Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Here we are critiquing the president of the United States because he doesn’t want to kill any more kids. He got us out of Afghanistan and Iraq and he is about to negotiate a treaty with a rogue nation that can prevent nuclear war.

Some just said I am naive and stupid for saying this. OK, we sent more than 250,000 men and women into combat in Iraq and what did we get for that? A couple of inept governments and a very cowardly military. We bought a pot full of military equipment which made some Americans very wealthy and some bad people quite powerful  - namely ISIS.

We went to Iraq to get rid of the WMDs so what did we do we equipped an army that is a WMD. Now we are being urged to fight them with American assets. I say “NO.”

ISIS is their fight not ours. ISIS is their problem not ours. If you listen to Lindsey Graham, John McCain and the other right wing morons, they want to send troops, send American treasure, American equipment to save the yellow government of Iraq, the cruel government of Syria, the ambivalent government of Turkey, the fledgling governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
This is their fight. Why won’t they fight it? Why should they when Halliburton and other military contractor will get the United States to do it for them. Are we crazy?

My biggest concern is that this president will cave to appear “strong.” His strength comes from holding steady in his assessment of the situations and the lessons of the past 12 years.  Give Graham and AK47 and give McCain an AK47 and let them stand their ground.

ISIS has not attacked the US in any form. Could they? Yes, will they, I don’t know but until I see planes from the ISIS Air force, or battle ships from the ISIS Navy crossing our shores I am not willing to send Americans to fight other people’s wars.

Here is why this is a loser for the United States. Iran is an enemy but they are fighting ISIS so are they really an ally? We are trying to oust the Syrian regime but they are fighting ISIS. So are they also an enemy as well as an ally?

This is a puzzle that cannot be completed on the dining room table. We would be better served if we let that puzzle stay in the box. Let’s play scrabble and see if the Middle East can figure this out for themselves.

What about all that oil? Since the US has become the largest oil producing country in the world, it appears we need their oil only to export it to other nations. Before we invaded Iraq we were told that the oil we get from Iraq would pay for the war. More than several trillion dollars and counting and not one dime from oil to offset that cost. We are about to replay this song if the right wing has anything to say about the play list.

What about Israel? I don’t see ISIS banging on Jerusalem’s door. We have been hearing abo0uit the one year till atomic bomb in Iran - for the past twelve years. If they create one who are they going to drop It on? Israel? Before you could count to three Iran would be reduced to rubble. Understand that nuclear weapons are defensive not offensive.

What if ISIS gets a bomb? They would have to form a diplomatic government to negotiate with other atomic powers.

Yes, the Islamic extremist movement is ferocious and cunning and deadly without regard for anyone but themselves. The ISIS fighters are taught that they must only love Mohammed. They must shed any love for family and especially mothers.

It would take their air force to send bombers to the U.S. and other European countries. Here is the rub, they don’t have an air force. Their enemies are our enemies and also some of our friends. I say let them duke it out among themselves. That could eliminate Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and all the other terrorist groups. Let them spend their treasure on their fight – we just watch and give our support where it makes sense. I am not sure where that would be because none of this makes sense.

Here is my solution – a simplistic one – the US supplies no weaponry to the warring countries and factions unless they pay retail for every bullet, rifle, etc. Same for medical supplies, whoever has the money or an ILC to back up a PO, we ship to them.  We do the same for food. The U.S. takes no sides in this regional war. Those who want to put boots on the ground put middle eastern feet in those boots and sell them to the fighters on- line at retail. (No return policy). Whoever is left standing is our ally. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer – this policy will do that. The American war profiteers will profit without one American kid getting killed.

I know the next question is “what about Israel?” Israel will survive because they have used this policy for years. We just don’t hear about their business dealings. The Israelis know more about the psyche of the Middle East than anyone else in the western world. The Israelis also have the best technology and weaponry in the Middle East. After all the RPGs and IED have been used Israel may be the last guy standing.

That is my take – you decide.

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