Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have written almost 60 blogs for almost three years. I get personal  e-mails mostly from people that I know. I appreciate their comments including the note I received that was telling me I was junking up his in-box. All that digital junk, where oh where can he store it? I have a suggestion.
 I have been read in more than 40 countries and that is amazing to me because I write only in English. Some of the countries that I am read in are very surprising to me. I am read in China, Poland, Romania, Chile, South Korea and the Philippines to name a few. I am also read in Egypt and the Ukraine.
It is flattering to see all those counties where I am read. I am also sure that when they read what I write and say either he is crazy or if this is accurate, then the whole culture is nuts. When visiting these countries I get that – why are Americans so stupid about these things like healthcare, gun control, the way we elect people to office. Actually we as Americans get kudos for our electoral processes, but necessarily the candidates.
They see the political divides and they also wonder about American’s  sanity – as I have done in this blog more than once.  There is some other stuff they enjoy reading about but don't experience in their home country. When I wrote about telephone numbers conjuring up memories, that idea or concept had to be alien to them. Or my musings about the start of the Base Ball season, that too, was not understood around the world,  but it was appreciated as I am sure other cultures and regions have their harbingers of spring or winter if you are in hockey country ( is Miami hockey country?)
With that in mind I always wonder what my readers  are thinking. I am sure that I have irritated some of my readers while others are saying “Right on.” Did I provoke any thoughts? If so, what were they? Were they positive or negative?  How do others see the things that concern me and that I write about? What is their take, what did they decide? I want to know. You can tell me, I can take it!
I see so many multiple hits from the web, Facebook and other social media sites that I know that I am striking nerve. The responses that I get are mostly, well actually, most all are in agreement. That’s great but this is forum to express your ideas, too – what are they?
I can’t be right all of the time – but I try.  Let me know what you are thinking. I am curious to hear your ideas – as right or wrong as they may be (according to me).
I never make any of my statements personal. I may reference someone I know but I never mention their name. I don’t believe in personal attacks. They accomplish nothing except prove that you don’t know what you are talking about. Facts, please – even opinions based on real facts are welcome.
Here is an open invitation to send your comments to I may or may not reference your e-mails and I may use some of your ideas on future blogs. Let’s hear from you!
That is my invitation – you decide to use it or not!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Not all NRA members are nuts! Just the ones that want to expand gun ownership, eliminate background checks – increase the ownership of automatic weapons as well as large capacity clips and magazines. These are the nuts! They are dangerous. Many of these people may be law abiding citizens, but they are still nuts.
When Wayne Lapierre was touting arming teachers, the vision of Miss Campbell, my fifth grade teacher so many years ago, pulling a concealed weapon almost made me gag. Miss Campbell was a great teacher, that is why I remember her to this day. Miss Campbell was also well above the 250 pound mark. I can’t imagine where she would stow that glock to where she could get to it and use if she had to. I shiver thinking about it. Then there is the vision of my eighth grade History teacher, Miss Burke, about 5 foot nine and about 115 pounds. The same thoughts came to me. Frightening.
I know many teachers but I don’t know one that would carry a loaded weapon around children. That is the most ludicrous idea that the NRA ever came up with. More guns will solve the problem. – Sure it will! Like having more disease will cure disease.  I am befuddled by their latest attack ad. The narrator must have taken lots of Pepto because the idea was nauseating. Because the president’s children have secret service with armed guards our kids should have the same.  Gee, the president has armed guards at his house; I suppose that says that armed guards at our houses will be in order.
Yes, the NRA ranks swelled after the massacre in Connecticut. Yet, the majority of Americans do not agree with their thinking. In my seven decades on this earth I have heard that the government is preparing to come for our guns. Just let the government come for mine – oh, I don’t have a gun. That argument is lost on me.
Well, what if they do come? David Koresh didn’t do so well defending his ground. He had plenty of guns. I guess the government has more guns and even better guns than those that profess to defend their homes when the government comes for the guns. But who is the government? It is actually us. We The People! So, defend yourself from yourself!
The second amendment can be interpreted in so many ways. Yet, we must remember that when that was written our founders never heard of a clip or magazine. They could never envision a weapon that could kill several people in matter of seconds. They had muskets! Flintlocks! The founders never heard of automatics or semi-automatics – they had muskets! They never even heard of bullets – they had balls, something our current Congress also never heard of.
My point is, how many kids, adults, good people have to eat a bullet because some nut had access to a gun? Drives by shootings have killed so many innocent people who just happen to be in the way when a hail of bullets came raining down on them. One comedian I had heard had a great idea. Give all the people guns – the NRA would love that.  But charge $5000 a bullet. Now that makes sense to me.
Actually the need for defensive weapons that are designed to kill is also crazy. These are not sporting goods. They are killing machines. Hunting rifles for sport or even hand guns for defense are OK if you get them registered and learn how to use them and maintain them.
There is a balance and the NRA wants it all tipped in their favor. I cannot fathom their thinking. I cannot really imagine in any sense how they think guns will solve killing. The whole notion of more guns is absurd. And the absurdity is there are good people who are wrong thinking on this matter. Imagine how fast that will change when someone puts a bullet in one of their kids or family members. It keeps on happening and we are doing nothing about it. Why, because of the NRA? Why, because we really believe that the government is coming for our guns? Why, because we really believe that a criminal will be in our homes robbing us? Just think of the reasons you have to own a gun and you will come to realize the absurdity of those thoughts.
I am tired of needless murders. I am tired of innocents being slaughtered because someone had the tools to do it and thought it would be fun or they are making statement. I am sick of how easy it is to obtain these weapons, and who can get them and where they can get them.  I can’t imagine the horror that Sandy Hook parents went through – even the parents of the kids that survived had to experience the horror of not knowing . The answer is not let’s all get a gun; the answer is let’s all get some smarts.
That is my take – you decide.

