Saturday, October 29, 2016


This is the 99th blog that I am publishing. That number astonishes me as a while ago I wrote a blog entitled “CTOS” which stood for I Can’t Think of Shit. Since this is the 99th offering, I guess there is no Imodium for the brain.

Yesterday, a friend with whom I often, regularly do not agree with, especially when it comes to politics, said to me that he doesn’t read my blog because it is too political. True, I express my thoughts very succinctly and with some basis for why I do think that way. It is OK to disagree with me. In fact at the end of each bog I say “That I My Take You decide.”

One thing comes to mind is that if you don’t agree find out why. I just saw Michael Moore’s “In Trumpland.” That film is a great expression and illustration of divergent views. (Even Trump loved it – not for the content, because his name was in the title). So many times in my life people who knew more than me about an issue convinced me to look at an issue in another way – or re-enforced my reasoning.

I started writing this blog to vent, to get stuff off of my chest.  The fact that this is number 99 blows my mind as I didn’t think I had that much stuff on my chest. So, I tried to categorize my blogs to what I really write about. I put them in three categories although there could be more. I simplified the categories into three areas:

  1. Political
  2. Personal
  3. Travel

In the past 16 years we have had two presidents. One of no ability and one of amazing intellect and a great communicator.  There was and is so much fodder to write about how could I not write about the political scene. Frankly, the election that we are involved in now is ripe for writing. However, of the 99 blogs, only 27% were political.

Daily events generate some much news that it is hard to decide what is worth writing about. Today’s issue evaporates as another open mike recording presents itself. Or an e-mail that has you reading between the lines. So, what is good content? I am at a point now that I cannot listen to the pundits. Kelleyanne is the ultimate blond joke. Mayor Gulliani is the ultimate Italian joke. Are there idiots on the left, sure but they are kept quiet. Ok, so now I have written about them!

However, more fulfilling is the Personal Category. That is 53% of the bogs that I wrote. In the Personal category I could have broken the blogs down even more to Religion, Memories, Family, etc. All of that is included in that Personal blogs.

I wrote one blog of how telephone numbers from the past generate wonderful memories. I actually remembered the numbers and that  too, blows my mind. One of the most read blogs was, “Hi I Am Peggy.”

That was fun to write. I had occasion to talk to “Peggy” yesterday. No, the issue wasn’t resolved he told me to talk to another “Peggy.”

I got nostalgic one February as I pondered the upcoming baseball season and why I always feel good about that. As that was coming to fruition, I wrote about the Pitchers and Catchers starting their Spring Training as that is when it actually kicks in.

I even wrote about the time I felt I had nothing to write about. I used to have friend that told that I like to talk. He was half right. I like to listen, too. I get feed back from around the world. I have been read in more than 30 countries – some are surprising. My second largest audience is in Russia. I guess there is an ego factor at work here.

Within the Personal Category I discuss religion. I have come to conclude that Religion is wonderful for many reasons, but G-d (I am still careful, just in case) I am not so sure of. Some of the traditions within my religion are going away and that disturbs me – so I wrote about it. I vented and pissed some people off. It was on my mind and still is but I have come to realize that my generation did similar things of which my parent’s generation was disturbed by. A woman on the bema – Nooooo. But Dad, that is your daughter-in-law up there! “She looks good up there,” he replied. End of controversy.

I wrote about seeing a psychic. I was very doubtful but indirectly it saved my life. It was very moving, strange and weird at the same time. I am keeping an open (slightly) mind. It was another experience that I had that I wanted to share, so I did.

I wrote about returning home to my old neighborhood. The street, the schools, the Synogogue the people there now.

The last Category is Travel. Travel amounts to about 20% of my writing. That could also be lumped into Personal  but I have been lucky enough to travel to so many countries all over the world. Egypt and Israel in the Middle East.  More than 20 countries in Europe, India, China and several other far eastern countries. Thailand is one that I really like and enjoy going to so I have spent some time typing about Thailand.

I even rode the train over the Bridge at the River Kwai. The movie does not do that event of building the bridge justice. It was gruesome.

After spending time in Eastern Europe I wrote a blog about that experience – especially about the  Concentration Camps. No matter how it is presented now, Eastern Europe is a living memorial to the Holocaust.

The bottom line of this blog is to explain that in my writing  that I am trying to share my opinions, my experiences and my emotions. My opinions are mine – if you share them, fine, if not let me know why not. My emotions are also mine. This blog lets me deal with them. My travel experiences are made even more wonderful sharing them and reliving them as I write.

Those are my reasons – you decide

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