Wednesday, March 7, 2012


When the GOP candidates say that the Obama presidency is a failed presidency, I immediately know that it is not. When I hear these guys rail that the economy is bad, then I know that it is not. When they say that Detroit was rebuilt on tax payer money they are right but GM did not become number one with tax dollars, it was consumer money that propelled the company to number one in the world.

It really amazes me that these guys  think we are stupid. They think that we can’t see what is in front of us, they believe that just what they tell us is reality. Two and a half million more kids have healthcare with this “failed” program. For the first time in 50 years, healthcare spending was down – 4% - now that is what I call failure?!

They tell us that our foreign policy is a failure. Ask Ben-Laden and the rest of Al-Qaeda. We only got most of them – failure. Quaddafi is laughing at our failures – from the grave.  North Korea is asking for food from us, Iran is being squeezed so tight they want to talk (am not sure form which side of their mouth they will be speaking). Students in Russia are speaking out and while there appears to be no real peace talks in the Middle East, Palestinians and Israelis are cooperating in everything from high technology to strawberries. Now that is what I call a failure of leadership! If this is all failure what do they suggest is success?

Romney will repeal the healthcare program – go fend for yourself America, he says. He will roll back student loan programs – go fend for yourself young Americans. Santorum will tell women how to live according to Rick. Paul says, screw it  - dump it all. I am confident that none of that is going to happen so I am feeling more confident about things. We have the best candidates that the public could have – guys that will self-destruct.  We have candidates that are clueless.  The business man Romney knows how to make a buck firing people. He claims not to care about the poorest of our society so he will create even more poor. He knows how to run a business. That serves him well but does he recognize the difference – a government is not in it to make a profit. A government is there for the common welfare of its people.

The commonwealth is based on getting healthcare, maintaining a defense from enemies, protection from crime. Wall Street types of crimes or just plain robberies and murder (I am not sure that there is a difference here). Let’s face it, the biggest bank heist in the history of man took place in 2008 and the Willie Suttons of American banking are still vacationing at the Hamptons and not at Rikers. If we want more of the same, send the former CEO of Bain Capital to our capitol. That is when we will see real failure.

Further, the commonwealth should also be protected against bad meat, dangerous drugs, hazardous roadways, unsafe air traffic control and more. To show you how insensitive these people are, the latest Romney endorser said that people who have suffered as a result of a natural catastrophe should not have lived there. Too bad, the federal government, government of the people, by the people, has no business helping them out. That is their attitude – they invite failure.

With people like that in power, why do I feel better about things? Because other people are recognizing that these people should be put out of power.  They are doing it to each other – eating away at each other every day. Four years ago Santorum endorsed Romney. Today he just goes after him every day with another charge. The only difference I see between Santorum and Romney is that Santorum wears his magic vest outside for his shirt and Romney wears his under his shirt. They both are pro-America but both are anti-Americans.

Then there is Rush. Whenever anyone was critical of Rush they had to apologize, genuflex and pick an area on his abundant posterior to kiss. The biggest of the big had to kneel before the Oxycontin kid. One young lady just brought him down. Way down. As of this writing 28 sponsors said Adios, baby.  Even some stations have dropped him!

These right wingers have no hand grip to hold on to with which to attack the president. So they say he failed. At what? Oh yes, gas prices! His oil refineries are not producing enough gas. The problem here is doesn’t own any refineries. The problem here is we are still suffering the results of the Dick Cheney energy policy that he and the energy companies had secretly constructed. They say you can’t still blame the Bush administration, that was 11 years ago. Then why do the southern politicians still blame Lincoln for reducing their available, cheap work force?  The current right wingers are still blaming Roosevelt for “entitlements.” These are “entitlements” that we, as citizens pay for!

I guess that failure means that creating more than two million private sector jobs is a failure. I, for one, am tired of hearing how we are in the midst of doom and gloom. Everything is bad and getting worse. It aint’. Romney keeps getting richer every day! Gingrich has Addelson and he gets richer every day, too. He gets his money from people with discretionary income. According to Romney, Santorum and Gingrich people are too poor to have any discretionary income. Things are bad and getting worse, haven’t you heard?

Here’s the point. If Romney says the president failed, then you know that the president is doing well. If the right wing says things are bad, then you know things are getting better. Whatever they say, then the opposite is true. Yes, there are some people hurting, but who is hurting them? Ask Olympia Snow! Yep, the more they say doom, I say boom.

Another failure – increasing natural gas and oil drilling by 400% in three years.  We drilled, baby and we are still drilling. By reducing our dependence on Arab oil from 60% of our consumption to 40% we have failed to keep our middle eastern friends happy.  General Motors failed to overtake gasoline as the biggest export commodity – that’s  a failure, even if GM is number one in the world! Here’s a real big failure – refined gasoline is the number one export of the United States.

Aren’t you asking the question why are the oil companies exporting gas rather than creating better costs for the citizens of the US? It would take a law to do that and you know what happens to laws in the congress that favors the people – they fail. When we don’t insist on them we all fail! As citizens we are waking up to these realities – that is why I am feeling better about things!

That is my take, you decide.

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