Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Women who vote for right wingers such as Santorum and others who want to control how a woman cares for her body or for life, do not deserve this – they know not what they do.

These are the same right wingers that have railed against Sharia Law in their states or communities even though no one  has proposed Sharia law – except maybe them. These right wingers that want women to submit to a sonogram and wait a day before getting an abortion. These are the right wingers that say if there is a heartbeat no abortion even if the term is well under the first trimester. These are the same right wingers that want to abolish Planned Parenthood. These are the right wingers that want to and have killed doctors that care for women.  So, ladies, if that is what you want, then vote for the Santorums, the Kyls, Canters and Romneys and others of like minds. They will be sure to accommodate what they think is your need for less freedom and more control.
These people see women as property of man and man controls the state so the state can create laws that regulate women’s activities with regard to their own bodies. These are the right wingers that are now following the Sharia Law (Muwatta’ Malik 28.22.52).
Women are inferior according to Sharia Law. The right wing of the United States also believes that or they would allow a woman to make her own decisions with regard to her life, health and body. According to Sharia Law two women have the same intelligence as one man. ( I do recall something like that in our own constitution regarding black men – and that was changed). According to Sharia Law women have deficient minds.  According to the right wing women have no right to make up their own minds. Is that not the same?
The right wing of the United State is not apologetic and neither are the women or men who endorse that attitude.
The only way to revolt is to vote them, those anti-woman people, out of office. Who are these people that need to be voted out of office: Diane Black ( R –Tennessee), Kelly Ayotte (R- New Hampshire), Jean Schmidt (R- -Ohio), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen  (R- Florida), Sue Myrick (R – North Carolina). Candice Miller (R- Michigan), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington), Cynthia Lummis (R- Wyoming), Virginia Foxx ( R-North Carolina), Mary Fallin (R-Oklahoma), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) and of course the wing nut of wing nuts, Michele Bachmann (R- Minnesota). I have a hard time believing that this list is so long!
I suggest that you research these ladies  and read what they want to impose on their fellow women. It will scare you or it should. Why didn’t the ERA become a law. Because women like these, that belong to the Tea Party or just right wingers tend to vote against their own best self interest. As a father of two daughters and three granddaughters, the last thing that I want is for these women and their male counterparts to tell my children how to live. That is Sharia Law – the law that these people are so afraid of – except When it suits them.

That is my take, you decide!

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