Friday, April 20, 2018


Was the orange man looking in the mirror when he said those words? More than 2500 documented lies from Trump – but someone else who is not a fabricator is the “liar.” From someone who shared Israeli intelligence with Russian diplomats is not the leaker.

A man who has a record of not paying his bills calls out someone that fulfils his obligations in serving his country as weak and unreliable. A man who was so cowardly that he made sure he was deferred five times has no right to call out and criticize anyone. But he does. According to him, he would have gone into the high school to confront the shooter. That is so laughable it is beyond my comprehension.

Yet, there is about 30% of the population that loves this idiot, and that too is beyond my comprehension. My original theory was that those that support him, in addition to white supremacists, are people that want a major brown out. (That is, if you are brown – get out). I know many of these people and I am so disappointed with them.

The man has no moral compass, or maybe one that just points south. Where does he get off calling good people names?  It is the mirror. He sees himself and knows what he is and then says I will call others based on what I am – not a good person. Not a person of value. He is actually a school yard bully – real scum.

I am anxiously awaiting the video from Moscow. Even if we see him in his birthday suit, he will claim it is not him just like to voice on the NBC tape is not him, according to the lying blowhard.  This guy won’t see truth if it hit him the eyes.

He is also dangerous. He is dangerous to our democracy.  He wants to jail reporters for reporting the news.  Seems like Egypt, Russia just poisons them.  He has no consistency and blames everyone else for the mess he creates.  It come down to this, he talks we listen and then discount everything he says.

If his lips are moving and if his shoulder moves, he is lying. There is no doubt about it, he is lying. Or, he is exaggerating.  Did you hear how he saved the Olympics? How?  He didn’t go as president or an athlete.  His second banana did go and blew a major opportunity to some diplomatic good.

According to some foreign diplomats he is a one man Saturday Night live sketch. He has them all laughing to the point of peeing in their pants. The hookers just peed on him.

We have lost the trust from the rest of the world. World leaders do not believe him. Prime Minister Abe came to the US for the food, his facial expressions told you how he was responding to Orange Man. Mira Lago serves great, tremendous food. So, why not go?

“Mission Accomplished.”  President Bush tried that slogan and it diminished him. Having one airstrike is not winning the war, not even close. Next we will hear how he was in the Situation Room defining targets. His ego is his downfall or will be his major downfall. When he said he didn’t know about the $130,000 he threw his lawyer, not under the bus but in front of it.

There is no doubt in my mind that he will be remembered as a world class liar, world class ego maniac, world class betrayer of people and worst president that this country ever had. In that category he will be number one.

Another alarming thing is he love for “his generals.” He is undermining the Justice Department, the State Department  and others so that he can dissolve his administration and replace the cabinet secretaries with “his Generals.’ Marshal Law is on its way, if it is up to Trump. U.S. Troops on the border is a start. Watch these words,  I am so hopeful that I am wrong.

Bottom line is we created a big monster from a smaller monster. Now we have to find a way to destroy the monster we created. Maybe Mueller will chop him down to size. Maybe he will be wearing prison grays soon but not soon enough. The damage is ongoing and I see no let up from his destructive ways.

November seems so far away. If the government  changes and we get legislators that put country before party we have a chance.  So, let’s be hopeful that November brings about change, that  Mueller gets his man and we, Americans, can get back to our way of life.

That is my take – you decide.

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