Friday, January 11, 2013


It was nothing like I imagined it to be.
I just returned from a weeklong trip to Bangkok, Thailand. It was in many ways, what I was told it would be and it didn't disapppoint..What a place, what a city, what a country, what a great people!!! There are several things I noted about the people, the city, the country side and other observations. 

The people all seem happy. Hard to believe they go to work every day, whether they are driving a tuk-tuk, sweeping sidewalks, making beds in a hotel – no matter what they do they seem to do it with a smile. They say hello on the street (those were the “working girls” and yes, they all had smiles), they open the door when you walk into a restaurant; the transit cop will attempt to help you master the Sky Train and give you some tips. They are all glad to help. Ask a question and they will get you an answer from someone that speaks your language. The people just make being there fun and very comfortable.  

Before I left, someone had admonished me not to go there. Not safe I was told, wouldn’t go there if I were you. Well, he was not me so I went. I am not sure what are he was talking about, but Thailand did not fit that description. I walked down dark streets, walked around late at night coming back from Asiatique and had no fear or qualms. Every Sky Train platform had at least two police officers, security was everywhere. I never felt safer in any city in the world that I have visited than I did in Bangkok.. I am thinking that the person was thinking of another city in another country. Now that I am thinking about it, that person has been consistently wrong about everything since I met him about a couple of years ago. He is definitely wrong about Bangkok and for sure, Thailand. 

There is no question that the lack of some of the safety procedures would never fly in the US. Getting on a river boat is an adventure – there are no gangplanks to walk down, just jump on. The same was true about the bamboo river raft. You have to jump from one raft to the other. No one presented you with a waiver of liability form – heck, I don’t think they know what liability is. Climbing up to the waterfall near the River Kwai there are no ropes to hold on to. No one fell, no one complained – everyone loved the experience. At the Floating Market there were no health department A-B or C signs. You saw the lady cook the food on her river boat, she handed it to you and you ate it. Some of the foods I would not even consider eating, not because of the “kitchen” but because I had no idea what the food was. Those that were eating it seemed to be enjoying it. Where we have so much regulation and legal protections they have almost none and they seem to be happy with their lives. 

Yes, the country is emerging from third world status. I expected to see so much poverty and filth. I saw some, but far less than I ever expected. I toured up to 150 miles from Bangkok. The elephant trail was littered with very large road apples – the size of large watermelons. They just shoveled them into a ditch. The city streets are clean – old but clean. The ditches on the trails, that is another story. Good for the jungle they said! 

There are lessons to be learned. Skukhumvit Road was like a series of Times Squares – everyone having great time. People enjoying themselves, lights everywhere, smiles all around. No violence, no dangers, just the optimistic look at the next year and the hope that it brings.The population is young and vibrant. Their energy is everywhere and you feel it. 

The lights are amazing –  they are everywhere. The visuals are overwhelming and create a sense of wellbeing. The huge jumbotrons are a source of street entertainment that provides information, music, advertising and just pure fun! 

 Oh yes, the motorcycle taxis were thriving. Just jump on and the motorcycle driver will take you where you want to go for just a few Baht. The girls in short skirts ride side saddle. To get around you have the Tuk-tuk, the Meter-Taxi, the Sky Train and the motorcycle taxi, too. Just to give you an idea of what things cost, the distance to the airport is about 27 KM about 18 milesThe cab fare was about $7.50 and that included the drop of 35 Baht. That ride would be about $50 in the US. 

Some of the odors on the street were difficult to weather. But you walked fast held your breath for a few seconds - no problem Air pollution is a problem but not a big problem. There is nothing that you can’t buy on the street for a negotiated price. I mean nothing (except illegal narcotics)! 

I am often, very often asked about the women of Thailand. They are quite beautiful, they dress stylishly and have far less boundaries than western women. You can walk down the street and get a traditional Thai massage, a less traditional massage (don’t ask) a foot massage that is quite intense or you can visit a bar. Learn the bar fee! There are parts of town that are amazing. Because I have gray hair I was often called “Pappa.” “Papa, you want to buy? Pappa you want to eat?” Strange, I was not called “Pappa” in Nana Plaza. (Another story for another time). 

Here is what I did not see: Graffiti and speed limit signs, What I did see was a happy people. What I didn't see I will whenI  go back and I am going back!

That was my take – go there and you decide.