Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I have been officially single now for more than three years. In that time I have frequented so many happy hours that I have been saddened by the experiences I have had. So, no more Happy Hours. I now have lost some weight as a result. No more Happy Hour menus for me. No sliders and no more mixed drinks.  I must say that I am giving up the best show in town watching others get the same experiences I have had. There is very slick and not so slick.  There is shy guy who won’t look up and then there is the bon vivant who lets you know immediately who he is by dropping his car keys on the bar with a glang. (Look he is driving a Yugo, (”It is a classic, man”).

I will not disparage the ladies because that comes soon enough. You see, the bar scene sucks. It sucks big time. Then there are the Meet-Ups. Some are OK, but many have their cliques and newcomers are somewhat kept at arm’s length.  The guys come in and hug and kiss the women they know from previous weeks and still have not connected but they act as if they are. Posturing is everything and many have it down pat.

Once you have decided that these scenes are not for you, although a friendly drink in a familiar place is OK and good for you once in a while, you gotta break the habit or it will break you. So, what do you do?

YOU GO ONLINE. There are so many single sites you might think that the entire world population is single or is pretending to be single. There are sites where you can be married – Ashley Madison, for example. That did not work out for many who got exposed. There are dating sites that require you to be of a certain faith. Sites such as Christian Singles. There are sites that require or suggest that cow manure can be an aphrodisiac. You have seen the Farmers Only web site?

Then there are the Asian sites, Philippino sites the Russian sites, Hispanic sites, the Jewish sites, the almost Jewish sites and the what do you want to do this weekend sites. It is almost like, as a former wife said, shooting fish in a barrel.

Speaking of fish, there is a site called Plenty of Fish. And there are plenty of fish. You put in your search criteria and then you see who is in the “barrel.” It is a Fulton Fish Market of women.  I was excited when I first logged on. There are some beautiful women on there. They all want to have that walk on the beach, a quiet dinner, a glass of wine, etc. But there are so many problems with the  content, the women, I can’t understand why.

For example: Why not tell you exact age? You will have to at some point. Once it is determined that you lied about your age you are seen as a liar. Not a good start for a relationship. Yes, you may be more attractive to him if you were five years younger. You are now sitting across a table and having a great conversation. That conversation is creating a mutual interest and trust until the lie is exposed.  What else is she lying about? By the way, this not just women. But I am looking at this from my perspective so I am talking about women.

She says she has an athletic body. That is good news but sumo wrestling is an athletic endeavor. The descriptions have to be better defined. Like how tall they are. Tall women make themselves shorter and shorter women and men make themselves taller. OK, I get that. Now one shows up with a tape measure. It least for not measuring height.

Then there is the “profile.” It is a one page or so marketing tool to attract a response. Here is where the fun is. Then there is the photos.  In looking at the photos, (I suggest having professional photos taken). Selfies taken in the bathroom are not cool. Selfies are not cool. Some women post 15 to 20 photos because they want you to see their dogs, their cats, the kids, their grandchildren, their motorcycle and on and on.

  1. I am not going to date your dog or your cat no matter how cute they are.
  2. I am not interested in your kids or grandchildren no matter how cute they are and mine are always cuter.
  3. If you cavalier enough to ride a motorcycle, well, that may get my attention.
  4. Make sure your photos are from this century. Anything older than 15 years is last century.
  5. You went to a Halloween Party but how do we know that is a costume?
  6. You travel but you can’t resist posting photos of the beach, the town. I have been to more places than you. I don’t need to see your pictures. If I am looking at them, I am not looking at you.

OK, that is my “How To” blog for now. I will be logging on to see if you were listening.

Just one more thing, if a guy writes to you, reply. It is just polite. You can say “no thanks.” But a reply is the considerate thing to do. I was told that if a lady does not reply in 48 hours, move on, there are plenty of fish.

That is my take – you decide.


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