomplished.” Time for us to go home and let the people run their own country. If the area becomes a safe haven for terrorists, bring in the drones again. Will the drones eliminate the need for combat pilots, I think not. But you can have more drones on an aircraft carrier than planes. You can bring more firepower and effective fire power with a fleet of drones than a squadron of airplanes. What about the intelligence that the drone brings home – in most cases – in real time?
Let’s look at how many of the critics are running for re-election. Yeh, they are trying to say to their constituency they are for oversight, they stood up to the president and yes, I am for more dead pilots! These guys have so much crap coming out of their mouths, I don’t see how they can continue to speak out of both sides.
I have to ask, why is it immoral? What makes the drone an immoral tool of war? The pilot is quite a distance away from the target, but there is still someone at the controls. Because the person at the controls is not in jeopardy of losing their life it is not a fair fight? It is OK by me! Was it immoral to start using bullets instead of arrows?
Why does the Judicial Branch of government have to be involved with the Executive Branch when carrying out military missions? Then the Legislative Branch wants to have oversight.  This then becomes a cluster @#$#! There has to be rules of engagement. We have the Geneva Convention – however that did not stop the Bush-Cheney torture and rendition program. Where was the outrage and the oversight then?
The drone is a relatively new tool of war and we need to figure out the best way to use it within the rules of war. It is a moral tool – there is no doubt about that. The machine gun fires more bullets than a rifle – where was the outrage when we started using machine guns. The Gatling Gun was used against the American Indian – where was the outrage then? (But he AR15 is OK  in the hands of anyone – is that moral? i.e. Ted Nugent)
My point is that the drone is useful tool of war and it needs to be used within the rules of war. The immorality is when the drone is used beyond those rules. I haven’t seen or heard any evidence of that.

That is my take – you decide!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I just returned from the Super Bowl held in New Orleans. That trip was amazing, but the ride to and from Huston is another blog for another time! The Super Bowl is not just a game, it is an experience. I don’t care how much you love or hate sports or football specifically, this is an event not to be missed.
I stayed at the Raven’s designated headquarters hotel. As I walked into the hotel I saw a sea of purple. No reds, no whites – just purple. The Ravens shirts were adorned with the traditional beads that you acquire in New Orleans. There were buttons, there were pins, there were names on the shirts that did not identify the wearer but the sports hero they were here to see. These people that were Ravens fans came from all over the world. But mostly from Baltimore. The adrenaline rush lasted from Friday to Monday – the whole time I was there. The Forty Niners were just up the street at their headquarter hotel and walking past the hotel  I could feel  the energy that was just as palpable there. Once on the street there was a major blending of red and purple and laughter. There were people in red laughing with the people in purple. I saw a couple hand in hand but wearing Niners and Ravens shirts. It was explained to me that the woman was from Baltimore and the husband gradated UC Berkley. An intrafamily rivalry. Much like the Harbaughs! As you walk Super Bowl Boulevard along the river and the streets of the French Quarter you saw fans in all shapes and sizes, you saw fans of all ages and color, you saw a common bond between them all, they loved their team and the sport. And they all loved being there!

Walking is a great way to get around in New Orleans. Get your “one for the road” drink in a plastic cup and you are on your way to see some fascinating bars, art shops, antique stores and people! You can eat as you go or stop at an eatery and enjoy the flavors of Cajun food – some of it quite exotic. Alligator tastes like chicken, I have been told – so why not just eat chicken? If your legs are tired and it is late you can get a ride in a police car with lights flashing right to your hotel, as I did, after the game. Hey, there were no trolley cars in sight! However, I do not recommend this approach to travel.

