Thursday, February 15, 2018


After an abundance of mass shootings our country” s “leadership”  are still offering THOUGHTS and PRAYERS. The turtle , also known as the leader of the senate, reiterated that this is no time to politicize the issue. THEN WHEN? We have had enough killing just this year alone to create  a political climate that could eliminate assault weapons and bump stocks. Start NOW!
Be a politician and get some political movement with some spine to make this problem go away. Be a righteous person and get your legislation in gear. Be a religious politician and get the bill going after Schleiisem, after the wake, after Shivah, after you get off the pot. Get a spine and balls, get it done.
But no. It is a mental health problem so Trumps reduces our programs that cover mental health. Look at the president’s budget. Our “leadership” does the opposite of what they say needs to be done. That makes them gold star with the NRA. Is it now being pushed in the Senate that a concealed weapon permit is good in every state? The same idiots in the Congress that offer their thoughts and prayers are pushing this through.
The orange rube in the white house never mentioned guns in his offering of consolation to the victims. We know he needs mental health treatments and he isn’t getting it either – because he is a stable genius. Hey genius, figure this out. Eighteen mass shootings this year alone and we are just six weeks into the year. Along with Trump University, Trump Vodka and Trump ties, sell Trump bullets. Let that enterprise fail as so many other Trump enterprises have failed (including this presidency). It is not funny.
The argument that good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns is BS. At the Boston bombing, there were hundreds of good guys with guns – we call them police. The same in Las Vegas, the same each time. Give more people guns,  give more people the ability to take lives, more lives will be taken, some of the good guys with guns will go down, too.
“A well regulated Militia” means police, National Guard, Army, Marines  - not some uneducated white supremacists, even the ones, the president supposes,  are “good people.” Who is kidding who? Guns are a big business and the guns manufacturers do not want to lessen their distribution. So, hence the GUN LOBBY.”
The kids in Newtowm and Parkland, the people in Las Vegas and victims in the other mass shootings are giving their lives so the Gun Lobby may live. It is sickening. I am also sick of the those that defend it.
The time is NOW. FDR condemned the Japanese on December 8th.  No one suggested that we cool off an then talk about the attack. The time is NOW.  The events of yesterday will fade as Newtown did, as Las Vegas did and nothing will get done, as the idiots in Congress and in the White House wants. The time is NOW.
We have eight months or so the get rid of the weasels. The cowards that want only to be re-elected have to go..  Think of a gun as way to have a late term abortion. Maybe that way the lovers of their “second amendment,”  the amendment that ignores the militia part, will be motivated to do something.
Again, the time is NOW. Today! Start NOW.
But we need leadership – something that this country sorely lacks. Our executive branch is in disarray. They are all, almost all are facing prison. Our legislative branch is cowering under their desks because of the hate mongers that don’t want immigration reform or less guns.
They got to get elected again and again because the perks of office are too good to pass up. No, they don’t and we do not have to elect them and we should not.
My thoughts and prayers are with the citizens of the United States – we really need them – especially the prayers.
That is my take – you decide -- PLEASE

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