Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have written almost 60 blogs for almost three years. I get personal  e-mails mostly from people that I know. I appreciate their comments including the note I received that was telling me I was junking up his in-box. All that digital junk, where oh where can he store it? I have a suggestion.
 I have been read in more than 40 countries and that is amazing to me because I write only in English. Some of the countries that I am read in are very surprising to me. I am read in China, Poland, Romania, Chile, South Korea and the Philippines to name a few. I am also read in Egypt and the Ukraine.
It is flattering to see all those counties where I am read. I am also sure that when they read what I write and say either he is crazy or if this is accurate, then the whole culture is nuts. When visiting these countries I get that – why are Americans so stupid about these things like healthcare, gun control, the way we elect people to office. Actually we as Americans get kudos for our electoral processes, but necessarily the candidates.
They see the political divides and they also wonder about American’s  sanity – as I have done in this blog more than once.  There is some other stuff they enjoy reading about but don't experience in their home country. When I wrote about telephone numbers conjuring up memories, that idea or concept had to be alien to them. Or my musings about the start of the Base Ball season, that too, was not understood around the world,  but it was appreciated as I am sure other cultures and regions have their harbingers of spring or winter if you are in hockey country ( is Miami hockey country?)
With that in mind I always wonder what my readers  are thinking. I am sure that I have irritated some of my readers while others are saying “Right on.” Did I provoke any thoughts? If so, what were they? Were they positive or negative?  How do others see the things that concern me and that I write about? What is their take, what did they decide? I want to know. You can tell me, I can take it!
I see so many multiple hits from the web, Facebook and other social media sites that I know that I am striking nerve. The responses that I get are mostly, well actually, most all are in agreement. That’s great but this is forum to express your ideas, too – what are they?
I can’t be right all of the time – but I try.  Let me know what you are thinking. I am curious to hear your ideas – as right or wrong as they may be (according to me).
I never make any of my statements personal. I may reference someone I know but I never mention their name. I don’t believe in personal attacks. They accomplish nothing except prove that you don’t know what you are talking about. Facts, please – even opinions based on real facts are welcome.
Here is an open invitation to send your comments to I may or may not reference your e-mails and I may use some of your ideas on future blogs. Let’s hear from you!
That is my invitation – you decide to use it or not!

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