As you walk down Bourbon Street you will see things that you never dreamed of seeing on the street. I saw two such things – large things - on the same person. One was painted with a Niner emblem and the other was a Raven emblem. (Photo on rquest).
New Orleans is a city that is truly alive! What the NFL did to adorn the city is no less than amazing. You got an adrenaline rush just being there. In the hotel bar I met so many people. I met doctors – crazy surgeons and an ER doc that was just as nuts. I met a retailer with strange first name – she was there without ticket – after all the game is just the anticlimax of the weekend. So many players walked through the bar and restaurant. There was an uproar each time one was spotted. Being a Niner fan (really a Patriot fan) I had no idea who they were.
There was the Fan Fest at the convention center. Also, amazing. You can try running, throwing  and kicking. That is when you find out how hard those things that pros make look easy is. At the north end of the convention center is the NFL Shop. You will be parted with your hard earned money very quickly. You will buy shirts with names on them that you have no idea who they are – unless it is Kaepernick.
The press and TV crews were everywhere. You could not hide from the cameras. Talking heads were setting up locations to report from the scene even though the scene was over. Monday morning was very busy reporting what had happened and that stuff was reported all over the world earlier. Now that is when a power outage may have been a good idea.
Then there was the Tailgate Party in a multilevel parking garage converted just for this party. Free drinks and free food everywhere. Gospel singers, jazz bands, clowns and people getting dressed for the Mardi Gras. That was a mad house but a great time was had by all.
Fortified by drink we entered the arena to see two different rock bands. I must say I enjoyed them both. Great entertainment and an amazing festival of light and sound. Oh, I almost forgot, the game!
We had great seats in the end zone but low enough to see the whole field clearly. Field goals and points after were going right at me. I sw the 108 yard return  - every single yard. But it was the pregame that was also fascinating. Players on the field warming up. Quarterbacks throwing all over the place and way down field. WOW! But the real WOW was Jennifer Hudson with the kids from the Sandy Hook school. That brought tears to 140 thousand eyes. The stadium was faklempt. When the anthem was sung it was not so good. I wanted Beyonce back. Then we got her back for the Half Time Show. In the stadium most of us watched as the people did at home – on the televisions that were around the stadium.
The game was over – it was kind of late as the power went out for 35 minutes till someone went and paid the bill. There were two distinct games. The first half which was abysmal  and the second half which was so much better – but not quite good enough. The game was over, Super Bowl, again in another year. So much to look forward to. I understand that the location is New Jersey and New York. In February???? Are they nuts????
That was my experience – you decide if it was worth the time and the costs.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have written almost 60 blogs for almost three years. I get personal  e-mails mostly from people that I know. I appreciate their comments including the note I received that was telling me I was junking up his in-box. All that digital junk, where oh where can he store it? I have a suggestion.
 I have been read in more than 40 countries and that is amazing to me because I write only in English. Some of the countries that I am read in are very surprising to me. I am read in China, Poland, Romania, Chile, South Korea and the Philippines to name a few. I am also read in Egypt and the Ukraine.
It is flattering to see all those counties where I am read. I am also sure that when they read what I write and say either he is crazy or if this is accurate, then the whole culture is nuts. When visiting these countries I get that – why are Americans so stupid about these things like healthcare, gun control, the way we elect people to office. Actually we as Americans get kudos for our electoral processes, but necessarily the candidates.
They see the political divides and they also wonder about American’s  sanity – as I have done in this blog more than once.  There is some other stuff they enjoy reading about but don't experience in their home country. When I wrote about telephone numbers conjuring up memories, that idea or concept had to be alien to them. Or my musings about the start of the Base Ball season, that too, was not understood around the world,  but it was appreciated as I am sure other cultures and regions have their harbingers of spring or winter if you are in hockey country ( is Miami hockey country?)
With that in mind I always wonder what my readers  are thinking. I am sure that I have irritated some of my readers while others are saying “Right on.” Did I provoke any thoughts? If so, what were they? Were they positive or negative?  How do others see the things that concern me and that I write about? What is their take, what did they decide? I want to know. You can tell me, I can take it!
I see so many multiple hits from the web, Facebook and other social media sites that I know that I am striking nerve. The responses that I get are mostly, well actually, most all are in agreement. That’s great but this is forum to express your ideas, too – what are they?
I can’t be right all of the time – but I try.  Let me know what you are thinking. I am curious to hear your ideas – as right or wrong as they may be (according to me).
I never make any of my statements personal. I may reference someone I know but I never mention their name. I don’t believe in personal attacks. They accomplish nothing except prove that you don’t know what you are talking about. Facts, please – even opinions based on real facts are welcome.
Here is an open invitation to send your comments to I may or may not reference your e-mails and I may use some of your ideas on future blogs. Let’s hear from you!
That is my invitation – you decide to use it or not!