Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Tass, the wholly owned Russian News Agency is being replicated in the United States by The Sinclair Broadcast Group.  Just as our president is a wholly owned entity by Putin, Sinclair outlets have to repeat their "must air" reports along with the same wording use by the wholly owned Russian entity, Donald J. Trump.

Soon, with our government’s blessing, the Sinclair Group will own about 70% of the news outlets in the United States. This will be our version of Tass. Our Sinclair friendly government is complicit in Sinclair’s efforts.

Yes, their TV stations are required to read “must air” reports that Sinclair sends to them. Now that is true FAKE NEWS. Our “genius” president thinks they are terrific doing tremendous reporting. He now has a second source for intelligence briefings. Fox and Sinclair. The caravans coming from Central America to overrun the US was first reported by Fax News and only reported by Faux News.

How stupid do we have to be to keep dealing with this stupidity? All of the Fox News people should wear a T-shirt saying  ”I’m with stupid.” They have to air that shirt any time they talk about Trump. In fact, all of his “base” should wear that shirt along with the hat that says, “Make America White Again.”

For many years, decades actually, we had laws preventing one company or organization from monopolizing the media, printed or broadcast. We had these laws for a reason. Just look at Russia, Nazi Germany. China – Trumps idols.

When I studied Mass Communications we learned about the FCC rulings and why they were in place.  It was comforting to know that we could go to Channels, 4 (WBZ), 5 (WHDH) or 7 (WNAC) and get three different sources of the facts.  Now we have cable news, so we have traditional news outlets, religious news outlets and government news outlets (FOX and Sinclair).

If you are a Trumper you like the deportations, the browning of America has been curtailed as our government gets rid of brown and  beige Americans. You are an American If you are from North America (even Canada and Mexico) you are American.  If you hail from South America or Central America, you are American. “Americans for America.” A great idea. I am all for it. Explain that to the orange man.

The Trump base, on the other hand, doesn’t want brown Americans here, working or contributing to our society in any way. According to Trump some are good people – just some. Some have families, some work hard, some pay their bills on time, some are religious, some are actually American patriots – his “some” covers almost all of the people  -  like all Americans only 1% or less of us are not good people and some of them, I guess, even voted for Trump.

As I was writing this article, I got an email to sign the petition to stop Sinclair in their effort to create an Orwellian news organization. I signed, put it on my Facebook page so others can sign, too.

Our rights and our way of life are being challenged like never before. Trump idolizes Putin, Mouselini and Hitler along with the dictators in China, in Brazil, in Venezuela and the Philippines. Look out here he comes, Jack Boots and all. He wants a parade to show his strength. The parade according to him, will be largest show of force ever in the world, his will be the best Army, Navy, Airforce. He will have the “bigger dick.” His first step to dictatorship.

These are scary times. He just fired the VA Secretary because he did not want to privatize the agency. He is doing a good job so Trump can’t say it is a “dizaztah” and sell the idea that private companies can do a better job. That is part of his argument about the USPS. When actually the postal department, in spite of the rules on retirement funding, is doing OK and actually profiting from Amazon.  Just a note: Jeff Bezos never filed bankruptcy as did Trump, several times.

The failing Trump presidency is really a mess. They lie like they no other group and when they do it makes me sick – so I have stomach problems daily. The only dizaztah I see is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

If that Sinclair merger goes through, where will we get our news? John Oliver is just a half hour weekly. CNN is also a slave to ratings so they tread lightly on the truth. MSNBC appears to be more in touch, but still cable news.

The kids at the Easter Egg hunt are still trying to figure out what he said. So, is the rest of the population.


That is my take – you decide (soon, I hope)



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